The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 418 419 Mysterious Powerhouse! 2 more

Chapter 418 419 Mysterious Powerhouse! 2 more

Ding Ning, who was sitting cross-legged on the rough millstone, had been sitting here for a day and a night.

Some residual snow had accumulated on his body, and the surrounding world, like the land in Northern Russia, was covered with a thin coat of silver.

Ding Ning didn't reveal any aura, he just sat here quietly, practicing purely in meditation.

As Ding Ning's eyes opened, an invisible force swayed from his body, shaking off the snow on his body.

"Is it snowing?" Ding Ning said calmly, looking at the scenery in front of him.

Afterwards, he got up and stood under the vast white mountains and rivers, beside the lake, like a pillar standing in the sky and the earth, standing upright.

Li Wei stared blankly at Ding Ning's figure, thinking for no reason in his heart.

"Master, if you cultivate like this, your body will freeze to death." Li Wei said.

He came yesterday and saw Ding Ning was practicing, so he left quietly without disturbing him. When he came here again today, he found that Ding Ning was still sitting cross-legged, and he didn't seem to have moved at all.

"Have you dealt with your affairs?" Ding Ning turned around and asked.

Li Wei nodded with a smile: "After you went to Huangfu's house for a long time, the Huangfu's previous methods against my Li family were all stopped, and all the properties that originally belonged to my Li family were returned. , and now I am even more preoccupied with it, there are several families who are eyeing it, and they are preparing to eat it up."

Ding Ning replied that he was not interested in the family disputes in Shangjing City and all kinds of intrigues, because he had never taken such things to heart.

As for what will happen to the Huangfu family in the end, he doesn't care at all.

Seeing that Ding Ning was not interested in hearing the news, Li Wei just tasted it and didn't say much. After staying in the villa for a while, Li Wei drove away.

Ding Ning was still standing under the mountains and rivers in front of the villa, Li Wei did not bring any news, and there was no sign of the person he asked Li Wei to pay attention to.

I don't know where the seven people from the fairy world are now.

"With one Qin Ting dead, those people must know by now that Qin Ting is dead, and the rest will definitely come to deal with me." Ding Ning said to himself.

Although these eight people come from different sects and represent different forces, they are still very unified when it comes to facing the issue of the earth. There is no distinction between forces, and they are relatively united.

Ding Ning lived here and was waiting for these people to arrive. However, the seven people did not show up, which made Ding Ning feel a little bit disappointed.

People from the fairy world did not show up, but there were many martial practitioners who came to visit.

Among these people, there are many masters with status and status in the world of martial arts, but when facing Ding Ning, they are all very respectful.

There is no way, who made Ding Ning's reputation too strong now, even if he is some Taishan Beidou level figure, he must be treated respectfully, and he cannot be regarded as a young person.

For these visitors, Ding Ning didn't meet all of them. He just picked some people he had heard of or dealt with before he got on the road. For example, Jiang Menshen, the boss of the underground auction site, Qian Wolong, etc. The aunt who cleaned the villa blocked the door.

Don't look at the people who are just cleaning Ding Ning's residence, but all of these people are not weak, and none of them dare to give a cold face. In fact, they are afraid of offending Ding Ning. Ding Ning almost destroyed Huangfu's house because of a roommate. This example shows Here, who would dare to offend the people around him, not even a servant.

On the way back to Jiangling.

Tong Wantong sat next to Grandpa Qian Wolong at the back of the car, and Zhao Long was the driver in front.

The three of them also just came out of Ding Ning's villa, and Tong Wantong remained silent all the time.

"I don't let you act presumptuously in front of him, it's for your own good, and for our own good. Now he is no longer that uneducated person." Qian Wolong said.

Tong Wantong didn't speak.

Qian Wolong was still talking to himself: "Actually, from the first time I saw him, I knew that this son was a dragon and phoenix among men, but I didn't expect that he was even more excellent and outstanding than I expected. In less than It took only one year to grow to such a level, it seems that people of my generation are really getting old."

"There are talented people coming out from generation to generation, and a new generation replaces the old ones. It's true."

Qian Wolong sighed in the car, and at this moment, Tong Wantong said, "Isn't it just knowing kung fu? As for making grandpa feel so emotional?"

Qian Wolong laughed: "Stupid boy, if he knows a little bit of kung fu, naturally I won't be so emotional, but he is more than a little bit. His current martial arts achievements are comparable to those of Zhang Shanfeng and Yang Luchan in history. How much, even far beyond them, you said, can you summarize him with just a little effort?"

Tong Wantong still didn't care about it, and said angrily: "Grandpa, I think back then, even if he was disrespectful in front of you, he was not arrogant, but look at him now, he is almost arrogant, anyway, I am not afraid he."

"So that's what you care about." Qian Wolong chuckled, and then explained: "Whatever position he is in, he can do what he does. It's normal for him to have that attitude with his current martial arts attainments. Like a commoner, with no temperament, is he still called a big man?"

"Is he considered a big shot?" Tong Wantong asked, blinking her big eyes.

Just as Qian Wolong was about to speak, at this moment, he suddenly felt a wave sweeping across the car he was in.

Zhao Long immediately turned the car to the side of the driveway and stopped. The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

At that moment just now, both of them felt that they seemed to be seen by someone in an instant, and it was that kind of nothing to hide. Although it was only a short moment, the feeling was very real, especially when the two of them were here. Under this kind of sweeping force, there is no thought of resistance.

And it's not generally strong.

As a martial artist, he has dealt with masters all the year round, and Qian Wolong immediately realized what level of existence that was.

Qian Wolong got out of the car quickly, Zhao Long followed behind, and Tong Wantong was puzzled because she didn't sense anything.

The two looked at the back of the road they were traveling on, and the wave that had been swept before was constantly moving forward, and that was the direction of Ding Ning's villa.

"Let's go back." After staring for a while, Qian Wolong said.

"Grandpa, what are you doing? Why don't we drive back to Jiangling?" Tong Wantong was very puzzled.

But Qian Wolong didn't explain, with a complex expression on his face, Zhao Long did the same, didn't speak, both of them had an idea in their minds, did the master who swept the power just now go to Ding Ning's villa?
In the end is to fight with Ding Ning, or something else.

The two thought of the mysterious strong man that Ding Ning had said before, and it seemed that the master of that power just now was the one.

(End of this chapter)

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