The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 422 423 Yuan Xiu's Chance! 2 more

Chapter 422 423 Yuan Xiu's Chance! 2 more

The clouds cleared, the rain disappeared, and everything in front of me returned to normal.

The people who had been watching the battle from the sidelines could finally see clearly.However, they were shocked to find that the fight seemed to be over.

The man and woman who appeared before, the man disappeared, leaving only the woman lying on the ground.

Ding Ning was still standing by the road, as if he had never moved.

After a while, Ding Ning walked towards the villa, and when he was about to enter the villa, he stopped. He turned his head, looked at the group of martial practitioners, pointed at Yuan Xiu and said, "Take care of that woman's body."

Yuan Xiu, who was standing in the crowd, was overjoyed. Ding Ning spoke to him and asked him to dispose of the corpse.

Feeling very happy in his heart, Yuan Xiu nodded his head like a rattle drum, then he straightened his chest, raised his head, and under the envious eyes of the people around him, he quickly came to the battlefield where Ding Ning was before, and disposed of the woman's body.

This is a matter designated by Ding Ning, no one dares to intervene, but if it is not told to Yuan Xiu, I believe other people will rush to do it immediately.

Arriving in front of the woman's corpse, even though she was dead, the aura of the Foundation Establishment Stage had not dissipated completely. For Yuan Xiu, there was still a lot of pressure, but he still braved his nerves and started to deal with it.

"It's really ugly!"

After looking around, Yuan Xiu said with emotion, because the woman's head was pierced, blood was flowing on half of her face, and she looked horrible.

"She seems very strong, I don't know if there is anything useful on her."

Yuan Xiu thought of it very cleverly, so he quickly groped around the woman, not to mention, he really turned out a book.

Yuan Xiu didn't even look at it, and blocked the sight of those people with his body, quickly put the book in his arms, then got up pretendingly, and started to burn the woman's body.

After doing this, under the eyes of everyone, Yuan Xiu knocked on the door of the villa again, and then walked in, seeing the envy and hatred of all the martial practitioners.


"Let's go."

Qian Wolong said slowly.

The two powerful aura masters were beheaded by Ding Ning, and this matter was over.

The three returned to the car and returned again.

In addition to Tong Wantong's unawareness of the Ming calendar, Qian Wolong and Zhao Long's heart towards Ding Ning's strength has been greatly increased. They really don't know what height Ding Ning has reached.

Those two people just now were so terrifying just with the power of sweeping, but even so, they were still killed by Ding Ning. What level of Ding Ning's strength has reached.

The two couldn't figure it out, but the more they thought about it, the more smiles on their faces.

There is no other reason. They are not enemies with Ding Ning, but friends. Ding Ning is strong, so it is only good for them, and there is no harm.

Thinking of this, Qian Wolong suddenly said to his granddaughter Tong Wantong: "Wantong, when you are free, you and Brother Ding often walk around. I remember you went to her house. His parents still like you very much. Might as well go there a few more times in the future.”

Tong Wantong was stunned for a moment, firstly because her grandfather's words surprised her, and secondly, how did grandfather know that she had been to Ding Ning's house?

Qian Wolong smiled and said, "You can't hide anything from me."

"Grandpa, you sent someone to watch me!" Tong Wantong exclaimed angrily.

"I'm just thinking about your safety."

"Who doesn't know that I'm your granddaughter, no one dares to do anything to me." Tong Wantong was talking, when she suddenly felt that something was wrong with what Grandpa said at the beginning, she couldn't help saying: "Grandpa, you let me Go to his house more? What do you always want to do!"

"What do you think, don't I know that you are a grandfather? You girl, since you have the heart, you might as well take the initiative. If you can marry him, grandpa will not object."

"Grandpa... what are you talking about?"


The martial cultivator who left before came back again and found that there was no fight, so he couldn't help asking: "I heard that Mr. Ding made a move? Where is it?"

Someone responded lightly: "You came late, and it was over long ago. Mr. Ding's strength is superb, so how can it take too long?"

It was said that those who rushed back showed disappointment. They met Ding Ning before to no avail. They thought Ding Ning made a move, and it was worth seeing Ding Ning's demeanor. They never thought of coming, and the fight ended early.

"By the way, Mr. Ding made a move just now, it must be very exciting, who will tell us?"

Those martial practitioners who had not left in front of the audience all glanced at each other, and then one of them stood up and said: "The fight at that time can be described as very dangerous. You didn't witness it with your own eyes. Clearly, that scene was truly a shock."

"Do you know that these two people who dare to fight against Mr. Ding are very powerful. When they raise their hands, the sky is covered with dark clouds. I believe you have seen it from a distance, but even if they are so strong, they are unbearable in front of Mr. Ding." one strike."

When those later martial arts practitioners heard this, they were all aroused curiosity, saying how strong Mr. Ding is, and those who knew the truth did not refute. Listening to this man continue to talk nonsense, how could they say, They couldn't see anything at all, it was too embarrassing, so they all cooperated in the vividly depicted battle.

"Mr. Ding waved his hand, and the wind blew violently. His fist turned into a giant hand that could cover the world, cover the sky and block out the sun, and stirred up the dark clouds. Then, he slapped the two of them to death." on the spot!"

Those martial practitioners who were fascinated by what they heard all gasped, shocked in their hearts, Ding Ning was so terrifying.

Outside the villa, words describing the confrontation continued, but Ding Ning, who was inside the villa, ignored it and let these people make up things.

Yuan Xiu stood in front of Ding Ning, respectful and honest, even though they were similar in age, in the world of martial arts practitioners, strength is the most important thing, as long as you are strong, even if you are a child, a centenarian will be Call me a senior.

"What's your business?"

Ding Ning asked, leaving Yuan Xiu behind.

"Mr. Ding, I found a book of Dharma from that woman, so I specially brought it to you." Yuan Xiu said, and took out the book hidden in his bosom before, intending to pass it to Ding Ning.

The reason why he did this, Yuan Xiu hesitated for a long time, but in the end, he still chose to hand it over to Ding Ning first.

Ding Ning didn't pick it up, let alone glanced at it, and still didn't look back, and said, "Since the corpse is handed over to you, everything on her is yours, so you don't need to give it to me."

"However, this method belongs to Mr. Ding as your spoils of war." Yuan Xiu said.

"I told you, it belongs to you now." Ding Ning said.

Yuan Xiu didn't expect that Ding Ning wouldn't even look at it, so he said it to himself. He was very happy in his heart. The things on a strong man are definitely treasures for him, a small martial artist.

"Thank you, Mr. Ding." Yuan Xiuxing saluted, "If Mr. Ding has no orders, I will take my leave first."


Walking out of the door, Yuan Xiu couldn't restrain his excitement any longer. He touched the book of Dharma Gate through his clothes. He was excited because he knew that he was not far from the road of the strong.

This is your chance.

At this time, Ding Ning still had no trace of his mind. He didn't look at the Dharma door on that woman, and he didn't bother to look at it. It was because Ding Ning needed Dharma door most, so he could throw it to Yuan Xiu without hesitation.

Today, three people who came to Earth from the fairy world have died, and five are left. I don't know where those five people are, so they should take the initiative to find them.

Ding Ning thought so in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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