The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 382 383 Demon Dragon! 3 more

Chapter 382 383 Demon Dragon! 3 more

The scorching breath rushed towards him.

Dong Ye was like a child who did something wrong, bowed his head and kept apologizing.


The heat wave formed by the hot air was still coming, making Dongye sweat like rain, but he didn't dare to move. First, he didn't dare to make a mistake, and second, he was ashamed of the teacher.

"Teacher, Nobuko Wufang, and the teacher of Nobuko Wufang that you taught before, all died at the hands of this Chinese martial artist."

"And Hanzo, Yamamoto, even Kogoroji, who you valued the most, died."

"Tu'er wanted to avenge them and kill this person, but this person's strength is really not something that I can deal with. I have already used forbidden weapons. Even so, he survived."

"Teacher, I implore you to take action and kill this person, otherwise he will definitely become your enemy in the future, and will hinder your recovery plan."

Dongye counted Ding Ning's crimes, and in his mouth, Ding Ning had already become a heinous sinner.

"Has such a strong man appeared in Huaxia?" A vicissitudes of voice echoed in the crater.

"This person's name is Ding Ning, but he is in his twenties, and his physical body is surprisingly strong. My apprentice fought with him a thousand times, but he failed to get any advantage in front of him. Even the Night Walking Map of the Hundred Ghosts that you gave me, teacher, was rejected. This person took it away."


Mentioning that the Night Walking Map of Hundred Ghosts was also taken away by Ding Ning, the vicissitudes of life's voice was obviously surprised and angry.

Dong Ye immediately knelt down and said: "Teacher, I am a disciple who is incompetent. If you want to punish you, punish me. I have nothing to say."

"Where is this Ding Ning now? The picture of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts must not be lost!"

"Teacher, he came chasing me. At this time, he should be fighting Shuten-douji." Dongye said.

"Since Shuten-douji is here, you don't have to worry, he won't leave alive." The owner of the vicissitudes of life said.


"It's nothing to worry about. I know Shuten-douji's strength. Even if he can kill Shuten-douji once, he won't be able to kill him thousands of times. Don't worry."

While the vicissitudes of life were speaking, Ding Ning stood at the crater, looked down, and saw Dong Ye's figure, and said calmly, "Shouldn't you continue to escape?"


Higashino looked up at Ding Ning above, and then at his teacher, Shuten-douji couldn't stop Ding Ning at all.

The owner of the vicissitudes of life voice was also silent at this time.

In fact, the slap in the face was too fast, and it just spoke affirmatively, and didn't think there would be any accidents, but Ding Ning just popped up.

"Teacher, he is Ding Ning." Dong Ye came here after crossing Shuten-douji's hurdle for Ding Ning. He was even more afraid of Ding Ning's strength in his heart. Right now, only the teacher can solve Ding Ning.

Ding Ning's expression flickered for a moment, he only saw Dong Ye, and did not see other figures, and in the next second, suddenly, his expression froze, and he saw it.

A huge monster was hovering around the crater. The huge head, because of Zhang's uniqueness, was like a rock, and you couldn't really see it unless you looked carefully.

The most important thing is that this monster hides its aura very well, and Ding Ning has no gap at all.

"The Japanese people I met before, the reason why they hid their breath to avoid my detection, I'm afraid they learned it from this monster."

In an instant, Ding Ning thought of a lot, and many pictures flashed through his mind.

Dong Ye fled here, also wanting to kill him through the hands of this monster.

Behind the emotional Dongye is not a person, but a monster.

"Since you came here personally, today, you will stay here forever. If you dare to destroy my plan and kill those who work for me, I will give you a death sentence!"

The sound of vicissitudes sounded, and immediately the sound of rocks falling into the magma below was heard.

Puff puff……

The magma is bubbling.

At the same time, a huge object began to move, and as it moved, the entire crater trembled.


Dongye's expression brightened, he knew that the teacher was going to kill Ding Ning himself.

With the teacher's action, no matter how strong Ding Ning is, he will surely die.

Because the teacher is invincible.

Back then, when he met his teacher for the first time, he really knew what a super strong person is. Just a sneeze or a breath can kill a master of martial arts level.

It was also at that time that he made up his mind that even if the opponent was not a human, but an extremely powerful monster, he still wanted to learn from him.

Only by apprenticeship can he become stronger.

Sure enough, after apprenticeship, although he wanted to do things for the teacher, he also stood at the pinnacle of the Dongying warrior world, admired by countless people, and he was also the god of war and patron saint in the hearts of countless people. You have to bow your head.

This is the benefit of being strong, and it also makes him determined to follow the teacher.

And now, the teacher will once again demonstrate its divine power.


The vibration of the crater seemed to cause the volcano to erupt.

I only saw the huge creature crawling to the outermost side along the volcanic rock wall, fully displaying its body.


Gecko body!
This is an extremely huge creeper, and it has evolved into a dragon. Although it has only half evolved, it also possesses a part of the dragon's power. It is much stronger than the half dragon, and it is not a creature of the same level at all.

This is the most real dragon-like creature that Ding Ning has seen on Earth.

The huge dragon's head looked down at Ding Ning. Its body was tens of meters long. As it stood up, the sky was covered by it.

Dong Ye was slightly taken aback, this was the first time he saw the teacher's full body exposed, if it wasn't for the part other than the dragon head, and if it didn't have a dragon statue, he would really regard it as a dragon.

"What's wrong with you, Jiu Tun-dou?" Yaolong asked.

"Hehe, are you talking about him?" Hearing this, Ding Ning didn't shy away from it, and unfolded the picture of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts to the part of his seal, on which was the picture of Shuten-douji.

"You actually sealed him into the painting and handed it over." Yaolong said.

Ding Ning smiled: "Do you think I will hand it in?"

"How do you know the driving method of the Hundred Ghosts at Night, who are you? Where are you from?" Yaolong asked one after another.

"You have too many questions." How could Ding Ning answer them all.

"Okay, if you don't tell me, then I will do it myself and check your soul. Then, everything will be known." Ding Ning frowned as the demon dragon said, and murmured: "This demon dragon will also Soul search?"


The demon dragon swam around, approached in an instant, opened its mouth to Ding Ning, and sprayed it.

Whirring whirring……

Suddenly, Mount Fuji turned into a sea of ​​flames.

(End of this chapter)

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