The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 335 3363 Holy! 3 more

Chapter 335 Three Saints! 336 more

Is it so simple?
The big man was swept away by Ding Ning casually, and he was sent flying, making everyone who saw this scene change their expressions.

The strength of the big man is not to say the top among the crowd, but he is not the weakest. He is still very strong and has strength close to the level of a martial arts saint. But even so, he was blown away by Ding Ning at will.

No one dared to underestimate Ding Ning anymore, even Bala couldn't help shaking when he saw this scene, remembering the experience of being hanged and beaten by Ding Ning yesterday.

Ding Ning walked slowly, and none of the riders moved.

Instead, the horses beneath them brayed.

"Are they scared?"

The abnormality of the horse made the atmosphere in the air thicker by three points.

In the end, it was Bala who spoke and reminded everyone: "Everyone, the biggest goal of our trip is to solve this person. There are so many of us, so we shouldn't be intimidated by him alone."

This sentence was intended to remind, but it also stimulated several ancient Mongolian martial arts practitioners.

Yes, they have a big advantage in numbers. Looking at Ding Ning, he is the only one. Why should he be afraid of a guy who is alone.


Swish swish.

Everyone jumped off their horses, and Ding Ning appeared on his own initiative. If Ding Ning was not dealt with, how could they move on.

Apart from Bala, five masters agreed to come.

These five people are all well-known masters in the ancient Mongolian martial arts world, and three or two of them are martial saints. It can be said that they are the big men in the ancient Mongolian martial arts world. Pull the confidence.

With the two martial saints present, he has nothing to be afraid of.

No matter how strong Ding Ning is, he is also in the realm of martial saints, and he has three martial saints here, and if he dispatches one, it is enough to sweep the alien group, let alone three together.

He didn't believe that Ding Ning could turn the tables and get out of his hand alive.

"I can't feel a trace of breath, but I can restrain my breath from my whole body. It seems that this person must be a martial saint."

"There is such a young Martial Saint in Huaxia, it's really lucky."

"Since this is the case, it should be removed early, so as not to become a serious problem for us in the future."

The three Martial Saint-level existences each spoke, while the rest of them did not move, just listening quietly.

Bala walked up to the three of them, bowed, and said, "Seniors, I will leave this person to you. After he dies, the seniors can rest, and we can handle the rest."

"Stay far away, all of you. Fights in the realm of martial saints involve a wide range of areas. Be careful not to accidentally hurt you."

One of the martial sages reminded the others, so Bala and the others retreated immediately, dragging the frightened horse back.

Only three martial saints were left in place.

Ding Ning stopped two meters away from the three martial sages, and only heard one of them say: "Young man, in fact, you can have a bright future, why come here, to wade through this muddy water."

"Some people are dishonest and need to be fixed," Ding Ning said.

The three Martial Saints frowned, Ding Ning said in a big tone, is this the reason why he came here?Moreover, it is a little too bold to set foot on their ancient Mongolian territory in person, don't they care about the strength of their ancient Mongolian martial arts practitioners at all?
Since Ding Ning can appear here, the three of them can also understand that it must be Ding Ning who has always warned them about the ancient Mongolian martial arts practitioners.

"A little guy with no hair, don't think that with a little talent and rapid improvement in strength, you can underestimate the world's masters. This time, when you ran in front of us, it was you who took the initiative to seek death."

"Just because you three are old, weak, sick and disabled, you want to kill me?" Ding Ning retorted.

"Young man, your mouth will cause death. When I seal your mouth so that you can't speak, you will be much quieter."

The first Martial Saint who was irritated shot immediately.

Ding Ning snorted: "The three of you go up together."

"court death!"


The remaining two Martial Saints also became angry one after another. For a moment, the three directly formed a triangle offensive, locked Ding Ning, and launched a killer move.

Fighting at the level of a martial sage, compared to fighting at the level of a samurai or general, the only difference is that there are no fancy attacks, and every move and style is directly aimed at killing people.

It can be said that there is not a single useless move.

The momentum of a martial sage's attack is like a huge wave, rolling in momentum, and the three martial sages attack at the same time, the scene is bound to be even more grand.

This kind of battle is rare, let alone Bara and other ancient Mongolian martial artists present, even in China, it is very rare for many people of this level to fight against one.

The three martial sages, with the momentum of a dragon, all aimed at Ding Ning. It can be said that Ding Ning became the center of the storm and resisted the siege of the three strong men at the same time.

A series of blurred shadows appeared on the grassland.

The four of them fought, making it impossible to see clearly.

Those who watched the battle could only feel that the fight was intense and very dangerous.

"Warrior Saint Agula, Martial Saint Muren, Martial Saint Chaolu, the three major martial saints attack at the same time, this person will be defeated soon."

"Inevitable, these are the three masters of our Gumeng. If they attack at the same time, no one can resist it."

"However, this person has been able to fight for so long, and his strength is not bad, but I feel that he will be killed by the three martial saints immediately."

A group of ancient Mongolian martial arts practitioners who retreated began to discuss in low voices. Some of them were Bala's subordinates, some were the disciples and servants of the three martial saints, and some were ordinary martial arts practitioners.

Bala stared at the battlefield, and through the remaining prestige of the fight, he could feel the intensity of the fight. A smile appeared on Bala's face: "I want to see how long you can hold on. I prepared the three warriors for you. Yes, I want to see you with my own eyes, being torn apart by the Three Saints."

The cloaked man on the side said lightly: "Once this person dies, the remaining Inhumans will have nothing to fear. Soon, this border will become the gate for you to enter China."

Hearing this, Bala couldn't help but get excited, can he finally enter the land of Huaxia?
Defeat quickly.

Don't stop me from stepping into Huaxia.

Bala cursed Ding Ning to be defeated here sooner, so that they could move on and wipe out the members of the Inhumans.

At that time, the border will be unimpeded, and there will be no more obstacles.

Even when the Inhuman Group reacted, it was already too late, they had already entered the territory of China.

He was praying and expecting in his heart, when suddenly, a scream rang out, and Bara was overjoyed to hear it.

has it ended?

As a result, just as this thought arose, another scream came.

There were three screams in a row.

After that, there was no sound of fighting, and suddenly, it became quiet.


Everyone is aware that this fight at the martial saint level is over, what is the result?Ding Ning yelled three times, it must be very miserable.

This is probably what everyone thinks.

However, when the people present saw that the blurred figure was actually Ding Ning, and the three martial saints were all kneeling on the ground, everyone was stunned by this scene.

(The fourth one is at night)
(End of this chapter)

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