The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 390 391 Wanton kills! 1 more

Chapter 390 391 Wanton kills! 1 more

"The team leader is back, the team leader is back!"

When Ding Ning arrived at the camps of the Alien Group in Yunnan and Guangxi provinces, all the members of the Alien Group had a backbone.


Ding Ning walked towards the center of the crowd. He didn't speak, but went straight to the coffin lined up in the crowd, where the corpse of the old demon was lying.

Standing quietly in front of the old demon's body, the members of the Inhuman Group around them all showed sadness. Although the old demon had just arrived here not long ago, they all got along very well with the members of the Inhuman Group here. Shelf, and even gave pointers to many people.

The corpse of the old demon was very pale, without a trace of blood.

On its neck, there are two blood holes.

Feeds on the blood of strong warriors at the level of martial saints. This guy from northern Europe should be a legendary vampire.


Ding Ning grabbed the hand on the coffin, leaving a deep handprint.

"Where is he?" Ding Ning asked.


Ding Ning left Yunnan and Guangxi provinces, because the vampire expert left a message telling him to go to Xi Province to find him, and he would wait for him there.

Western Province, in China, has a long history. It used to be a battleground for military strategists and produced many famous soldiers.

In a courtyard.

A man wearing a cloak stood in the courtyard, holding a transparent glass in his hand. At this time, the glass was bright red, and it was blood that smelled like blood.

The man shook his head and drank it all. After a while, he clicked his lips and said lightly: "You let me down very much. It's been five years, but you haven't even been able to train a martial saint-level apprentice. What do you say? I still keep you, what's the use."

"You blood-sucking devil, my strong man in China, one day, sooner or later, I will kill you completely."

An old man lying on the ground, his eyes were bloodshot, wishing he could swallow the person in front of him alive.

He watched the blood-sucking devil in front of him kill all his family members, but he was helpless.

Even though he was furious, he couldn't move. The blood veins were cut on both arms, and the blood flowed into the jar, not a single drop wasted.

The corpses of his family members are everywhere, only he is slowly waiting for the blood to dry up to die, even if he is a martial saint, he feels powerless at this moment.

Who would have thought that the famous martial arts family in the western province would end up in such a way that even the strongest would just be their stutters.

"Huaxia is just my garden, and you are just the food I grow in the garden. You Huaxia powerhouses have only one destiny, and that is to live for me."

The man in the cloak moved gracefully like a real gentleman, and threw the water glass to the ground.

The water glass is broken.

"I should go, and you should die too."

The man in the cloak showed his intentions, aimed at the old man's neck, and bit down hard.

After a while, the man in the cloak left the courtyard. His gaze was directed to another place. There was more than one Martial Saint-level master he didn't kill back then. Next, he should go to the next place.

It is meaningless to keep these oriental martial artists who can't even be cultivated by martial saints. It's better to be sucked up by him.

After licking the only trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, the man in the cloak instantly disappeared in place.

On this day, in the western province, the four martial saints were all sucked dry of blood and died, and their family members also died together.

When Ding Ning arrived in Xi Province, he realized that he was one step too late, and that person disappeared again.

Ding Ning was quite surprised that there were four martial arts masters in Western Province. If it wasn't for this vampire from Northern Europe, he would not have known that there are so many masters in Western Province.

However, Ding Ning couldn't say how angry they were. The lives and deaths of these people had nothing to do with him. He found this vampire only to avenge the old demon. Moreover, he didn't want it to run wild on the land of China.

Next, where does this person go?

Ding Ning contacts Feiying and immediately tracks down this person.

It didn't take long before Ding Ning received the news that Wu Sheng died suddenly in the northern province.

Don't think about it, it must be because of the vampire. The North Province and the West Province are next to each other. The vampire must have just left the West Province and entered the border of the North Province.

Ding Ning went straight to Bei Province without delay.

Bei Province is not far from Shangjing City. Once this person enters Shangjing City and causes massacres in Shangjing City, no one will be able to stop him.

Even Huangfu Weilong can't do it.

Fei Ying is very worried that this person will enter Shangjing from Bei Province, and hopes that Ding Ning can stop this person in Bei Province.

This matter is of great importance, and it has already attracted the attention of the top. Feiying did not let Ding Ning fight alone, and other members of the Inhuman Group were also mobilized to block this person.

People like Qingshi, Mantis, Su Zi, Iron Fist, Yanzi, Shengnan and others also rushed to Bei Province immediately to help Ding Ning prevent this person from killing.

Huaxia will never allow such a dangerous person to run amok.

In the sky, a helicopter flew by quickly. Inside the cabin, there were several figures sitting. If Ding Ning was here, he would naturally recognize a few of them.

"The target has been determined. It is in the northern province. We will soon meet the murderer who killed the old demon."

"Revenge for the old demon."

"Be sure to kill him."

All of them were murderous, with serious faces, namely Qingshi, Mantis, and Mu Mu.

The three of them flew directly from the northern Russian border, just to kill the murderer who killed the old demon.

The strength of the three of them has also made a great breakthrough compared with before. They are masters who have entered the martial arts realm after the old demon.

To be able to break through one after another, the method taught by Ding Ning has played a big role, and it is enough for the northern Russian border to be guarded by Katsuo alone.

Not long after, the helicopter stopped in the air, and the three of them jumped from the sky one after another and came to the farmyard on the mountainside.

At this time, the cloaked man was sitting on a wooden chair, admiring the scene of blood flowing into the cup.

At his feet, there was a person lying on his stomach. He stepped on his feet so hard that he couldn't move.

"Oh? There are three new faces here. They seem to be newly promoted Martial Saints."

Qingshi, Mumu, and Mantis stood in front of the man in the cloak in a triangular shape. The man in the cloak glanced at it and commented lightly.

"It just so happens that this old guy's blood is not to my liking. The three of you appeared at the right time."


Qingshi, Mantis, and Mu didn't want to talk nonsense, so they shot directly.

Immediately, the aura of the Martial Saint Realm surged out from the three of them, and all of them flocked towards the man in the cloak.

In response to this, the cloaked man who had been sitting all this time suddenly raised a corner of his mouth, and said lightly, "Get down!"

All of a sudden, Qingshi, Mantis, and Mu could only feel an invisible force that enveloped them in an instant, submerged their aura, and fell down heavily.

Bang bang bang!
The three fell in response.

For a moment, the three of them were horrified, how could this person be so strong and terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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