The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 403 404 Time Slows Down! 2 more

Chapter 403 404 Time Slows Down! 2 more

The three of them chatted for a whole day in the villa, and finally got drunk.

Ding Ning did not use his strength to dissolve the drunkenness of the alcohol. It was too difficult to make him drunk. His body would automatically digest the alcohol. That is to say, unless Ding Ning prevented this kind of digestion, otherwise, he would never be drunk .

Glancing at Li Wei and Zhou Quan who had fallen asleep long ago, Ding Ning left the villa and came to the stream pool at the foot of the mountain, where he sat on a smooth boulder, surrounded by moonlight.

The river has been frozen, and the creeks are no longer weak, and more of the world is covered by the cold of winter.

Only Ding Ning, in this world, is like a different kind. His clothes are always so thin, no matter in midsummer or cold winter.

No sweat in summer, no cold in winter.

Sitting on the cold stone, Ding Ning didn't feel any coldness. He just sat here cross-legged, enveloped by the faint moonlight.

The next day.

Ding Ning and the two went to Shangjing University together. Even though Li Wei has reached the level of the first five juniors, he still insists on going to school.

The same is true for Zhou Quan. Even though all the roommates around him are awesome, he didn't take advantage of Ding Ning or Li Wei's influence to do other things.

At the beginning, because of Li Wei's opening, he helped Li Wei deal with some family affairs, and also participated in some wine bureaus. After a few times, Zhou Quan also became bored, so he explained to Li Wei that he would no longer participate in such events. Things have returned to normal, and if it wasn't for the news of Ding Ning's sudden return, he would not have come to the villa.

Everyone has their own way. Li Wei can take advantage of Ding Ning's power to make his family stronger. Zhou Quan doesn't care about this. He is just like ordinary classmates when he first started school. Eating lunch, resting, playing basketball, etc., among the three, the life is the most leisurely and most comfortable.

Li Wei and Zhou Quan went to the same class, and Ding Ning went to the history school.

It's been a few days since he came to school. Before, he fought and fought at the border. He even killed two vampires just a few days ago.

Standing in the bustling campus now, looking at the students full of youthful vitality, it seems like a lifetime away.

Looking at the students walking on the campus, Ding Ning suddenly felt that maybe being ordinary is also a kind of happiness.

When Ding Ning walked into the class, many eyes shot at him.

Even the teacher's eyes lingered on Ding Ning for a long time.

In the classroom, there were some low-pitched discussions, and they were all surprised that Ding Ning hadn't come these days, but suddenly appeared today, especially Sun Lei and Yang Jian, after seeing Ding Ning, they were all honest.

In their eyes, Ding Ning was a terrifying giant beast. Let alone provoke him now, neither of them had the guts to approach the past.

After class, Ding Ning left, but the news of his return spread across the campus in an instant. Now, no one knows that Ding Ning is a monstrous character.

In less than a year, I finished the four-year university courses and graduated successfully. Now I am entering the history school. I have skipped classes for so many days, but neither the teacher nor the master, the dean, etc. have said anything. His deeds are enough to make Ding Ning famous in the campus history of Shangjing University.

"Are you back?" Ding Ning received a call from Tong Wantong, but he didn't expect that this girl would take the initiative to call.

"En." Ding Ning's tone was as flat as ever.

Tong Wantong on the other end of the phone gritted her teeth angrily, and said, "You're back, why didn't you say anything?"

"Okay, I'm back." Ding Ning said.

Tong Wantong: "..."

There was a blind tone on the phone. Ding Ning smiled and walked towards the library with his textbooks.

At this time, the two girls sitting on the flower bed attracted the attention of some boys. Unfortunately, no matter which girl they were, they didn't look at them, which disappointed many male students. They felt that the goddess was worthy of being a girl. cold.

Tong Wantong's face was full of unhappy words. At the beginning, when she heard the news of Ding Ning's return, she was very happy. Although she didn't know why she was so happy, she called Ding Ning. Ding Ning's Attitude made her very unhappy.

Lin Yumo, who was standing beside Tong Wantong, didn't go to comfort Tong Wantong, his mind was a little wandering, and it seemed that because of Ding Ning's return, his mind was drifting away.

Ding Ning naturally didn't know what the two girls were thinking at this time. After he entered the library, he started his crazy reading and memory mode again.

Entering the School of History and taking history courses, this major is not difficult for him at all, and it is also the easiest, because history is fixed, and you only need to memorize it by rote. Ding Ning's strongest The item is memory.

Therefore, Ding Ning spent the whole afternoon to complete all the freshman courses by himself.

When he was about to leave, Tang Qing suddenly appeared in the library. Their eyes met and they were a little surprised, but after a while, both of them regained their composure.

"You're back?"




After the simple dialogue, the two sat on the same desk without disturbing each other, and continued to read books.

Ding Ning had already memorized everything, but when Tang Qing appeared, he did not leave the library immediately. He hadn't seen Tang Qing for a few days. He found that Tang Qing's temperament was better than before, and her whole person was also Even more beautiful.

In Beijing University, Tang Qing's school belle ranking has risen from the previous top ten to the top three. She is the only beauty who can continue to rise in the ranking after the start of school.

Because the students found that Tang Qing became more and more beautiful, and her temperament became more and more prominent.

The reason why this is possible is naturally because of the crescent moon pendant that Ding Ning gave Tang Qing. As Ding Ning said at the beginning, that pendant can make people maintain their appearance and prevent all diseases, and it can also be like jade. support people.

The crescent moon pendant is like spring water, Tang Qing will become more beautiful every day she wears it.

Tang Qing is a special person to Ding Ning, except for historical reasons and getting along with him after rebirth, otherwise he would not have given the meniscus pendant to Tang Qing instead of giving it to other people.

This was also the reason why he continued to stay in the library, because he also wanted to spend some time quietly with Tang Qingan.

The two sat in the library, the time was quiet, Ding Ning was flipping through the book, Tang Qing was taking notes, more like a young couple.

Don't you know how happy Tang Qing felt at this moment. Ding Ning, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, hasn't changed at all. He is still willing to sit with her in the library management, and they can still study together.

She hoped that such a time would last longer.

(End of this chapter)

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