The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 420 421 Fighting in front of the gate! 4 more

Chapter 420 421 Fighting in front of the gate! 4 more

The reason why he came out was naturally not because Yuan Xiu wanted to see him, but because Ding Ning noticed two powerful auras approaching quickly.

As a strong person in the Foundation Establishment Realm, he can naturally detect the approach of such a master early.

Those mediocre people like Yuan Xiu didn't know about this at all, so they didn't understand what Ding Ning was doing standing beside the road.

But at this time, because Ding Ning appeared on his own initiative, although Yuan Xiu was embarrassed, it can be said that he resolved his own problems, after all, Ding Ning really appeared.

"Ahem, Mr. Ding came out, please apologize."

Yuan Xiu attributed the reason for Ding Ning's appearance to himself. Although he knew in his heart that this was not the case, he could definitely say so.

Because everyone saw that it was he who knocked on the door, and Ding Ning came out after a while, but Ding Ning did not talk to Yuan Xiu, which made everyone a little puzzled.

However, Yuan Xiu gave a reasonable explanation, saying that Ding Ning was practicing a kind of silent skill.

It is equivalent to the closed-mouth meditation of the Buddhist school, which fools everyone, and it is in the fog.

In the end, the man who kept questioning had no choice but to bow his head and apologize, and the matter was considered over. When the people around looked at Yuan Xiu, their eyes also showed a lot of awe.

Even people with a higher realm than Yuan Xiu dare not show any hostility.

Yuan Xiu knew that in the future, he would be much easier to mess with in the world of martial arts than he is now. He had already proved in public that he knew Ding Ning. Although there were still some doubts, those people didn't have the guts to ask Ding Ning for proof. , that is to say, in the future, he, Yuan Xiu, will live a good life by knowing Ding Ning's relationship, no one dares not to give face.

Ding Ning stood by the road and waited for a while. Those who had the opportunity to see Ding Ning's true face naturally would not leave. They also watched quietly from a distance, wanting to know what Ding Ning was going to do.

At this moment, these martial arts practitioners discovered that the sky in the distance began to be covered with dark clouds, and this dark cloud came quickly, which was very strange. The thicker dark clouds, getting older and closer, pulled the sky down, giving A great sense of depression.

It's as if the sky is about to collapse, and people can't help feeling awed by the sky and the earth.

The clouds are dense, there is no torrential rain, only endless depression, which is so oppressive that people can't breathe in their chests.

This kind of depression is common to ordinary people, just like an ordinary rainy day, but to martial practitioners, it is indeed a great sense of oppression.

It didn't take long for everyone to notice that there were two figures coming faintly under the dark cloud. These two figures flashed and flashed, and each time they flashed, they quickly approached. In the blink of an eye, they came before everyone's eyes .

Who are they?

These two figures that suddenly appeared were enlarged in everyone's field of vision.

A man and a woman didn't exude such a powerful aura, but even so, facing these two people, even if they were far away, they felt fear.

The people present, not to mention they are all strong, but they are not considered the weakest kind. They are also the ones who stepped into the ranks of martial arts practitioners for the last time. At this time, the appearance of this man and woman made all of them tremble There is a feeling of panic.

You must know that these two people look very young, but they make everyone feel like they are facing the god of death. What kind of realm are these two people?

Could it be that the reason why Ding Ning stood by the road was because of these two people?

Some people vaguely understood something, but now is not the time to talk about it, because there are more noteworthy things ahead.

patter patter . . .

A few drops of rain were scattered from here and there, and suddenly it began to rain cats and dogs.

wow wow wow...

There was no terrible thunder, and this thick cloud rained heavily and watered the earth.

A group of martial arts practitioners were all drowned, and the rain quickly soaked everyone's clothes.

But the three figures in their eyes were still as clean as new. The rain didn't get a single drop on them, and even the water gathered on the ground flowed around them.

It seems that there is an invisible energy forming a big umbrella to isolate the rainwater.

The three formed a world by themselves, and Yuan Xiu and others formed a world in the distance. The two worlds seemed very close, but they were actually very far away.

Because they have too big a level gap.

"You know we're coming?" the woman asked.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Ding Ning responded lightly.

"Why did you kill him?" the man asked immediately.

Ding Ning smiled: "If he provokes me, I will kill him."

"Then do you know who he is? Who are we?"

"They're all dead!"

wow wow wow...

Everyone found that the three figures in front of them could not be seen clearly, and the place was blurred and hazy.

The rain really separates the people gathered in two places.

The ground is shaking.

The trees are shaking.

The river is throbbing.

Everything around has become unusual.

Those who couldn't see the scene in front of them knew that Ding Ning must be fighting with those two people. It's just that they were in the nearest place, so they were not qualified to witness this fight.

Because the realm and strength of the opponent is too high, they can't make the blur in front of them clear at all, they can only feel the environmental changes brought about by this fierce fight.

"It's no longer raining!"

"No, it's still falling, but it's not falling on us."

Yuan Xiu and the others stared at the front. They couldn't see clearly at a distance of more than thirty meters, but the scene in front of them was enough to make everyone present remember it for a lifetime.

The rain has indeed stopped, and the rain is indeed falling, and no one is wrong.

Because all the rainwater gathered where the three of them were, and all the rainwater fell there.


Zhao Long braked and the car stopped. There was no road ahead, only a huge water curtain standing on the road.

Seeing this scene, Qian Wolong's eyes flickered, he knew that the master of the power he felt before must be fighting Ding Ning.

He was able to confirm that their location was less than 100 meters away from Ding Ning's villa.

Looking at the miraculous scene in front of them, Qian Wolong and Zhao Long didn't hide their surprise, but they were more puzzled.

Because they don't understand how there is such a powerful existence in this world that can collide with Ding Ning.

Who was the person who fought and collided with Ding Ning?

What kind of identities do they have, where do they come from, and why do they fight against Ding Ning?
All this is a mystery, Ye Qiu is probably the only one who knows this mystery.

In front of Ding Ning's residence, there was a collision of mysterious strong men. The news spread quickly. Those martial practitioners who had just left before and after were all rushing back.

Because everyone wanted to see him. With Ding Ning's reputation so high, who would dare to fight against Ding Ning.

(Today is Wednesday, it's four more!)

(End of this chapter)

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