The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 434 435 Seizing the Mountain! 2 more

Chapter 434 435 Seizing the Mountain! 2 more


The members of the Inhuman Group headed by Ding Ning left the Inhuman Group base.

Feiying watched the group of people leave, as long as Ding Ning made a move, he believed that there was no mountain they could not take down.

"Sir, Team Leader Ding seems to be stronger again."

"The data we detected just now is from Team Leader Ding's last attack. This time, his strength is more than ten times stronger than before."

Beside Feiying, a researcher at the base held a bunch of reports and analyzed them. He formed several data tables from the confrontation between Ding Ning, Magma and Chishui just now, which recorded various data.

"Is it ten times stronger?" Feiying was not surprised, because every time Ding Ning appeared, he would be surprised.

"There is no need to record the strength of Team Leader Ding in the future, because the records are useless, and he will not be able to use his full strength to deal with magma and Chishui."

The researcher beside him was shocked and said, "Sir, do you mean that Team Leader Ding hasn't done his best yet?"

Feiying nodded, if these two people could force him to use all his strength, how could he have survived until now, he would have died in the hands of the enemy long ago.

The researcher Jiujiu just came back to his senses, and then came Feiying's order: "In the future, we will focus on researching the fruit of ability. If members of our Inhuman Group eat the fruit of ability, it will be a combination of force and special ability. exert greater power."

"I understand."


Ding Ning was in front, followed by Chishui and Magma. Both of them were in a daze, because they didn't expect that they would be defeated by Ding Ning so quickly, and they couldn't even fight back.

What is vulnerable, perhaps the battle just now is the best interpretation.

Only now did they realize how powerful their team leader was.Before, it was a brazen attempt to challenge Ding Ning, which was purely an act of death. Now that I think about it, how ridiculous it is. Fortunately, Ding Ning is their team leader, not an outsider. Otherwise, they would have been two corpses at this time.

Whether it's magma or Chishui, I have to think that I used to look at the sky from a well. I thought the sky I saw was as big as it was, but I didn't know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.

The scene of the confrontation just now was replayed in the minds of the two, and it was also an unforgettable scene in the minds of other members of the Inhuman Group.

At that time, as soon as Magma and Chishui made a move, they showed their strongest strength, and when they tried to come up, they used the most violent attack to knock down Ding Ning.

The magma turned into a magma man, and his whole body seemed to be on fire, full of heat waves.

Chishui, on the other hand, turned into a water man, with a suit of armor formed from water all over his body, just like a water god.

Such two existences, one fire and one water, are incompatible with each other, but they can launch extremely terrifying attacks.

In an instant, the two turned cold and warm, and melted into conflicting attacks. They rushed towards Ding Ning. Facing the two people who looked like gods and men, Ding Ning didn't make any unnecessary movements. He stretched out his arm and tied it with one hand. After a seal, countless traditional characters flew out from his hand, forming a storm that swept the two of them.

After that, the two became quiet. They found that they couldn't move at all. Even if the magma burst into hot flames, they couldn't burn the words. Even if the water condensed into ice, they couldn't pierce the imprisonment around them.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Ning walked slowly in front of the two of them, flicked their heads lightly, and the two of them flew upside down, but the restraints on their bodies were still restricting their movements, and they could only fall on the ground. on the ground.

Everyone saw the process of Ding Ning's attack. There was no terrible momentum. He just moved his fingers a few times, and then words flew out. The fight seemed to be over, because the magma and Chishui could not move. The appearance of the slaughter, who wins and who loses, is clearly visible.

"Ding... Team Leader Ding... What kind of move did you use before?"

Magma boldly asked, facing Ding Ning now, he no longer had the mentality he had at the beginning, and used respectful words in his words.

"Yes, team leader, that move of yours is so powerful, neither of us can move." Chi Shui was also very curious, they lost to Ding Ning, but even more wanted to know what kind of move he lost to under.

"The great seal of the nine-character mantra!" Ding Ning simply replied.

"Seal? Nine-character mantra?" The two chanted, keeping these words in their hearts. Although they didn't understand it very well, they had personally experienced the power of this move and knew that it was definitely not an ordinary method.

With Ding Ning's strength, dealing with two people is really a bit of a bully. Although Magma and Chishui have special abilities, in Ding Ning's view, this special ability is not a threat to him. Even if he stands there and allows them to attack, Neither of them could hurt him in the slightest.

The strength of his physical body has now reached a very terrifying level. You must know that he is now only a hair away from the golden core level. Entering the fifth floor, how could the two of them be able to destroy this kind of physical strength? Even a foundation-building master in the cultivation world would find it difficult to break through Ding Ning's physical defense.

A group of people soon came to a mountain peak. Chishui pointed out that this place was occupied by a martial artist. This martial artist not only had a high level of martial arts, but also had eaten supernatural fruits. Neither Chishui nor Magma teamed up as their opponents. The last time they fought for this mountain, they were seriously injured by the other party.

So, this time, when they came here again, the two of them were still a little apprehensive.

"Let's go up the mountain!" Ding Ning said.

Magma and Chishui hesitated for a moment, but followed quickly.

When the group reached the middle of the mountain, a middle-aged man in gray clothes blocked the way. He looked at Magma and Chishui and said, "You two are defeated again, why? You still want to be beaten to death by me!" ?”

"Team leader, this is the person."

Magma and Chishui took a step back each, and pinned their hopes on Ding Ning. They were not sure about meeting this man.

Ding Ning didn't want to talk nonsense, so he shot directly.

"court death!"

The other party yelled, and suddenly, the trees on the mountainside fell suddenly, and the members of the Inhuman Group retreated quickly, trying to stay away from the battlefield.

"All right!"

Before everyone retreated too far, Ding Ning's voice reached everyone's ears. They only saw Ding Ning walking towards them, and the previous martial artist was held by Ding Ning, looking half dead.

Seeing this scene, Chishui and Magma swallowed their saliva, completely convinced.

It was almost an instant solution to the opponent. Their team leader seemed to be too strong.

Simply invincible, there is wood!
(End of this chapter)

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