The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 391 392 Scary Man! 2 more

Chapter 391 392 Scary Man! 2 more

Even the three Martial Saints couldn't make waves in front of the cloaked man.

Just like a toddler who wants to kill a strong man, the strong man's yell will make the child fall to the ground.

This is an essential gap, not a problem of too many people.

"Three Martial Saints appear at once, it seems that you are also members of that alien group."

"I just killed one two days ago. I thought I would kill him first and leave your team leader at the end. Unexpectedly, you also brought me a surprise."

"Three newly promoted martial saints, your blood must be delicious, and it must be much more vigorous than the blood of this bad old man."

The cloaked man walked slowly in front of Qingshi, Mantis, and Wood. The three of them were suppressed by the power of the cloaked man, unable to get up at all, and could only raise their heads and look up at each other.

"You won't be rampant in China for long, even if we can't kill you, the team leader will definitely kill you." Qingshi said.

"That's right, our team leader is the strongest. You, a vampire from northern Europe, will surely die in the hands of the team leader."

"Your death is coming soon."

Mantis and Wood also spoke one after another.

The man in the cloak squatted down, stared at the three of them, and said slowly: "It seems that you all admire your team leader very much. As a result, I really can't wait to see your team leader stand in front of me."

"Almost forgot, I also drank the blood of the previous leader of your Inhuman Group. It was delicious. I don't know how the blood of your new leader tastes like."

"It turned out that you were the one who killed our former team leader!"

Hearing the words of the man in the cloak, the three of Qingshi became even more angry, feeling that this person was involved in the death of the former team leader.

"Hehe, seeing how excited you are, it wasn't me who killed your former team leader, it was just one of my servants."

"However, don't worry, your new team leader will definitely be killed by me."

"In my back garden, no one is allowed to appear too strong, otherwise it will hurt me, the master."

The man in the cloak spoke loudly, and regarded Huaxia as his garden, and all the powerful people born in it were his food. Qingshi, Praying Mantis, and Wood all spat upon hearing this.

"Bah, do you think I, China, is a place where you are allowed to run wild? It won't take long before you will know how ignorant you are."

The man in the cloak sneered, and squatted in front of the three of them. He looked at his fingers, only to see that the nails were growing rapidly, and a long section grew out, shining coldly like a sharp knife.

The fingernails were drawn along the arms of the three people, and in an instant, the arms of the three people were all bleeding.

"Zizi, what fresh blood, it's a pity to waste it."

The man in the cloak placed a vessel under the arms of the three of them, watching the blood continuously flow into it.

"You can try to repair the wound with strength, I will not stop you, of course, I will only cut your blood vessels in another part of your body."

Naturally, the three of Qingshi couldn't watch their own blood flow to death, and they didn't stop their actions because of the man in the cloak. They repaired the wounds immediately.

But before the wound healed, the cloaked man's nails scratched again.

Another bloody gash.


In this way, the three of them kept repairing their wounds, and the man in the cloak continued to cut their skins endlessly.

Until, the three of them completely lost the strength to repair it.

"I don't want to kill you, I will let you slowly experience the feeling of death, watching your own blood flow out, isn't it a good experience?"

"Ha ha……"

The man in the cloak picked up one of the containers that was almost full, and drank it in one gulp, like drinking water.

The three of Qingshi became weaker and weaker. Even the strong martial saints would face death if they lost too much blood at this time.

The man in the cloak drank the blood in the three containers, and then waited for the blood in the three to drain completely.

Seeing that the three of them were exhaling a lot of Qi and taking in a little Qi, several figures landed again.


It was none other than Su Zi, Tiequan and Yanzi who came.

"Hehe, there are a few more who are here to die. Now I really love your Inhumans group more and more."

"It's a pity, this time, there is only one Martial Saint!"

The man in the cloak stared at Su Zi. Among the three, only Su Zi's strength had entered the martial saint level. As for Iron Fist and Swallow, they were still far behind.

How long have they been practicing the method taught by Ding Ning? Su Zi can enter the Martial Saint Realm very quickly.

"You save people first, and I'll deal with him." After Su Zi finished speaking, she took the initiative to rush up, handing over to Tiequan and Yanzi behind her.

The man in the cloak smiled lightly: "You can't save anyone, stay here."

A moment later, Su Zi, Tiequan, Yanzi, and Qingshi and others were all beaten to the ground by the man in the cloak.

"It's been so many years, the blood of female martial saints is really rare."

"I miss the blood of the Martial Saint a little bit. The taste is unmatched by anyone else's blood."

"It's like rose fragrance, strong, mellow, and endless aftertaste."

The man in the cloak licked his lips, feeling a little impatient.

He slid his fingers back and forth on Su Zi's white arm, his eyes were focused and full of affection, as if looking at something he loved.

Su Zi couldn't resist. She, like Qingshi and others, had just entered the Martial Saint Realm not long ago, so she was no match for the man in the cloak.

Can only be at the mercy of the man in the cloak.

The only unyielding thing is their belief and will.

"Don't worry, I won't force you. I will gently cut your skin and let the blood flow out slowly."

"You don't have to be afraid of pain, I will try my best to make you feel no pain."

’ “That’s what I have to do as a duke, as a gentleman, with a beautiful lady.”

"Listen to me, close your eyes, soon."

The man in the cloak said slowly, Su Zi stared at him stubbornly, and did not follow his words.

Seeing that the cloaked man's nails were about to cut off Su Zi's blood vessels, a cold voice suddenly came: "Are you the beast that sucked human blood and killed the old demon?"

The man in the cloak stopped suddenly, he got up slowly, turned his head, and his eyes fell on a expressionless face.

"who are you?"

"The one who will kill you."



"Ding Ning..."

Qingshi, Praying Mantis, Wood, Su Zi, Tiequan and others saw Ding Ning standing in front of them, suddenly approaching, and they were all shocked.

Their team leader finally arrived.

"So you are the leader of the Inhuman Group." The cloaked man's expression suddenly flashed, and he couldn't help but look at Ding Ning a few more times.

(End of this chapter)

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