The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 381 Seal of 382! 2 more

Chapter 381 Seal of 382! 2 more

No matter who this Shuten-douji was, Ding Ning didn't care, Dongye disappeared after running up here, and this person appeared here, naturally to stop him.

I'm afraid this person may not be the person behind Dongye.

Forget it, let's kill it first.

When he arrived in Dongying, Ding Ning really didn't have any kindness in his heart. These Dongying people always like to do things in China, and there are shadows of them even on the borders of Dongying. Now, when he comes to the border of Dongying, if he Ding Ning It would be a waste of time to get rid of these Japanese powerhouses who always love to do things.

As long as all the strong men in Japan are eliminated by him, they will be completely at peace.


Ding Ning dodges directly and comes directly in front of Jiuten-douji. Jiuten-douji doesn't seem to be surprised by this, there is no expression on his face, he just opened his mouth, and immediately a huge smell of alcohol filled the air.

Immediately afterwards, Shuten-douji snapped his fingers.

Immediately, the alcohol gas burst into flames, as if gas had been ignited, flames ignited around Ding Ning's body.

Ding Ning was unmoved, the corners of his mouth raised, how could such flames burn his fleshy body, he grabbed Shuten-douji's neck with one hand, and directly grabbed it hard.


Shuten Doji's neck was scratched and exploded, the scene looked very bloody and cruel.


Ding Ning withdrew his palm. It could be said that Shuten-douji was instantly killed by him. Ding Ning glanced around, but he didn't see Dongye. Where did this person go?

And Shuten-douji's head, which had already fallen to the ground, rolled aside.

When Ding Ning was looking around, the eyeballs on his head moved unexpectedly. No, to be more precise, he wasn't dead at all.

Even with his head severed, he is still alive.


The head flew up, just like the flying head drop in the head drop technique. This head, which was twisted off by Ding Ning, suddenly flew over when Ding Ning was distracted, and bit Ding Ning's neck.

Obviously, he also wanted to decapitate Ding Ning and drain Ding Ning's blood.

As if nothing happened, Ding Ning did not remove the severed head immediately, but lowered his head slowly, looking into Shuten-douji's eyes.

Shutendouji smiled when he saw Ding Ning.

He immediately bit down hard, sucking Ding Ning's blood continuously, but as he bit hard, he sucked hard.

After a while, Shuten-douji was dumbfounded, because he couldn't bite or suck it at all.

Ding Ning's neck looked like a thin layer of skin, but it was harder than steel, and he couldn't bite through it at all.

A big hand grabbed it, grabbed Shuten-douji's head, and placed it flat in the air.

"Your vitality is really tenacious." Ding Ning laughed.

Shuten Doji proudly said: "You can't kill me, I am an immortal existence."

"Oh, is that so?" Ding Ning didn't take it seriously, and then suddenly slammed his other hand down on his head.

With a bang, the head shattered.

This time, even his head is gone, how can Shuten-douji play tricks?
Ding Ning stared at Shuten-douji's headless body, and saw the flesh and blood on the ground, crawling towards the body, wriggling continuously, condensing and merging.

Soon, the neck recovered, and the head quickly returned to its previous appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, a face resembling Pan'an and alluring the world appeared in front of Ding Ning again.

Shuten-douji is back!
Shuten-douji stood up again and said with a smile: "I said, you can't kill me, even if you are powerful, I will still be reborn continuously."

Ding Ning frowned. Shuten-douji was really different from the opponent he met before. This guy was a bit like an immortal body. After being blown up, he could still reorganize and come back to life.

This ability is even more terrifying than him, who was reborn from the cultivation world.


Shuten-douji's body is even scarier than his, reaching the level of immortality, it shouldn't be.

There must be something wrong, there is no immortality even in the world of comprehension, how could it exist on earth.

There must be something in Shuten-douji that he overlooked.

It is impossible not to kill him, but to be ignored by him.

Ding Ning once again bombarded Jiuten-douji with the momentum of thunder, and less than a few minutes later, Jiuten-douji was resurrected again, still with the extremely proud expression, saying that Ding Ning could not kill him.

Ding Ning continued to bombard and kill, Shuten-douji continued to be resurrected, just like this, back and forth, repeated seven or eight times, Ding Ning finally figured out the key point.

The reason Shuten-douji was able to do this was because he wasn't really human at all.

He is a demon!
"I see."

There was a slight smile on Ding Ning's face, Shutendouji still taunted: "You can continue to kill me, but I will be resurrected again, how many times can you kill me."

"You won't be able to be resurrected soon." Ding Ning said lightly.

"Oh? Then I really want to see it." Shuten-douji said disdainfully.

"Then I will fulfill you." Ding Ning responded, and then unfolded the picture of the night walk of the ghosts, and made seals with both hands, so that all the ghosts on it would come out and surround Shutun Doji.

"Is this your method? You are too naive to want to use these ghosts to kill me." Shuten Doji disagreed.

But soon, he didn't think so.

"my body!"

"how is this possible!"

"You let go!"

Jiu Tun-douji began to scream, but Ding Ning didn't bother to pay attention, watching the scene in front of him being entangled by the picture of the night walk of the ghosts.

Gradually, the screams began to disappear.

The picture of the night tour of the Hyakki no longer shook so much, and Shuten-douji stopped struggling.

Ding Ning beckoned, and the Night Walking Picture of Hundred Ghosts returned to Ding Ning's hand. He unfolded the scroll, and the former Shuten-doji suddenly appeared on it.

It turned out that Jiu Tun-douji was suppressed by Ding Ning in the picture of the night of the ghosts.

And once it is sealed in it, it will have to work for Ding Ning in the future and become a member of the Hundred Ghosts at Night.

The reason Jiu Tun-douji couldn't be killed was that he was not a human being, but a monster, but it was not the same as a spirit beast. Ding Ning was not too clear about what it was, but this did not hinder him, and he subdued it.

The Night Walking Picture of Hundred Ghosts, besides being a treasure that can control all ghosts, is also a sealed treasure, forming a world of its own.

That's why Ding Ning came up with the idea of ​​sealing Shuten-douji inside.

And Ding Ning is now the master of the Night Walking Map of the Hundred Ghosts, Jiu Tun-douji was sealed in, so naturally he couldn't leave.

His method is very simple, I can't kill you, but I can seal you, restrict your freedom, and ask you to be used by me.

It didn't take much effort to collect the wine-swallowing boy, once he collected the scroll, all the ghosts returned inside.

What about Tono?
Ding Ning continued to walk forward, and in front of him, he could vaguely see a huge crater, Dongye probably hid in it.

Or, the person behind him is in the crater.

Soon, the answer was revealed.

(The third update is at night!)

(End of this chapter)

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