The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 334 335 Alone! 2 more

Chapter 334 335 Alone! 2 more

Hearing Ding Ning's decision, all the people present were stunned.

Heading to Gumont?

This is actively breaking the rules. Besides, once they really step into the territory of Gumeng, all of them are not weak, but at that time, they will face the attack of the entire Gumeng martial arts practitioners. No kidding.

If one fails, they will be left in Gumeng completely, and it will be difficult to go back alive.

Even if you, Ding Ning, are the team leader and have great strength, you can't play like this, it's too dangerous.

Everyone present said that this was too risky.

Even Su Zi felt it was wrong.

The reason why Ding Ning decided to do this is also due to his considerations. First of all, he has no time to spend here, and he has to go to other borders to deal with restless foreign powerhouses.

Secondly, only by doing so, can the Gumeng martial practitioners be truly shocked and let them know how powerful the Inhuman Group is, just like the North Russia that he walked away once before, that is quite safe and secure.

The same method, used in Gumeng, must also be applicable.

"Team leader, this decision is too crazy. We can just sit and wait for Gu Meng to provoke them. At that time, it is reasonable for us to take action." Iron Fist said.

"It's too slow." Ding Ning said.

All the members of the Alien Group were puzzled. They didn't know why Ding Ning was in a hurry. Only Su Zi vaguely guessed Ding Ning's real thoughts, but she still didn't agree to take such a big risk.

"Going to Gumeng, I only need me alone, you don't need to go with me." Ding Ning knew everyone's concerns, and he didn't plan to bring the members of the Inhuman Group.

"Team leader, are you kidding, you entered Gumeng by yourself?"

"I'm very serious, so let's leave it at that, there's no need to say any more." Ding Ning made up his mind, turned and left without giving others a chance to persuade.

The people who stayed behind looked at each other in blank dismay.

The next day, when the members of the Inhuman Group unanimously decided not to allow Ding Ning to take risks alone and were about to follow, they suddenly discovered that Ding Ning had already left.

"People in our Inhuman Group are not afraid of death. If you walk faster, you may be able to catch up with the group leader."

Su Zi led the crowd, quickly crossed the ancient Mongolian border, and chased deep.


A group of horses galloped on the grassland at a very fast speed, and sitting on the horses were figures with impressive auras.

Among them, there is Barra.

The black horse under Bala ran in front, and there were several other black horses running side by side.

At this time, Bala's face was no longer pale, but had returned to rosy, and there was still a smile on his face, and he was in a good mood.

"This time, I must let that guy pay back ten times. You must be in that alien group. If you run away, I will have prepared such a big battle for nothing."

Bala thought to himself, in order to deal with Ding Ning, he specially joined forces with several masters to attack together.

In order to unite these masters, he paid a lot of money, and even sent several extraordinary cultivation methods. Of course, the most important thing among them is that the military master contributed the most. If the military master did not help, he would promise to block him It is difficult for one person to recruit so many masters at the same time. You must know that among these guys, several of them are much stronger than him.

And, this time, different than ever, what they're going to do is crazy.

The members of the Inhuman Group stationed on the border of Mongolia and Mongolia were wiped out, leaving no one behind.

Licking his lips, he seemed to be able to see that Ding Ning died under their siege, and the members of the Inhuman Group also knelt on the ground, and after speaking out the method of cultivation, they all ended up with one knife.

Thinking of this, the smile on Bala's face became even wider.

"With so many masters and military advisors, we will definitely succeed." Bala was very confident, and couldn't help speeding up the speed of getting off the horse.

The grassland area of ​​the ancient Mongolian country is huge. As the distance to the border gets closer and closer, several big men who were united by Bala and borrowed their strength all have blinking eyes, and they will arrive soon.

Just when the horses were about to cross a high slope, all of a sudden, the horses stopped.

This stop surprised everyone and almost fell off the horse.

what happened?
The horses stood still, refusing to take another step.

"No, what's in front?" A big man showed a serious expression. He felt that it was unusual for all the horses to stop, but it was extraordinary to be able to stop so many horses at the same time.

As a horse-riding tribe, how could the ancient Mongolians not understand the habits of horses, and they would only make such a move if they had a premonition of danger.

Everyone stared ahead and waited for a while. At this moment, a figure slowly appeared, standing on the high slope, and looking at everyone.


Is he the one who makes all the horses feel threatened?

A big man got off his horse and was about to explore the way of the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, but Bala suddenly said, "Slow down."

The big man turned his head.

Barra explained: "He is the strong man I mentioned before, don't be careless."

"Bala, was this the one who injured you?" The big man laughed, not caring at all.

After all, in his opinion, Bara's strength is mediocre, and if he can defeat Bara, he may not be his opponent, because he can also easily defeat Bara.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. We'll deal with him first, and then we'll deal with the members of the Inhuman Group." After the big man finished speaking, he went straight to the figure.

Bala didn't stop him any more, and there was a sneer on his face. He couldn't feel the big man's contempt for him, but it didn't matter. Since the big man took the initiative to step forward, let him go.

He believed that Ding Ning was not such an easy opponent to deal with.

Otherwise, why would he need to invite so many masters over.

"Don't blame me if you suffer a loss." Bala secretly said.

Within 2 minutes, the big man walked up to the figure, and said indifferently: "Boy, if you stand in the way, you will die. Are you here to seek death?"

Looking at that thin body and Ding Ning who didn't have a trace of a martial artist, the big man felt that such a person could handle Bala, but Bala was really weak, and the more he practiced, the more he went back.

"You are the one who is looking for death." Ding Ning said indifferently, he wanted to frighten the martial practitioners in ancient Mongolia, but he didn't expect these guys to send them to his door.

He saw Bala on the flattery in the distance. That guy's recovery ability is quite strong, and he was alive and well in one night. It seems that he still didn't have enough strength to make a move yesterday.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning moved forward slowly, ignoring the big man, and prepared to walk towards Bala and the others.

When the big man saw that Ding Ning didn't care about him, he immediately became angry, grabbed Ding Ning, and wanted to lift Ding Ning up, but his hand didn't touch Ding Ning at all, but Ding Ning's hand flashed past his eyes.


The big man flew out with a whoosh.

With a light sweep, Ding Ning walked towards the horses not far away without looking at the big man.

(End of this chapter)

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