The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 406: Someone Comes from the Fairy World! 407 more

Chapter 406: Someone Comes from the Fairy World! 407 more

The fact that Ding Ning successfully skipped a grade in the School of Mathematics and got a perfect score is still circulating on campus, and even other universities are talking about Ding Ning.

Ding Ning had entered Beijing University with the top scorer in the national college entrance examination before. Many students had heard of this name more or less. Now, when they heard that Ding Ning had crossed from liberal arts to science, and continued to skip grades, all of them stared wide-eyed.

This is a master!

Many people admire Ding Ning's learning ability, and the whole of China probably won't be able to find another person.

When Ding Ning came to the sophomore class of the School of Mathematics to teach, he was still the focus.

Ding Ning was used to this. After listening to the get out of class for a while, he fell into self-study again. After class, he went straight to the library.

After only one class, Ding Ning approached the dean of the School of Mathematics the next day and explained that he wanted to skip to the third year.

One day later, Ding Ning is going to skip a grade again?
The dean of the School of Mathematics had seen Ding Ning's monster, and asked Ding Ning several questions.

Did you go to ask the teacher overnight?
Ding Ning shook his head, saying that he didn't attend class after listening to one class, and learned everything by himself.

The dean of the School of Mathematics was stunned for a while, remembering the words of Zhai Liguo, the dean of the School of Political Science and Law, now he really realized the power of Ding Ning.

Liberal arts can easily skip grades, and now even science can do it, which is simply more genius than genius.

The news that Ding Ning was going to skip a grade came out again. Those who satirized Ding Ning for failing the exam before were all silent this time. They were not like before. They spoke sarcastic words for no other reason, because they had already been severely slapped in the face once.

Not surprisingly, Ding Ning once again got a full score, which surprised everyone.

Several days passed, and Ding Ning completed the university studies that others took four years to complete. Ding Ning finished all of them in just a few days and got excellent grades.

The students in the School of Mathematics were already numb to this. After all, shocking such things happens frequently and is easy to get used to. This is the case for them.

Another major completed!
Many students are guessing which college Ding Ning will go to next, because seeing Ding Ning's posture, many people can vaguely guess that Ding Ning is planning to go to all the colleges.

Under everyone's guess, Ding Ning chose the School of Biology to study biology.

This kind of major is much simpler than mathematics. With Ding Ning's memory and learning ability, it is not difficult to learn this kind of knowledge.

In this way, Ding Ning began to frantically try various professional things. In every college, he skipped grades from freshman to senior in just a few days, and was able to hand in perfect answers.

This incident has made Ding Ning's reputation known in Huaxia's university circles. Few people in the world know that Ding Ning is the leader of the alien team. But now, Huaxia has produced a self-taught genius Ding Ning. This incident made Ding Ning known to more people.

For Ding Ning, study is the seasoning of life. He is waiting for the earth's aura to recover. During this period, he has nothing to do, so it's not bad to play this kind of mind-boggling thing in college.

The days passed day by day, and a month passed slowly.

Ding Ning will go to the college of Peking University, and he has already attended more than half of it. It can be said that Ding Ning is now the person with the most classmates, no one. According to the current speed, according to some statistics, Ding Ning will go to Peking University in less than two months. All the colleges have been attended once, and he has become the first person in Huaxia, no, it should be the whole earth, to study so many majors and be able to graduate, and he is the only one.

Two months have passed, from early winter to deep winter, even in a place with a slightly humid climate like Shangjing, it has become cold.

Ding Ning accomplished the feat of going to all the colleges by himself. According to Li Wei, this kind of record can set a Guinness World Record.

It is definitely No.1 in the history of the university, and it is the kind that has never been seen before or since.

For a while, Ding Ning felt bored instead. He didn't need to practice much. Now, he didn't even have the fun of killing time and skipping levels.

However, what is unexpected is that the deans of many colleges are looking for him, hoping that he will continue his studies, stay in Shangjing University, and advance towards higher education.

After all, in Beijing University, there are still too few all-round talents like Ding Ning, or more precisely, none. Ding Ning's current knowledge reserve spans all subjects, and he is definitely an all-round talent, not to mention the top, but definitely most comprehensive.

Such a great ability will naturally become a favorite in the eyes of others. For a while, the deans of the various colleges of Beijing University all found Ding Ning, hoping that Ding Ning could go to his own college and continue his studies.

Ding Ning has no interest. Studying is just a tonic for him, so it won't be too boring.

He refused all of them, and Ding Ning let go only when Liu Ruyi came to persuade him, and finally decided to return to the School of Political Science and Law.

As for further studies, Dean Zhai Liguo followed Ding Ning's previous advice and did not have any requirements for him. He could allow Ding Ning to appear in the academy at any time and leave at any time without any restrictions.

Ding Ning decided to go home to be with his parents, lest he would not have much free time after his spiritual energy recovered.

In this way, Ding Ning returned to Jiangling, avoided the flattery and flattery of the big families in the upper capital, avoided many invitations to wine parties, etc., and lived a little free and unrestrained life, which can be regarded as stealing half a day of leisure.

Returning home early, his parents were surprised why Ding Ning always ran back when he was fine, so Ding Ning told his parents about his graduation, and didn't continue to hide it, so as not to worry about them.

When they heard that Ding Ning skipped a grade and studied all the colleges of Peking University, Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi stared at Ding Ning for a while, and finally asked in a daze, "Are you really the son we gave birth to?"

Ding Ning nodded heavily: "It's absolutely true."

Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi smiled, feeling proud of having such an excellent son.

Especially Yang Xueyi, seemed to think that she could show off her son in front of her friends again, but when she thought that living by the riverside was no longer the ordinary community like before, without so many neighbors, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed .

It's not easy to find someone to show off your son.

Ding Ning lived a leisurely life at home, and secretly used spiritual energy to improve the physical fitness of his parents.


On this day, in a sparsely populated place, the originally calm air was suddenly torn open, and several figures walked out of it.

"This is the barren land."

"Hehe, soon it will no longer be barren, and it will soon become the home of our cultivators."

"This is inevitable. The recovery of spiritual energy is coming soon. Even if it is barren, it will become fertile soil, a fairy land, and merged into our fairy world."

"I'm more curious about the revival of the earth's aura, whether there will be an ancient chance to reappear in the world."

Speaking of this, the expressions of these figures that appeared from the air flickered for a while, and they were all interested in it.

(I came back from the field, and the normal update will resume tomorrow. Today is the 2nd update. I will write a new article soon. I need to conceive the plot, and hold my fist!)
(End of this chapter)

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