The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 443 445 Half a day has arrived! 3 more

Chapter 443 445 Half a day has arrived! 3 more

The young man in the purple robe is named Xu Chengdao.

The young man in the black gown is named Guan Bubai.

The two of them and Hua Tianjing were called the three best young masters in the fairy world.

The three of them all have peerless aptitudes, and their cultivation levels are almost the same. It can be said that they have grown up to this day, fighting each other and growing up, which has also made the structure of the fairy world into the current situation where the three sects stand together.

Since the vision of heaven and earth appeared two days ago, Hua Tianjing knew that these two people must have descended on the earth. However, after the two people descended, they did not come to him immediately. The two of them must have been injured during the descent, and now that they appear, they have already recovered.

"Brother Hua, your people did not die at the hands of that ant. On the contrary, our people were all beheaded by him. Now you have people related to him in your hands. I think you should hand them over to me." We are better, after all we want to kill him more than you do." Guan Bubai said.

"Brother Tianjing, you should be clear about the situation that Brother Bubai said. It is the best choice to leave it to us. It is useless for you to keep them. We will use them to catch that guy to show up. Of course, we will not In vain, brother Tian Jing, you can do it, and as a reward, we can give up ten mountain peaks." Xu Chengdao continued.

Hua Tianjing didn't rush to agree, but said: "One of the Five Sacred Mountains, you can take people away."

"Hua Tianjing, you're a lion. The person who killed us by the ants, we just want to save face and let him be severely punished. Don't you think that those people who died are very important to us?" Guan Bubai's voice raised a few degrees, appearing a little angry.

"Those who died were just little people, but after all, they have followed you for so long, and they were your confidantes who were able to come to this barren land first. Now that they are dead, two or two of you have come here. Damage, you have to count all of this on that ant, at the price of ten mountains, it seems a little too little."

"Then how much do you want?"

"Thirty seats."

"Okay, as long as it's not the five mountains, you can choose whatever you want."

"make a deal."

Qian Wolong, Tong Wantong and others were all taken away by Xu Chengdao and Guan Bubai, and the entire hall was suddenly quite empty.

Hua Tianjing put his hands behind his back in front of the gate, looked at the distant sky, and said to himself: "It seems that soon, we will see a good show."

On the second day, Tong Wantong, Lin Yumo, Tang Qing, and Liu Ruyi were all erected, and wood was piled up around them.

Xu Chengdao and Guan Bubai released the news that if Ding Ning did not show up, these four girls would be the first to be burned to death.

As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar, and people were burned to death in public. This kind of scene seems to have only been seen on TV. Even after the earth's spiritual energy recovered, no one dared to do it openly.

But now, these strong men from outside the earth have no scruples at all, they don't pay attention to any country, ignore any laws, and openly want to do these things.

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

Some people think that this is too cruel, they completely regard the human beings on earth as ants, and they want to kill other people just to force one person to show up.

Tong Wantong, Lin Yumo, Tang Qing, and Liu Ruyi are all beauties. Now they are bound and burned to death. This is unacceptable to many students who went to the capital. Immediately, someone Stand up and protest.

However, their protest was brutally suppressed by Guan Bubai and Xu Chengdao. The two didn't do it themselves, they just looked at each other. The people below directly raised their hands and killed dozens of people in an instant.

For a time, the earth became quiet.

Death is always the greatest fear. If one can live well, no one wants to get close to death.

But just now, right in front of his eyes, those dozens of bloody lives disappeared instantly, and at this moment, they became lifeless corpses.


No one dares to stand up and protest again, because they will pay a heavy price with their lives.

Right now, this scene is broadcast in front of the people of the whole of China. Some people are resentful. These people are too arrogant, but in the end they can only curse in private. No one dares to rush forward because of this and continue to stop it.

In the face of the threat of death, people's tolerance will be infinitely magnified.

"As long as I see Ding Ning now, I will give him half a day. If he doesn't show up, don't blame me for destroying flowers. If any of you don't want them to die, then go find this Ding Ning as soon as possible. Remember, you only have Half a day."

After Guan Bubai finished speaking, he walked to the chair not far away and sat down.

"Brother Guan, do you think that guy will appear?"

"If he doesn't show up, I will kill everyone related to him until he shows up." Guan Bubai said flatly.

"Brother Guan, if you do this, it is too cruel to the humans in this barren land."

"Cruel? Brother Xu, do you care about the life and death of these ants?"

"I don't care about their life or death, but I want to remind Brother Guan that we cultivators should not kill ordinary people at will. The more we kill, the greater the karma will be. Have you forgotten?" Xu Chengdao reminded road.

"The fire of karma? I have been fighting all the way to Guan Bubai. Even if there is fire of karma, so what, I will definitely get rid of the fire of karma and enter a higher realm."

"Brother Guan, you are so courageous, I admire, admire." Xu Chengdao didn't say any more.

Guan Bubai sat on the chair and looked at the sky. Although he said he didn't care, he still had a lot of grudges about the existence of karma in his heart.

But this barren land will produce a lot of karmic fires.

Staring at the sky, Guan Bubai suddenly had a fire burning in his eyes.

This hotness came quickly and disappeared quickly, as if it had never been a hallucination.


Guan Bubai woke up suddenly. He checked his body and found that he was not seriously injured. He was still sitting on the chair, surrounded by people in front of him.

Karma is added!
Guan Bubai knew that the karma produced by the ordinary person who died just now had already entered his body, waiting to erupt when he broke through.

In the square, it was quiet.

Time is also passing by every minute.

The sun's rays, rising from the horizon, are now about to hit the sky directly.

Half a day is almost here.

People who went to Beijing University were looking for Ding Ning everywhere, but no one knew where Ding Ning was.

Even though many people are anxious like ants on a hot pan, there is still no news.

At this time, Qian Wolong and Zhao Long could only watch Tong Wantong, who was about to be burned to death, and could not do any rescue, because they could not protect themselves.

At this moment, Guan Bubai stood up abruptly, and said calmly, "Half a day is up."

(End of this chapter)

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