The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 433 434 Magma and Chishui! 1 more

Chapter 433 434 Magma and Chishui! 1 more

Aliens base.

Feiying explained the specific situation carefully, and then looked at Ding Ning with a wry smile.

Ding Ning did not expect that, as the most advanced force in China, he would be in such an embarrassing situation.

After all, the Yiren Group is also a sharp sword in China, and it is actually unable to compete with those new strong men.

According to Feiying, there are a lot of strong people appearing nowadays, whether they are martial practitioners or aliens who ate the fruit, these people are not law-abiding people, and many of them have formed a force and competed for the mountain. To seize the cultivation resources, the Yiren Group naturally cannot lag behind, but although the Yiren Group is not small, don't forget that one of the arduous tasks of the Yiren Group is to guard the borders of China. Although there are many people, they are all martial arts However, once they are dispersed, there will be few strong ones who can live in the field.

Of course, in the Yiren group, there are also frequent good news. Many people, such as Shengnan, Tiequan, Yanzi, etc., have also entered the realm of martial arts, but even so, Feiying dare not easily Called back, because the scope of spiritual recovery is not only in China, but also in the whole earth, so not only the number of breakthroughs in China has increased, but also the number of foreign masters. In this way, even if some people break through, they still have to wait. On the border, continue to guard.

"I remember that the Yiren Group has been recruiting new members. Now that there are so many capable people all of a sudden, the Yiren Group has not recruited a single one?"

Hearing this, the wry smile on Feiying's face became even stronger: "Although you reminded me before, I still ignored this aspect, mainly because I didn't expect that there would be so many masters in so many places suddenly, and it didn't wait for us to get together. When the group of people acted, some families or forces began to take the first step, and after we reacted, many strong people were absorbed by others."

Ding Ning was a little surprised, these families and forces dared to rob people from the government, they were quite courageous.

Seemingly aware of the confusion in Fan Dingning's heart, Feiying explained: "I know what you're thinking, but we don't want to point the finger at our own people. After all, they are all Chinese people. How can we use extreme methods against them? You said that the person from the fairy world will come at that time, considering this, we can't be too tough."

"Furthermore, this time the earth is ushering in a new era, and we have the most powerful people in China. Once we make a strong move, it may cause dissatisfaction among many people. This is not what the higher authorities want to see. Secondly, you also know the strength of China. It's complicated, even if the higher-ups want to make a move, they have too many concerns, so it has become such a situation."

Hearing what Feiying said, Ding Ning felt a little bit of a headache for Feiying. He had scruples and had to fight. It really is not that easy to be a leader. There are too many aspects to consider. Sometimes it seems stretched to do things.

It's no wonder that Feiying will come to him, because only when he appears, can he justifiably fight for it, leaving no one speechless.

After all, everyone relies on strength.

As the team leader of the Inhuman Group, although Ding Ning has the right to refuse and there is no need to waste his precious time, Ding Ning did not. He agreed to help the Inhuman Group capture some mountains.

"Okay, I know you are also patriotic in your heart." Feiying looked happy, he always treated Ding Ning with a negotiating tone, and this kind of neither soft nor hard way naturally suits Ding Ning's appetite the most.

Ding Ning agreed, and on the same day, he was ready to take the members of the Inhuman Group to fight.

After the recovery of the Inhuman Group's aura, it wasn't that one person was not absorbed in. There were still two well-known Inhumans who entered the Inhuman Group base.

These two people both ate the fruit and suddenly became strong.

One is called Magma and the other is called Chishui.

These days, there has been a lot of danger in the Inhuman Group. When they heard the leader of the Inhuman Group appear, the two looked at Ding Ning quite a bit. There was a fighting spirit in their eyes, and they wanted to fight against Ding Ning. Team leader, let's compete.

Ding Ning stood in front of a group of Inhuman Group members. Most of them knew Ding Ning and knew Ding Ning's strength. Only Magma and Chishui didn't know Ding Ning. After they entered the Inhuman Group, they only knew that there was a young man in the Inhuman Group the team leader.

"You are our team leader? I want to challenge you, do you dare to accept it?" After staring at Ding Ning for a while, Magma suddenly said.

"If you want to challenge, I will come first, Magma, you should come after me." Chishui also said immediately.

The two suddenly opened their mouths to challenge, which surprised all the members of the Inhuman Group around them, and they couldn't help persuading them not to challenge the group leader rashly.

But for the persuasion, the two suddenly ignored it, insisted on their own ideas, and challenged Ding Ning again.

Magma, Chishui, and Wu Jue are the three most famous aliens after the recovery of the earth's aura. They all ate the fruit and had unique abilities.

It is a pity for some families and forces to include Magma and Chishui into the Yiren Group, because in their view, people with special abilities like Magma and Chishui have great potential and unlimited growth possibilities .

Magma and Chishui do have this capital. The two of them are worthy of their names. The ability of magma is hot magma, which turns into a magma man. It has extremely terrible destructive power and can burn everything, even if the flame is in front of it. It can't do any harm at all. It can be said that the ability of magma allows magma to restrain many aliens who ate the fruit.

Chishui and magma are completely opposite attributes. His ability is empty water, which can be transformed into a body into a stream of water, flowing into the ground, floating into the air, and can also be transformed into various forms. It can also be frozen with water and mist with water. It exists in various forms, which can be called ever-changing.

Because of their special abilities, the two also won a title in the Inhuman Group, the Ice and Fire Duo!
Now the two of them were going to challenge Ding Ning. Under the eyes of everyone, they fought for each other, wanting to be the first to fight Ding Ning.

Facing the fight between the two, Ding Ning smiled lightly: "You don't have to fight, I can allow you to challenge me together."

"You want to fight the two of us alone?"

"That's right, there is no need to waste time, you can take action at any time."

Magma and Chishui looked at each other. Ding Ning's answer was unexpected, but the two of them did not refuse. They also knew that to be the leader of the Inhumans group, they had to have two skills, and these days, they also heard about Ding Ning's many deeds are challenges, but it does not mean that the two will be careless.

Since Ding Ning agreed, they naturally happily shot together.

"Okay, then offend me, my leader!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they shot in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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