The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 407 408 I Come From Heaven! 1 more

Chapter 407 408 I Come From Heaven! 1 more


Huangfu family.

"Patriarch, the young master brought back a person who said he wanted to see you."

Huangfu Yuan was in the study, brushing his pen and ink, on the rice paper were a few majestic traditional characters, handwriting like a dragon and snake, just like himself.

As the head of the Huangfu family, he naturally has this qualification. How many people in China can be regarded by him, this is the pride of being a first-level family.

Huangfu Yuan glanced at the butler, put down the brush, frowned and said: "This kid is really getting more and more disappointed now, and now he even brought those cronies into the house, and still wants to see me?"

"Tell him that his father is busy and has no time to talk to him."

How could Huangfu Yuan have the heart to meet his son Huangfuxuan's friend? This person must have approached his son only to meet him. How could Huangfu Yuan fail to see through this point? Over the years, I don't know how many people want to do this Do.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Yuan couldn't help feeling angry from the bottom of his heart, Huangfu Xuan disappointed him so much, after so many years, he didn't even realize that he was being used by others.

"Why don't you tell him what you're doing here?" Seeing that the housekeeper didn't leave, Huangfu Yuan's voice became a little colder.

Seeing that the Patriarch seemed to be in a bad mood, the steward nodded immediately, ready to take the news back, but before he pushed the door open, the door opened by itself.

"Who let you in."

When he saw Huangfuxuan running into the study on his own initiative, Huangfuyuan scolded directly.

"Father I..."

Before Huangfuxuan could finish speaking, a voice came and interrupted Huangfuxuan's words: "I let him in."

Huangfu Yuan frowned, who is so arrogant, dare to act like this in his Huangfu family.

Standing at this moment, a figure walked into the study room. As soon as this person entered the study room, Huangfu Yuan's eyes could not help but fall on this person, looking him up and down.

This is a young man who looks very ordinary, but in this ordinary, there is a kind of superior temperament. As Huangfu Yuan, who has been in a high position all the year round, he is very sensitive to this temperament, and he noticed it instantly .

Especially the young man's eyes, which radiated disdain, as if he, Huangfu Yuan, was not taken seriously by him.

"Who are you?" Huangfu Yuan asked.

He was very clear about his son's personality, and this person appeared here, probably, he was the one who really made Huangfuxuan open the door on his own initiative.

Otherwise, with Huangfuxuan's character, he definitely wouldn't do this.

The young man said lightly: "You don't need to know who I am, because you don't have the qualifications. You just need to know that from now on, your Huangfu family will listen to me and do things according to my words, and that's fine."

Huangfu Yuan has seen arrogant people before, but most of them have no good end. This young man ran to his Huangfu's house, and once he opened his mouth, he made the whole Huangfu family listen to him. His tone cannot be described as arrogant. wishful thinking.

This is probably a lunatic.

Otherwise, how could you say such unreasonable words.

"Father, just listen to him." Huangfu Xuan persuaded from the side, and looked at the young man anxiously, as if he was afraid that the young man would get angry and he would speak without authorization.

His own son was so afraid of a young man in his own home, and he tried to persuade himself at this time, Huangfu Xuan almost vomited blood, this son was too disappointing, immediately angrily scolded: "Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about."


"shut up."

Huangfu's vitality was low, if he had a beard on his chin, he would have already blown up with anger.

The young man in front of him said lightly: "You should listen to your son's advice. I am a person who does not allow others to refute, otherwise the consequences will be very serious, you know?"

Huangfuyuan laughed. He never thought that anyone in his Huangfu family would dare to threaten him, so he sneered: "Young man, do you think my Huangfu family is a family that is easy to bully? Dare to make my Huangfu family obey you alone, Who do you think you are? The leader of China today? Or a god in the sky? I think you are looking for death. Do you know that your words have angered me and insulted the majesty of my Huangfu family? I will make you pay the price for what you just did I regret what I said!"

The young man still had the same chuckling face, raised his eyelids slightly, and then said, "Okay, I really want to know what price you asked me to pay."

"court death!"

Huangfu Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, this young man was too arrogant, after scolding, he shouted: "Come here."

After finishing speaking, the previous butler hurriedly responded: "The little one is here."

Huangfu Yuan waved his hand and said, "Let me teach him a lesson."

"Good homeowner."

The butler nodded, then turned his gaze to the young man, stepped forward, and at the same time grasped it with both hands like hugging a tree.

Regarding this, the young man didn't do anything, but turned his head slightly and glanced at the housekeeper.

It was this one glance that made the butler, who was originally agile, feel as if he had been struck by lightning, and all his movements immediately stopped on the spot.

Stiff all over, like a statue.

Huangfu Yuan was shocked, he never thought that this person was a martial artist, but even if you are a martial artist, you are too arrogant, dare to run wild at Huangfu's house.

Huangfu Yuan was about to make a move, only to hear the young man say indifferently: "Do you believe that I will kill you?"

A simple sentence and a light smile made Huangfu Yuan dare not make a move.

He didn't know why, but after the young man finished speaking, his body inexplicably felt great fear, his heartbeat was speeding up, his scalp was numb, and his hairs were standing on end.

At this moment, he believed the young man's words, so he stopped.

The young man was not surprised by Huangfu Yuan's honesty. He walked slowly from the desk to behind the desk, flipped through the books on the shelf behind Huangfu Yuan, then walked to the desk again, and glanced at the writing brush on it. Then, he sat on the chair that Huangfu Yuan sat on before, and said to Huangfu Yuan, "I've always been one-sided, so, is your Huangfu family obedient or disobedient?"

"May I ask where you come from?"

Huangfu Yuan didn't answer this, because the voice that suddenly appeared was not the voice of anyone present, but when Huangfu Yuan and Huangfu Xuan heard this voice, their expressions changed.

The young man sat in the chair without moving, and another figure appeared in the study.

"It's interesting, the strength of the Foundation Establishment Realm..."

"No, it seems to be a bit worse than the Foundation Establishment Stage, but it's not bad to be able to cultivate like this in today's environment."

The young man commented on the sudden appearance of Huangfu Weilong as if no one else was there, and he didn't hide it. Everyone present could hear him clearly.

Huangfu Weilong stared at the young man, and said seriously: "Excuse me, sir, where did you come from?"

The young man turned his eyes and said, "You are somewhat qualified to ask me. Since you want to know, I don't mind telling you..."

He stared into Huangfu Weilong's eyes, and continued: "I come from... the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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