The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 438 439 Sloppy Taoist! 3 more

Chapter 438 439 Sloppy Taoist! 3 more

The ten-thousand-foot peak rises from the ground and passes through the clouds.

This is the first mountain in China, Mount Tai, the place where Zen was once enshrined, and it has left endless legends.

The reason why Ding Ning came here was because he wanted to use the power that prevented him from stepping into the mountain to gain some insight into the realm of the righteous way, so that he could step into the golden core stage first.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Ding Ning didn't look up at the mountain, but only looked at the height of Mount Tai with his spiritual sense. It has to be said that the special features of these famous mountains and great rivers, even a master of his level can't forcefully break through.

But today, Ding Ning still wants to give it a try.

Stopping the operation of the magic way, Ding Ning now puts all his thoughts on the righteous way.

Just when Ding Ning was about to take a step, a figure crashed down from the sky and hit the ground, creating a deep hole.

Fortunately, all the people at the foot of Mount Tai have moved away, otherwise, the movement just now would have attracted many people to watch.

Ding Ning frowned and stared at the deep pit. Not long after, an old man crawled out of it.

The old man patted the dust off his body, and his mouth screamed in pain.

"Damn God, Daoist fell to my death." The old man rubbed his back, shook it a few more times, and was cursing when he suddenly realized that there was still a young man standing here.

"Huh? Little boy, what are you doing here? Go, go, this is not the place you should come."

This sloppy old man waved his hands again and again, trying to blow Ding Ning away.

However, he kept waving his hands, but it didn't have any effect. The young man was staring straight at him.

"What do you think I'm doing? Is there something on my face?" The sloppy old man touched his face, then looked at his palm, and found that there was nothing dirty.

Ding Ning stared at the old man, and his heart was filled with huge waves. This was the first time since his rebirth that he experienced such a big emotional turmoil.

Because he didn't expect that he would meet this old man again.

In the last life, it was precisely because of this person that he set foot in the world of cultivators, entered the place full of killings, and only by becoming stronger can he live better.

He is regarded as his Ding Ning's guide, leading him on the path of self-cultivation and eternal life.

When Ding Ning was reborn, according to the time and place in his memory, he had intentionally searched for it, imagining whether he would meet that teacher again.

However, he waited there for a long time, but the teacher did not appear after all. It seemed that with his rebirth, the original trajectory changed direction.

Ding Ning also thinks so, but now, he has really met the leader of the previous life, as if the gears of fate are meshing again, and the two have intersected again.

"Old..." Before Ding Ning called out the word "teacher", the sloppy old man took the initiative to say: "Little boy, why are you staring at me? Do you know me?"

Hearing this, Ding Ning knew that Taoist Sloppy no longer knew who he was. After all, he was reborn and changed the trajectory of his fate.

"Senior." Ding Ning saluted.

This was the first time that Ding Ning saluted an old man. You must know that Ding Ning did not have such a respectful attitude even when facing a respectable old man like Fei Ying. However, Ding Ning respected the former teacher in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

If it wasn't for the other party, in the last life, his fate would have been even worse, he would have become an ordinary person, and he might not even have the ability to take revenge.

"Hehe, you are interesting." Seeing Ding Ning being so respectful, the sloppy Taoist couldn't help but look at him a few more times. Afterwards, he looked at Ding Ning with even more strange eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

"Hey, how do I feel? I seem to have seen you somewhere before. Could it be that we have really met?" The slovenly Taoist walked around Ding Ning. Ding Ning gave him a feeling of familiarity, but he searched his mind. Ding Ning is not in the memory in the book, and furthermore, with his identity, realm, and background, it is impossible for him to have any intersection with Ding Ning.

"Senior, are you alright?" Ding Ning asked.

The sloppy Taoist was stunned for a moment, then looked at his body, patted his chest, and said, "Very good."

What Ding Ning meant was naturally not to ask about the situation of Taoist sloppy now, but the meeting in this life, which made him ask from the bottom of his heart. Since Taoist sloppy separated from him in the last life, he has never seen him again. After he became a strong man, he couldn't find the figure of the sloppy Taoist. Later, he encountered some clues, and he saw the shabby Taoist robes of the sloppy Taoist. For this reason, Ding Ning did not hesitate to kill and kill the name of the sloppy Taoist.

It was that crazy move that made his reputation soar.

"What are you doing here, kid? Don't you know it's dangerous here?" The sloppy old man threatened.

He didn't realize that Ding Ning was the aura of a cultivator, because Ding Ning had restrained all his aura long ago, so the old Taoist mistakenly thought that Ding Ning was just an ordinary person.

"I'm here to find opportunities." Ding Ning replied.

"Hehe, you are a child who is not afraid of death. You came here to look for opportunities. Be careful that you did not find opportunities, but you found danger." The sloppy Taoist reminded.

Ding Ning smiled: "If I hadn't met you, senior, I would naturally be afraid of danger, but with you here, I don't need to be afraid."

"Hehe, what you mean is that I will protect you, young man, don't be too whimsical." The sloppy Taoist said.

Ding Ning was too aware of the temper of his previous teacher, so he didn't have to speak in a serious and respectful tone, but responded with a laugh, which made the teacher like it even more.

"I believe that senior, you are a good person, you won't ignore me when I'm in danger." Ding Ning said with a chuckle.

If some people who are familiar with Ding Ning see Ding Ning speaking in this manner, their jaws will drop in shock, because in the hearts of all those who are familiar with Ding Ning, Ding Ning is not a joking person, but now, in front of the sloppy Taoist, Ding Ning is different from before. For him, there is a big difference.

But who would know that Ding Ning only showed his truest self in front of his first and only teacher.

It was the same in the last life, and it is the same in this life.

"You kid, it's interesting. Looking at you, you're curious about the mountain, aren't you?"

Ding Ning nodded.

The sloppy Taoist smiled: "Well, in this case, I will take you up to have a look, but I can really remind you that if you are afraid of death, it is still too late, otherwise I may have trouble protecting myself when I get to the top, let alone take care of it." You, have you thought about it?"

"Think it over, I'll go up with you." Ding Ning said seriously.

"Good boy, you're brave enough." After the sloppy Taoist finished speaking, he grabbed Ding Ning and jumped up from the ground, heading straight to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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