The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 419 420 Verification! 3 more

Chapter 419 420 Verification! 3 more

Around the villa, there are still some martial practitioners with lower levels of strength. They are naturally not qualified to meet Ding Ning, but it does not hinder them. They came to Ding Ning's residence just to see the residence of the youngest strong man in history. elegant demeanor.

"I didn't expect Mr. Ding to live in such a place, with pleasant mountains and rivers and beautiful scenery everywhere. I am afraid that living in such an environment will produce many insights."

"It is also a matter of people who come into being. Among us martial practitioners, there are not many people who live in the mountains and rivers, but there are a few who can reach the height of Mr. Ding, so don't think about it, there are the same people. Environment, can have the same strength, that's unrealistic."

"Can't you fantasize about it?"

"Unrealistic fantasies will only increase sadness."

"Fuck, are you fucking talking to me?"

"It's okay if you understand it that way."

"Come on, come on, let's compete, I want to see what qualifications you have, dare to speak up to me like this."

"Hehe... Is it enough that I have met Mr. Ding several times?"

After Yuan Xiu finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves, raised his head slightly, with a proud look on his face.

And the person in front of him who just said that he was going to have a competition just stood there for a long time before saying: "Do you know Mr. Ding?"

Yuan Xiu nodded, and the scene when he saw Ding Ning for the first time appeared in his mind. He was punched by Ding Ning and was beaten by Ding Ning. Of course, he knew him.

cough cough...

Naturally, he would not say these pictures, and he still maintained the pride of knowing a master like Ding Ning.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was just joking. Since you are Mr. Ding's friend, how dare I compete with you." The brother immediately changed his expression and attitude, which is called intimacy.

However, the people around didn't feel that this kind of picture transition was abrupt, because if it were them, they would do the same.

Just kidding, you dare to compete with Mr. Ding Ning's friends. If you hurt Mr. Ding's friends, you will pay for it with your life.

The example of Huangfu Veyron is there, who would dare to follow suit.

Today's Huangfu Weilong has become a negative teaching material in the world of martial arts practitioners. If anyone offends Ding Ning, think about Huangfu Weilong, and he will no longer be able to think about it, unless you don't want to live, unless you don't want to die. Continue to walk on the path of cultivation, otherwise it is best not to provoke Ding Ning.

Right now, Yuan Xiu said that he had met Ding Ning several times, and was even Ding Ning's friend, which caused many people in the crowd to say hello and compliment him constantly.

Surrounded by people, Yuan Xiu suddenly became the central figure because he knew Ding Ning.

He quite enjoyed this kind of treatment, but unfortunately, this kind of enthusiasm did not last for too long, and he was questioned, perhaps because of jealousy, envy and jealousy, saying that Yuan Xiu was not even a martial saint. , Is there any reason to be able to recognize a strong man like Ding Ning.

As soon as these words came out, the people around Yuan Xiu also stopped their movements and words, waiting for Yuan Xiu's explanation.

After all, Yuan Xiu's strength is indeed mediocre, so how could he have anything to do with Ding Ning with such strength.

When he was questioned, Yuan Xiu naturally wanted to defend himself, and immediately said: "I didn't lie to anyone, I swear, I have met Mr. Ding several times."

But as soon as Yuan Xiu finished speaking, doubts arose immediately.

"You said you met Mr. Ding as soon as you met him. Who can prove it? These are all your one-sided claims."

"That is, even if you make it up, no one will know, so your words need to be verified."

Yuan Xiu was extremely angry. If the opponent's aura was not a little stronger than his, he would have made a move a long time ago, and seeing the posture of the people around him, they were all waiting for him to explain clearly, otherwise, it would just provoke public anger and shame. If I don't make it clear, in the future, I won't be looked down upon by everyone. If I say that I pretend to be Ding Ning's fame, Yuan Xiu's reputation in the martial arts circle will be completely stink.

"I'm telling the truth. There's no reason to lie to you. It's not good for me."

"Hehe, it's no good if you say it's not good. Now everyone is surrounding you because you know Mr. Ding, but if what you said is false, who do you think we will care about your little one?" Martial arts cultivator."

"Haha, there's nothing to say, it's not because we hit it."

Laughter was everywhere, Yuan Xiu's face was ugly, it felt really uncomfortable to be questioned, after a long while, he managed to say a word: "If I can prove it, what do you say?"

As soon as these words came out, those who questioned were stunned for a moment, and they would not stop being in a daze for a moment, and said seriously: "If you prove that what you said is true, I can apologize to you."

"Okay!" Yuan Xiu said a word.

The others were also interested, and wanted to see how Yuan Xiu could prove it.

Yuan Xiu took a deep breath, strode towards the door of Ding Ning's villa, raised his hand, and was about to knock on the door.

However, the raised arm did not fall down for a long time, he was hesitating.

Sarcastic words came from behind: "You can prove it to us, why don't you dare to knock on the door, I think you are afraid."

"Don't believe his words, he is a liar."

Hearing these words, Yuan Xiu gritted his teeth for the last time, stomped his feet, finally dropped his arm, and knocked on Ding Ning's villa.

After that, a middle-aged woman came out from the door. Yuan Xiu said a few words in front of her, and everyone saw that the door was tightly closed, and only Yuan Xiu was still standing there.

The laughter sounded immediately.

"Haha, let me just say, he is lying, now you know, you have been deceived by him."

"What a shameless guy. He still wants to cheat us by getting to know Mr. Ding. I must fix him severely."

"Count me in."

Yuan Xiu stood at the door, he didn't turn around, the woman refused his request to see Ding Ning, in fact, she knew from the time he knocked on the door that Ding Ning would not see him, even if he reported to the house, Ding Ning would not pay attention to him, now Ding Ning Standing at a height, he no longer needs to care about him as a small person. Of course, even when he first met Ding Ning, Ding Ning never cared about him.

Yuan Xiu has resigned himself to his fate, if he is ridiculed, just laugh at him, he is ready.

Just as Ding Ning turned around, suddenly, the door opened again.

A figure came out, making the crowd not far away shut their mouths.

Ding Ning really came out?
"Is he really friends with Mr. Ding?"

"Is this true?" The person who questioned it several times before was stunned.

Yuan Xiu's face was suddenly overjoyed, his mood suddenly rose from a slump to a height of [-] zhang, it was extremely good, as if he was rescued from a desperate situation.

"Mr. Ding, I didn't expect you to remember me..." Yuan Xiu said to Ding Ning.

Ding Ning just glanced at him, then walked past him, stood on the road, and looked into the distance.


Yuan Xiu was embarrassed.

Ding Ning stood on the road, his eyes narrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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