The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 437 438 Stress! 2 more

Chapter 437 438 Stress! 2 more

Wu Jue's death caused a lot of commotion, because he was relatively well-known, so he was known by many people.

In the hearts of many fans, Wu Jue was a kind and powerful man. His death made thousands of girls cry bitterly.

Many people even demanded that the murderer who killed Wu Jue must be caught.

Because of Wu Jue's death, some big families have aroused a lot of vigilance. There are not many people in this world who can kill Wu Jue. So who is it? Many people have their own hearts. guess.

In a tall building, a man had a gloomy face and was very angry in his heart.

That stupid guy actually took action against Ding Ning, which was really beyond his expectation, it was simply extremely courageous.

He had already warned the other party that this Wu Jue didn't stop, and he still wanted to fight Ding Ning himself.

In his opinion, Wu Jue was extremely stupid, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make such a death-defying move.

In vain, he spent some time and energy on training.

"If I had known this, I might as well keep a dog." It was unmanly.

Wu Jue is dead, and there are some things that can only be done by him.

"Now that the earth's aura is recovering, fortunately, no one can step into those important mountains, and the opportunities inside are always inside. We must make preparations for receiving them as soon as possible."

At this moment, dealing with Ding Ning is secondary, as long as more people from the sect are brought to Earth, killing Ding Ning is nothing more than a trivial matter.

"Now the first batch of descendants, I am the only one left. I must not have any accidents, do not hesitate, and do my best to receive the young suzerain!"


East Ying.

Dong Xiezhi, as the number one samurai in Japan today, naturally took the most famous Mount Fuji as his own and made it his training dojo.

After sneaking into China quietly and witnessing Ding Ning's strength, Dong Xiezhi knew that with his current strength, it would be wishful thinking to compete with Ding Ning. Let alone Ding Ning, he might even beat Ding Ning to the current members of the Inhuman Group. but.

"Compared to Huaxia's vast land and abundant resources, my Dongying has too many resources. Even the famous mountain peaks are pitifully few. Now there are a lot of people with special abilities in China, but my Dongying has very few. This aura The main venue for the recovery seems to be concentrated in Huaxia."

'"Anywhere outside of Huaxia, only half of the concentration of aura resources is allocated."

Dong Xiezhi was very brooding about this point, he didn't want to fight, and the recovery of the earth's aura was so partial to China.

In fact, Dong Xiezhi didn't know. The reason why the concentration of spiritual energy in China is higher than that of other countries is probably because there are several mountains in China that cannot be climbed. It is for this reason that most of the spiritual energy gathers in China.

"In this era of change, I, Dongying, will never sit behind others and eat leftovers. We must be the ones who benefit the most." Many thoughts flashed in Dong Xiezhi's mind.

He wants to send more people to sneak into China, hide silently, go to China to practice, and then wait for the opportunity to rise.

Dong Xiezhi himself sits in Dongying, and Dongying must have a strong man who can hold his own. Dong Xiezhi wants to be in the current environment,
Become stronger than anyone in Huaxia, and he wants to sprinkle the light of the royal family on the land of Huaxia again.

"Many years ago, I, Dong Xiezhi, must complete the unfinished business of my ancestors in this life."

After Dong Xiezhi finished speaking, he took out a jade pendant that exuded a faint light from his arms. This was something he got after staying in the battlefield on the Huaxia Sea for many days. He recognized this jade pendant as the old man The thing hanging on the waist, the adult likes this jade pendant very much.

For some reason, Dong Xiezhi felt that this jade pendant was very unusual. He held the jade pendant in his hand and kept thinking about it. In the end, he bit his finger and squeezed out a drop of blood to drip on it. There are many cultivation methods.



Ding Ning stood on the bank, looking at the surging river. He no longer needed to absorb the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy accumulated in his body had reached a critical point. Unless he entered the Jindan state, even if he tried to absorb it, he would not be able to absorb it into his body.

This is like a big bucket, which is already filled with water, and if you fill it with water, it will flow out for a reason.

He doesn't have to worry about the affairs of the Inhuman Group, although as the group leader, he is definitely the one with the most leisure time.

His task is considered complete after capturing several mountains. The Inhuman Group has these mountains, and the members of the Inhuman Group are enough to practice. No matter how many there are, there are not so many people.

Before Chong Yiren Group returned to Jiangling, Ding Ning saw that the members of the Yiren Group were practicing the method he taught at the beginning. Thinking that now that the era of spiritual energy is coming, more cultivators will appear in the future. Even in the not-too-distant future, people from the fairy world will come. With the method that the Yiren group is currently practicing, it is still too far away to fight against them.

Although the practitioners in the fairy world are not as powerful as those in the cultivation world, and they know many ways, they are still genuine practitioners. They can easily manipulate power and absorb the aura of heaven and earth. This is incomparable to the members of the Inhuman Group.

Compared with the people in the fairy world, the method of the Inhuman Group is too vulgar and simple.

Ding Ning couldn't see it, so he left some methods and handed them over to Feiying. Regarding this, Feiying's eyes on Ding Ning changed, because Feiying knew that the cultivation methods Ding Ning took out were How powerful and precious.

Feiying didn't say much to Ding Ning, but only said one sentence, saying that Ding Ning is the blessing of China, and everyone in the Yiren group will remember Ding Ning's goodness.

Ding Ning didn't care. Although the method he imparted was not weak, it was not his strongest method either. Naturally, he could only keep some things that were left out of the box. Easily spread.

Feiying is worried that the method left by Ding Ning will be uncontrollable after creating a strong person. Ding Ning is not worried about this, and only leaves one sentence, since he can give people the law, he can take it back. With Ding Ning With these words, Feiying was relieved.

"There is no movement in the fairy world yet. I don't know when they will descend on the earth?"

He doesn't care about the opponents on earth, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he has the confidence to kill them, but the fairy world is different. There are many cultivators, but they will not be too weak, especially they still have a Nascent Soul Stage existence.

The existence of this Nascent Soul level is what Ding Ning is most afraid of, and because of this information, he has been pressing on his heart.

He had to break through to the Golden Core Realm after this Nascent Soul-level existence came to Earth.

Although he has now reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm in both righteous and demonic paths, he is still one step behind.

How to take this step, he also has a headache.

Looking far away, Ding Ning looked at the far and borderless river, and suddenly, his expression flashed.

He thought of a place.

Maybe try it out there!
(End of this chapter)

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