The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 317 318 Taught! 4 more

Chapter 317 318 Taught! 4 more

More than a dozen big men, like stone sculptures, froze in place, and their attacks also stopped in mid-air, and did not fall completely.

Immediately afterwards, these big men all knelt on the ground with their legs, unable to stand up.

blood is flowing.

Through the trousers, the white bone piercing the fabric could be seen.

Broken leg.

In an instant, more than a dozen people had their legs broken, and the sound of pain came from the mouths of more than a dozen people in the next second.

And Ding Ning stood among these kneeling big men, looking so eye-catching.

A dozen or so people with peak martial arts strength lost their fighting power in this flash of lightning. At this time, when the people in Northern Russia looked at Ding Ning again, their expressions became complicated.

Ding Ning looked at Pulie slowly, and said lightly, "Let him go."

"Go together."

Pule shouted loudly, this time, all the people around him shot, there were more than thirty people in total.

These people have their own means, and they didn't hold back any of them. They all showed their housekeeping skills. No one dared to be careless when facing an existence like Ding Ning who could eliminate more than a dozen people in an instant.

All kinds of weapons mixed with various attacks, swept Ding Ning all at once.

Coupled with the people from Northern Russia, the tall physical fitness looks like a torrent from a distance.

Katsuo couldn't help swallowing his saliva, can Ding Ning really stop it?

And the next scene is something that Katsuo will never forget.

Facing the overwhelming attack, Ding Ning stretched out one arm and danced in the air, slowly and fast.

At this moment, she saw that there seemed to be countless hands on Ding Ning's body, like Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands, following his movements, one after another silhouettes flew out.

More than 30 people were swept away in just a few breaths.

After finishing all this, Ding Ning didn't even take a breath, and tidied up his clothes a little, still looking calm and breezy.

Strong is no longer enough to describe Ding Ning, at least in Katsuo's heart.

In her opinion, Ding Ning's strength is like a god and demon. So many Northern Russian masters are so vulnerable in front of Ding Ning.

It's not that she doesn't know the strength of these people, and it's because she knows that that she is even more shocked.

Now she doubts whether Ding Ning is a god or a human being. How could he be so strong at such an age.

The wailing sound was several times higher than before, and the people standing around Pu Lie were all beaten down by Ding Ning.

There was no one around him.

Pule was expressionless. He didn't show anger because the people around him were beaten to the ground by Ding Ning. His mood was very calm. Just like Ding Ning, both of them were like two calm pools of water.

"No wonder he was able to get here unimpeded all the way. It turned out to be a martial saint."

"The Inhuman Group finally has someone who is worthy of my shot."

A smile suddenly appeared on Pule's face, and then his clothes began to tear, and the muscles on his body began to squirm, and there was a creaking sound.

In an instant, all the clothes on Pulie's body were bursting, and his body suddenly became much larger. He was already tall, but now he became even braver and burlier.

The thick muscles are exposed to the air and beat with the blue veins, which can be seen with the naked eye, and must be full of great explosive power.

This kind of big man, just looking at it, gives people a kind of terrible oppression.

The members of the Inhuman Group all backed away under the pressure of Pule's breath.

This is the aura exuded by the physical body alone, and it is also Pule's strongest state. He will only show this side when he meets someone worthy of his shot.

Ding Ning looked at Pule's body with great interest, especially the scary-looking muscles, which were very eye-catching.

He really didn't expect that there were people on earth who could forge such a physical body.

In fact, foreign masters, their cultivation methods are quite different from those of Huaxia.

Huaxia's martial arts practitioners cultivate vitality and strength, gather energy in the dantian, raise it in the dantian, and use this to improve step by step, transcending the ordinary and becoming holy.

However, the cultivation methods of foreign people are relatively simple. They don't know such things as vitality and strength. Most of them strengthen themselves by strengthening their physical bodies to make themselves stronger.

Use various strengthening methods to temper your body and create a superhuman physique.

This is the road that Pule took, through the development of his physical body, he achieved strength. Moreover, he has not been short on this road. With the strength of his physical body alone, he can rival the level of a martial saint.

"What a terrible breath!"

"His body is sanctified, he is a warrior!"

The members of the Alien Group were startled. It is very difficult for foreign powerhouses to possess the power of the Martial Saint level. After all, there are too few people who can train their bodies and enter the Martial Saint level. Even if there are, they are very rare. The presence.

Unexpectedly, such a person appeared in Northern Russia.

Pule twisted his neck and made a sound like an iron chain. It can be seen how terrifying his body is. It can be said that his current body is a pair of copper skin and iron bones, which is invulnerable to knives and guns.

This is also the capital that Pule can sit here and lead all other masters.

Because, he himself is a strong man.

"For a long time, I have wanted to fight against your Huaxia martial saints. I want to know whether your martial saints are the stronger, or I am stronger than me who grew up with a physical body. Today, my wish can finally come true. "Pule said slowly.

"There are thousands of roads, and they will all lead to the same goal in the end." Pule can cultivate his body to this level, not to mention the standpoints of the two, but this kind of perseverance is still quite impressive. Ding Ning understands this kind of solo How difficult it is for a warrior of one path.

"Different routes lead to the same goal?" Pule pondered for a moment, Ding Ning suddenly smiled and said, "All roads lead to Rome, so that's how it is."

"However, I still want to use you to verify my path. I hope you don't hold back, because once I attack with all my strength, it is very likely that I will kill you instantly."

"If I attack with all my strength, you will die." Ding Ning said.

"My body is invincible, you can't kill me."

Pule was already confident to the bone.

"Okay, I hope you won't regret it." Ding Ning said lightly, then hooked his fingers towards him, and said lightly: "Let's do it."


When Pule moved, it turned into a thunderclap.

Immediately, there was no sound from heaven and earth.


"Why can't my attack penetrate your body?"

"Because my physical body is stronger than yours, and my strength is stronger than yours."

"But you don't have strong muscles on your body, can you tell me why?"

"True power is hidden in every corner of the body, including flesh and blood, bone marrow, and even your hair and nails, not in the muscles on the surface. The place, so you are destined not to be my opponent."

"It turns out that I was taught."

With a bang, Pule was killed.

(Ka Wen, Ka Wen, I'm not in the mood, I'm writing slowly... Tomorrow I really have to rest, it's Wednesday!)
(End of this chapter)

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