The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 444 446 Unite as one! 1 more

Chapter 444 446 Unite as one! 1 more


A yell came, which attracted all the eyes, and at the same time shocked those who couldn't bear the four girls to be burned to death alive.

Has someone finally stepped up?

One after another silhouettes appeared in the square, they were all serving in uniform, the black clothes on their bodies made the air suddenly heavy, and in the silence, there was a killing air.

Guan Bubai and Xu Chengdao watched these people who wanted to stop them with great interest, with a hint of surprise and amusement in their eyes, because they did not expect that the human beings in this barren land would dare to stand up.

"They are... Inhuman Group!"

There were many figures from big families present, and they recognized the crowd who suddenly appeared in the square at first glance.

At a critical moment, a member of the Yiren Group appeared, and assuming Ding Ning's identity as the team leader, everyone knew that the Yiren Group wanted to help Ding Ning and save the four girls.

Huangfuxuan took the initiative to tell Xu Chengdao and Guan Bubai about Ding Ning's relationship with the Yiren Group, and they realized that they were Ding Ning's subordinates.

"Zizi, it's interesting. This ants Ding Ning is not bad. He has trained so many masters under his command. What is his name here, Wu... Wu Sheng, right?"

Guan Bubai revealed the strength of the members of the Inhuman Group who came here, which surprised many people.

"You waited in my land of China, unscrupulous, and now you want to kill people in public. As a sharp knife of China, the Inhuman Group must arrest you all." Yak said.

This time, the Inhuman Group can be said to have come out in full force, dispatching all the masters, and the strong people from all over China's borders have been mobilized.

In the past, this is naturally impossible to happen. The borders of China cannot be relaxed, but now, Hua Tianjing, these people from the fairy world, are unscrupulous on the land of China, treating people like ants and grass. Kill, as the guardian of China, the Yiren Group must stand up, even if they sacrifice their lives, they must eliminate some dangers.

Since the recovery of the earth's aura, the strength of the Inhuman Group has soared. Those who were unable to break through before all broke out, especially after practicing the method provided by Ding Ning, their strength changes every day.

In a short period of time, more than ten martial saints appeared in the Inhuman Group, ushering in the strongest era in the history of the Inhuman Group.

In addition to the yak, there are Su Zi, Shengnan, Tiequan, Yanzi, Qingshi, Mantis, Wood, etc., the strength of these people.Now everything has changed drastically.

Now, there are powerful people like Hua Tianjing appearing in the land of Huaxia, and everyone in the Yiren Group can't stay at the border with peace of mind. The upper capital is unstable, so how can the entire Huaxia be stabilized.

"Have all the members of the Inhuman Group been dispatched? This posture, this momentum..."

The appearance of the Inhuman Group did not surprise some people, but they did not expect that the Inhuman Group would mobilize such a large battle, and there was an attitude of breaking the boat and fighting to the death.

"You are in my land of China, you are acting recklessly. If you don't let us go, don't blame us for doing it." Su Zi warned Guan Bubai.

"As a Chinese, I don't allow you guys to kill people at will." A figure in ordinary clothes also came into everyone's sight. After he finished speaking, the soil broke through the hard ground and began to walk around this person.

He is a stranger who ate the fruit, and he also stood up at this time to express his dissatisfaction with Guan Bubai, Xu Chengdao and others.

"Although I am not a member of the Inhuman Group, I know everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Another Inhuman stood up.

It seems that with the strength of the Alien Group taking the lead, more and more Aliens stood up, causing many people to exclaim, because some of these Aliens were characters who often appeared on TV some time ago, and some were Very ordinary, even doing simple jobs, hiding his identity as a stranger.

But at this time, no matter what occupations these people are, they have special abilities, they all choose to stand up, and Xu Chengdao, Guan Bubai and others are not allowed to kill people at will on the land of Huaxia.

All of a sudden, more and more people came forward, even ordinary people who were unarmed were infected by this situation.

"Crazy! They are crazy!"

Out of pity for their own feathers, the members of the big families present all showed incredulous expressions. They were all families who succumbed to Guan Bubai and the descendants. Some don't understand, thinking that everyone is crazy, knowing that the descendant is as powerful as a god, but dare to stand up and challenge the majesty of the god, this is not courting death.

"Come on, even if the Inhuman Group is here, it's useless. No one will be your opponent." Huangfuxuan is a firm supporter of the undefeated side. He volunteered to do some things, just for the sake of Being closed undefeated is important.

At this time, Guan Bubai and Xu Chengdao squinted their eyes halfway, they didn't move, and there wasn't even much expression on their faces, as if they didn't care at all.

In fact, the two of them really didn't care. The situation in front of them, in their view, was just interesting, as if the ants under their feet were clamoring at them, trying to bite them to death.

This is ridiculous.

The two laughed, and after they looked at each other and smiled, they disappeared in place instantly, and immediately after that, the strangers who stood up before all turned into blood mist.

Puff puff!
I couldn't see any shadows, I could only hear the sound of the body being exploded, and then people smelled the smell of blood, and screams suddenly rang out from the crowd.

When Guan Bubai and Xu Chengdao stood in their original positions again, the crowd around them no longer had the aroused and united atmosphere, because the appearance of bloody smell broke this atmosphere in an instant.


"That strange person was standing next to me just now, and he disappeared..." Someone pointed to the open space beside him. He clearly remembered that the other person was here, but just now he heard a roar, and the strange person disappeared. .

There were also whispers from people in several other places. All the aliens who stood up just now were all killed in an instant, and they were all blown up without even leaving their bodies.

Only some fine minced meat and bone scum are left.

A huge sense of terror once again shrouded everyone's hearts, and their gazes towards Guan Bubai and Xu Chengdao turned into deep fear again.

The exasperation disappeared, and people calmed down again.

The crowd backed away one after another, moving away from the members of the Inhuman Group who were originally standing behind, because they didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the Inhuman Group.

In an instant, there was no one around the members of the Inhuman Group, and there was even a lot of open space around them. The people around would rather huddle together than take a step closer.

Because they are really scared.

The strangers were killed so easily. Wouldn't it be possible for ordinary people like them to be wiped out like killing ants?

After the sanity is restored, fear can make people weak, just like this group of people in front of them.

And this scene was exactly what Guan Bubai and Xu Chengdao wanted, the corners of their mouths raised slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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