The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 404 405 Level skipping incident! 3 more

Chapter 404 405 Level skipping incident! 3 more

After completing the self-study of the freshman course, Ding Ning skipped a grade again and entered the sophomore year of the School of History. However, within a day, the dean of the School of History heard that Ding Ning was going to skip a grade again, and was dumbfounded again. The results of the test were all full marks, which shocked him. the entire School of History.

Two days ago, he was still in the same class and in the same grade group, but it turned out that in just two days, this guy jumped to the junior year. Just ask, who can believe it.

The students of the School of Political Science and Law all smiled when they heard the news. In their opinion, Ding Ning finally started to abuse students from other schools. Back then, Ding Ning was in the School of Political Science and Law, and he skipped a grade every few days. Now, it started again.

It's better to let this monstrous evildoer trouble the students of other schools, their students of the School of Political Science and Law don't want to be hit.

In today's School of Political Science and Law, from freshman to senior year, who has never been beaten by Ding Ning? Blessed to enjoy together.

Ding Ning's continuous skipping grades naturally attracted great attention in Shangjing University. Some people thought that Ding Ning skipped grades in the School of Political Science and Law, maybe because he was better at politics and law. Now that he continues to skip grades in the School of History, these people are dumbfounded. But soon, they gave other excuses, saying that Ding Ning is a liberal arts student, even if all the three colleges of politics, history and geography skipped a grade, it would be fine.

Although such remarks are disgusting, they can be a reason for others to comfort themselves.

That's right, they can definitely say that Ding Ning has a good foundation to do this, because Ding Ning is a liberal arts student.

After Ding Ning finished defending his graduation thesis in the School of History, the dean of the School of History talked to Ding Ning, so the next day, Ding Ning entered the School of Geography. Under the watchful eyes of many people, he spent five days, Once again, the students in the School of Geography were shocked by the four-year completion of their studies.

Ding Ning has finished all the majors in the three major colleges. The public opinion in the school has not dissipated. They still think that Ding Ning is able to do this because of his solid foundation and his liking for liberal arts.

Some people even let it go, saying that if Ding Ning is really good, he can try science. If he can finish the four-year university courses so quickly, he will be called amazing.

At this time, the science majors in Jingcheng University spread the word, hoping that Ding Ning could come to their college to study.

Mathematics major welcomes you!
Welcome to physics major!
Welcome to Chemistry Major!

Many science majors expressed their eagerness for Ding Ning to enter their majors.

This is blatant provocation.

However, just after Ding Ning finished defending his thesis in the School of Geography, Ding Ning came to the School of Mathematics to report.

When many students from the School of Mathematics saw Ding Ning's figure, they were all stunned, because they really did not expect that Ding Ning would dare to come.

Mathematics is not the kind of liberal arts. It requires rote memorization, which requires a flexible mind. Without talent, it will not work. There are many problems. Only with a flexible and smart mind can one learn better.

As for Ding Ning, who came from a liberal arts background and became a monk halfway to science, if he can still do it and complete a major in a few days, then he is a real pervert.

"Do you really want to study mathematics?" Tang Qing asked.The fingers of both hands twitched together, and she was a little worried about Ding Ning's decision. As a liberal arts student, he naturally knew the difficulty of science.

She admitted that Ding Ning's learning speed in liberal arts is completely different when it comes to science. It is very difficult to finish learning quickly. Science students are relatively better than liberal arts students. Even if these excellent people, It's hard to do.

In Shangjing University, most of those who skipped grades were majors in liberal arts, but in science, there were almost no cases of skipping grades. In the entire history of Shangjing University, there were only one or two poor cases, and it was still in the early days of the school. stage, until now, no one has broken through.

Students majoring in science thought that Ding Ning would soon make a joke and face Waterloo, which made Ding Ning realize that some majors are not so easy.

In this regard, Ding Ning did not open his mouth to defend. Surprisingly, at this time, students majoring in liberal arts stood up and took the initiative to speak for Ding Ning.

Because Ding Ning had studied in the School of Political Science and Law, the School of History, and the School of Geography, and graduated successfully, the students of the three schools all stood up to speak for Ding Ning, saying that Ding Ning would definitely be able to continue skipping grades.

Gradually, because of this incident, science became a faction, and liberal arts became a faction, and there was a lot of quarrel.

This is the first time in the history of Shangjing, no, it can be said that in the history of all universities in China, this is the first time this has happened.

When teachers and students from other schools heard about this incident, they were all inconceivable. It was only because of whether one person could successfully skip a grade that it had caused such a big impact.

Many schools began to pay attention to Ding Ning, who was able to achieve the feat of continuously skipping grades at Shangjing University.

Judging from the present, it is enough for Ding Ning to complete the three majors in less than a year, which is enough to be included in the history of Shangjing University. Definitely No.1 in history.

For this reason, people who are acquainted with Ding Ning are all concerned about whether Ding Ning can do it.

Liu Ruyi also found it in person, and talked to Ding Ning for a long time. What Ding Ning didn't expect was that Liu Ruyi believed that he could do it.

On the surface, Ding Ning still smiled and said that he looked too high on him.

But Liu Ruyi's attitude did not change, she still chose to firmly believe that he could.

"Okay, I will try my best not to disappoint Director Liu." Ding Ning watched Liu Ruyi leave.

Next, Ding Ning entered the School of Mathematics to study. For several days in a row, there was no news that Ding Ning was going to skip the grade exam, because according to the past, Ding Ning skipped a grade every day.

As a result, some mocking words came out, thinking that Ding Ning was just a flash in the pan, and he was eager to learn liberal arts, but hard to learn science.

This is tantamount to slapping a liberal arts college.

Many people expressed dissatisfaction, and at the same time wondered why Ding Ning was so slow this time, was he really stumped by science?

"I believe you can do it." Tang Qing said silently as she walked past the door of the School of Mathematics.

Didn't he know that at this time, Ding Ning was cramming for mathematics, picked up the mathematics of science from high school, and taught himself all the way to freshman year.

For two days, Ding Ning was immersed in the world of mathematics, unaware of the movement caused by him in the outside world.

It wasn't until he came to the office of the dean of the School of Mathematics and said that he could take the freshman exam that the news spread quickly and attracted the attention of the whole school.

(End of this chapter)

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