The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 421 422 You are so ugly! 1 more

Chapter 421 422 You are so ugly! 1 more

The rainwater isolates the surroundings and forms a world of its own.

A man and a woman were not as calm as they appeared at the beginning. They came to question Ding Ning and avenge Qin Ting, but at this moment, they found that they were not Ding Ning's opponent.

After some fights, the two of them were in a mess, even if they joined hands, they didn't gain any benefits in front of Ding Ning.

They never thought that there would be such a strong man as Ding Ning in such a barren place as the earth. The most puzzling thing is that Ding Ning's methods are more than theirs, and some of them have never even seen them.

Is this person really an Earthling?
"Who the hell are you? Do you also come from my fairy world?" the man asked, and at the same time he held his chest, where blood was bleeding. It was the injury he suffered from Ding Ning's blow just now. With his strong physique , even he couldn't stop Ding Ning's attack, even he found it inconceivable.

This sentence sounds familiar, it seems that Qin Ting, who was killed by him before, also asked the same doubt.

Why do you suspect that he is also from the fairy world?

Ding Ning looked flickering, and said lightly: "I have never been to the fairy world, but you people from the fairy world make me want to go to the fairy world."

If the warriors of Dongpu heard this sentence, they would definitely tremble all over, and the Huangfu family would show horror when they heard this sentence, because Ding Ning went to these two places and walked once.

However, a man and a woman from the fairy world didn't know what would happen if Ding Ning took him down, so he didn't think there was anything wrong, and his mind became even more confused. Since Ding Ning was not from the fairy world , How could it be so strong, and where did he come up with so many methods?

On the earth, there is no such method. Even if there is, it should appear in the world after the spiritual energy is revived, but judging by Ding Ning's appearance, it is obvious that he has been practicing for a while.

Ding Ning's method has become a mystery in the hearts of the two.

"You must be lying, you must be from my fairy world, otherwise, you can't be so powerful, you can't have so many methods, who are you?"

The two are still asking questions.

But Ding Ning was not in the mood to continue answering, and said lightly: "It's up to you what you think, and it's time to send you on your way."

Ding Ning's words made the two of them look condensed, and they stuck together even tighter, because they felt the pressure facing Ding Ning.

The person in front of them is too high in terms of practice and fighting skills. Even though they can feel that Ding Ning is in the same realm as them, they still feel powerless.

Obviously he is not weak, but he just can't beat him.

At this time, the mood of the two was like this, now that Ding Ning said that he wanted to kill them, how could the two of them be as calm and calm as before.

In fact, Ding Ning really has the ability to kill them.

In Ding Ning's hands, the rainwater on the ground seemed to have life, flowing from the ground into his hands, and automatically formed a water gun!
The long spear made of water flowed continuously and lay across Ding Ning's hands. Seeing this scene, the faces of the two people in the fairy world instantly paled a little, and fear radiated from their eyes.

The two of them suffered a lot from Ding Ning's water gun just now. Most of their injuries were caused by Ding Ning's condensed water gun, so seeing Ding Ning's trick again, and the water gun that was condensed was longer than before, The bigger it is, the two will instinctively feel fear.

If they were really pierced by this long, thick, and big water gun, and they were constantly inserted in their bodies, there would definitely be countless blood holes on their bodies.

Thinking of this, both of them shuddered.

One of the men immediately said: "Wait a minute."

Seeing that Ding Ning didn't stop condensing the water gun because of his words, the man became anxious, and quickly said: "We don't need to fight to the death, you should know that the two of us come from the fairy world, and with your talent, we are here You can cultivate to such a level in the barren land. If there is a better cultivation environment, the cultivation speed will definitely be faster. How about this, how about we bring you back to our fairy world? I have a suggestion, you can talk to us first Cooperation, it won't be long before the people behind us will arrive here. At that time, we will introduce you to become a member of our fairy world, and you will come into contact with more methods and more powerful people, which will have a great impact on the growth of your strength. Great benefit."

The man chattered a lot. The water gun in Ding Ning's hand had stopped agglomerating and became like crystal, clear and transparent, but its shape was very strong. Even though it was only made of rainwater, the sharp aura it emitted was exactly the same as the real spear. , and even colder.

"Have you finished?" Ding Ning slowly raised his head and asked.


The man was stunned, isn't this enough?
"What else do you want? We can discuss it." The man added immediately.

Ding Ning smiled: "I want you to die."

After speaking, he swung his arm violently, and the water gun in his hand turned into a beam of light with an unstoppable momentum, and shot out suddenly. When he saw the water gun clearly again, it had already pierced the man's forehead.

"Why..." the man asked with wide-eyed eyes, blood streaming down his forehead.

"Your conditions are not enough to attract me. Secondly, do you really think that I will believe what you say?" Ding Ning said lightly. Long before the man opened his mouth, Ding Ning was determined to kill him. How could he change because of mere conditions? He Ding Ning doesn't need such exercises, expert guidance, broadening his horizons, etc. He is a big brother from the cultivation world who is more advanced than the fairy world, how could he value these things, it's strange to be moved.

Having seen too many intrigues, Ding Ning will not believe anyone's promises. He can guarantee that once he agrees, when a master from the fairy world appears, he will be the first to kill.

Therefore, it is better to kill it, and it will never die.

As for whether people from the fairy world will come to retaliate against him, the solution is very simple, as long as they come down and kill one by one, then there is nothing to worry about.

The water gun exploded along with the man's body, completely turning into residue. Even in the Foundation Establishment Realm, with the body broken like this, there is only one way to die.

The man died, leaving only the woman beside him.

At this time, the woman looked terrified, she looked at Ding Ning, and said seriously: "I can exchange my body, I just want to live."

Ding Ning showed a pensive look, and the woman felt that there was something interesting when she saw this, but in the next moment, her eyes showed a puzzled look.


Similarly, the forehead was pierced, but this time it was not a water gun, but a lightning-fast True Essence Sword.

"Do you also want to know why?" Ding Ning knew that the woman would not rest in peace.

The woman was still holding on and didn't fall down, just to hear Ding Ning's answer.

Ding Ning looked into her eyes and said, "You're too ugly, I'm not interested."

(End of this chapter)

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