The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 392 393 Bloodsucking! 3 more

Chapter 392 393 Bloodsucking! 3 more

Ding Ning saw the situation of Su Zi and others. Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise, these people would have to be killed by the pale man in front of him, and they would end up like the old demon.

"Originally, I was planning to kill you last and treat you as my last delicacy. Since you took the initiative to deliver it to your door, it seems that my plan can only be changed."

"Zizi, you can drink the blood of the five Martial Saint Realm martial practitioners today."

Caesar looked at Ding Ning's body up and down, and found that Ding Ning's aura was comparable to that of a martial saint, not so powerful and terrifying.

With such strength, he can't make too many waves.

For the appearance of Ding Ning, Caesar was not worried, he was confident that he could kill anyone he wanted.

Of course, he doesn't like killing people, what he likes most is bleeding people, because only at this time the blood is the freshest and most flavorful.

"Team leader, be careful, he is very strong!"

Ding Ning made a direct move without any fuss, and immediately launched his killing move.

Tiequan and Yanzi reminded them one after another, but without Caesar's restraint, the rest of them were able to move. Su Zi greeted them, and immediately healed Qingshi, Mantis, and Wood.

Ding Ning and Caesar fought in the mountains.

All of a sudden, many trees turned into debris, affected by the energy of the fight between the two, not only the mountain peaks became bare, some even the mountain peaks were smoothed because of the strength of the two.

Ding Ning was a little surprised at the defense of the vampire in front of him. The physical strength of this guy was almost comparable to his.

It's just a vampire, who only relies on absorbing the blood of others to increase his strength, and he is actually able to have a stronger body than ever before.

In the previous life, Ding Ning had never fought vampires, so he didn't know the characteristics of vampires.

Vampires are known for their tenacious vitality and strong physique. In fact, Caesar's physical strength is not as strong as Ding Ning thought. It's just that Caesar's realm is high, and he has already reached the level of the acquired realm.

Ding Ning used his true energy to attack several times, but failed to injure Caesar, so there was a deviation in judgment.

"Although your strength is strong, you can't kill me, but it's easy for me to kill you." Caesar sneered, and the nails of his hands grew out in an instant, and each nail was like a blade.

Ding Ning attacked continuously with fists, palms, and feet, but Caesar's sharp nails blocked them all.


After Ding Ning's blow was blocked, Caesar swept it with a backhand.

With both hands crossed, Ding Ning blocked his fingers, Caesar smiled slightly, and suddenly, the fingernails blocked by Ding Ning suddenly became longer, and continued to stab beyond Ding Ning's barrier.


The fingernail didn't go in, but with a final stroke, a series of sparks came out.

"Oh?" Caesar found that Ding Ning was not injured because of this, and he did not expect that Ding Ning's physical body was not weaker than him at all.

A martial saint-level existence with a powerful physical body rivaling him, Caesar couldn't help but look at Ding Ning differently in his heart.

"As expected of being the last delicacy I put in, you are strong, and I am very satisfied, because, to me, your blood tastes sweeter."

As a vampire, Caesar had a morbid pursuit of blood. He licked his nails at Ding Ning, but it was a pity that there was no Ding Ning's blood on them.

"You have no chance to drink my blood, because you will die in my hands first." Ding Ning said.

"Haha..." Caesar laughed loudly, and his voice echoed in the mountains and forests: "Many people told me that, but in the end, they all became my food. In fact, you should be honored. It's not just anyone's blood. Qualifications, enjoyed by me."

"Even if some people take the initiative to die and are willing to donate their blood to me, I don't even bother to drink it. Do you know why?"

"Because I am alive, it is also equivalent to those people whose blood has been sucked dry by me. They are still alive and have achieved eternal life on my body."

"And you have this qualification, don't you think, this is a very lucky thing?"

Facing Caesar's narcissism and self-confidence, Ding Ning just replied coldly: "According to what you mean, I should thank you, right?"

"You can say that," Caesar replied.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to. Compared to that, I'd rather kill you." Ding Ning didn't want to ink any more. He wanted to kill this Nordic vampire as soon as possible.

Caesar ignored the murderous intent emanating from Ding Ning, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I will make you willing, because..."


Caesar suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, his voice rang in Ding Ning's ear: "Because, you have no choice!"

After speaking, he opened his mouth, showing his sharp teeth, and bit down on Ding Ning's neck.

"The demon body of the evil god!"

"Nine-turn glass body!"

Ding Ning activated two sets of top body training methods in an instant, and the aura on his body suddenly changed, forming the glazed body of the evil god, and opened up the strongest physical body.

Caesar bit down, but when his teeth landed on Ding Ning's neck, he couldn't pierce the skin, and was blocked out.

As a vampire, it was extremely rare for him to be unable to suck the blood of others. How could Caesar have thought that Ding Ning's neck could resist even his teeth.

This physical body is too strong.

"It's me!"

Ding Ning's voice rang in Caesar's ears, and Caesar was startled, thinking that Ding Ning would fight back.

But Ding Ning didn't make any powerful attack, but instead bit down on it with one bite.

Caesar was stunned, he wanted to laugh wildly, someone wanted to suck the blood of his vampire duke.

"Is my blood really so easy to absorb? Even if I let you absorb it, you won't be able to bear it." Caesar didn't resist, but let Ding Ning suck it.

As a vampire, the blood in his body is different from that of ordinary people. Although he needs to suck blood to live, as a vampire himself, the blood in his body is different from that of human beings.

His blood is as cold as ice, unlike ordinary people's blood which is hot.

His blood, to others, is more like poison.

If Ding Ning dared to suck his blood, Caesar would naturally not stop him. In this way, Ding Ning would be finished without his action.


"This is……"

Seeing Ding Ning's behavior, the members of the Inhuman Group were all stunned.

Caesar showed a smile on his face. Ding Ning wanted to die. No wonder he wanted to let Ding Ning know the consequences of daring to suck his blood.

But as the blood in his body continued to pour into Ding Ning's body, this trend did not stop, and the smile on Caesar's face gradually disappeared.

He found something wrong with the other party.

The cold blood in his body didn't seem to have any effect on Ding Ning.

Otherwise, Ding Ning should have fallen down early and frozen into ice.

But right now, Ding Ning doesn't have any weak aura. On the contrary, compared with Caesar, Ding Ning is more like a vampire right now.

(End of this chapter)

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