The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 465 The army of the fairy world! 467 more

Chapter 465 The army of the fairy world! 467 more


Three major sects, Tiandao Sect, Wanzhang Sect, and Shenjue Sect.

At this time, people from the three major sects all gathered together, led by the masters of the three major sects, and descended to the earth together.

The deaths of Hua Tianjing, Xu Chengdao, and Guan Bubai angered the three sects. They wanted to come to the earth, kill that arrogant guy, occupy all the resources of the earth, and turn the earth into a second fairy world.

Today is the day when the three major sects set off together and land on the earth. All the preparations have been done.

The three men and horses were dispatched together.

This scale is definitely the first time in history, because it has never been seen that all monks in the fairy world work together to do one thing.

Today, from the original dozens of sects in the fairy world, there are only three left. It can be said that the weak sects have all disappeared, and the rest are the most powerful.

The three major sects represent the entire fairy world. People in the fairy world can only be one of the three sects. Individuals or forces or sects other than the three sects are never allowed to appear. Once they appear, they will be banned. The three cases joined forces to kill and exterminate.

"The sacrifice begins!"

Before departure, there are three huge sacrificial ceremonies, because this piece of heaven and earth is after all the place where they were born, and now they are about to descend on the earth, which means that the fairy world will quickly decline and begin to wither gradually.

In fact, the reduction of the fairy world, the stronger the strength, the clearer the feeling, as long as a thought is scanned, you will find that the aura of the fairy world is not only decreasing day by day, even the ground under your feet is also shrinking, as if there is a black hole It is devouring the land of the fairy world, making this world smaller and smaller.

This is also the main reason why people in the fairy world want to quickly find a replacement for the fairy world.

Today's homeland is dying and has entered the stage of automatic destruction. If they want to survive, they must find a new place to live.

And the earth is the closest to the fairy world, so it is undoubtedly the best choice.

The fairy world is coming to an end, but the earth has ushered in a new life, entered a new era, and the aura began to recover.

A large number of livestock were beheaded, and the blood was spattered three feet. All the monks looked up at the sky above their heads. They did not respect ghosts and gods, the heaven and the earth, but they were in awe of the Tao.

Because they pursue the Tao, the Tao of longevity.

Now they are about to leave here and go to the earth to continue to pursue their eternal life.

The sacrificial ceremony is not complicated, but it will take a while. After completing various complicated procedures, the people from the three major sects went straight to the connecting place.

To descend to Earth, one must enter the Continuum.

The few times before entering the Continuing Land, one had to face the attack of the spirit beasts inside, and besides the threat of the spirit beast, the Continuing Land had other hidden and potential dangers, and one of them would be killed if one failed.

No monk is willing to carry it in the continuous land, because once too much power is consumed, it will mean that it cannot be recovered. No one dares to absorb the spiritual energy in the continuous land. Than gas.

The people from the three major sects set off together and headed straight for the land of continuation. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the entrance of the land of continuation.

The three suzerains of the three sects stood at the front. They stared at the entrance of the connecting land, then looked at each other, and said one after another: "In this case, let's open this place."

Saying that, the three suzerains waved their arms one after another, and the power of the three of them forcibly cut a huge hole in the continuous land in front of them, forming a gate.

After doing all this, the three suzerains said loudly: "Go forward."

Large teams began to enter the land of succession.

In front, there were other monks exploring the way, and the three suzerains returned to their seats, carried forward by spirit beasts.

As the suzerain, naturally there is no need to travel by yourself. Having a cart pulled by a spirit beast can not help but represent strength, as well as identity and status, and there are only three suzerains who have this kind of treatment, even those elders. He was traveling lightly, just like the other disciples, except that he was at the rear.

People in the fairy world have never stepped into the continuous land on such a large scale. Now that the army is overwhelming, it immediately attracted the attention of many spirit beasts, but many spirit beasts did not dare to move because too many people came in this time Yes, even spirit beasts have to be afraid.

Of course, the main reason is that the strength of these spirit beasts is very average, most of them are at the foundation level, and there are even few Jindan realm spirit beasts. Even if there are a few Jindan realm spirit beasts, they dare not act rashly. Because they discovered that there are more than a dozen Jindan stage masters who have entered the fairy world this time.

Especially the existence of those three people sitting in the chasing carriage is what makes all the spirit beasts fear the most. Just by the aura exuded by these three people, they dare not make the spirit beasts act rashly.

The spirit beasts were all honest and honest, which was not unexpected by the three suzerains. After all, this time it was the three of them who came together, and it would be really strange if the spirit beasts dared to do something wrong.

At this time, the faces of the three sect disciples walking in front were all filled with complacency. This is the time they have the most confidence to enter the contiguous land. With three suzerains sitting in command, the spirit beasts in the contiguous land are all at peace Come down, it's really cool.

It's like entering the land of no one.

"This is the death I'm least worried about going into the Continuum."

"These spirit beasts have also learned to be good. If they dare to make mistakes, the three suzerains will definitely kill them."

"Now I'm more looking forward to what the earth will look like, and I don't know how it compares to our fairy world?"

"The original barren land was full of ants who couldn't cultivate. I heard that technology prevailed there instead of practicing to pursue longevity. It's really incomprehensible."

"So, they are just ants, but after we come, we will help them recognize the reality. No matter what technology, it is a small way, and only longevity is the way."

The disciples of the three sects, there is no barrier at this time, they all chat happily like disciples of the same sect, after all, they all have the same goal, and they are on their way to the earth right now, and they are all comrades-in-arms, Players, there is no contradiction.

In this way, the people of the three major sects went straight through the land without any spirit beast making a move.

The whole team is surprisingly safe.

After about twenty minutes, they were walking in the front, talking freely about the disciples of the three major sects after they came to the earth, and suddenly, they all stopped.

There is no other reason, because the road ahead is blocked.

And the aura blocking the way made these three disciples feel a little out of breath.

"This is……"

"Spirit beast!"

Many children became vigilant. The spirit beast as big as a mountain in front of them blocked the way. It was obvious that they wanted to trouble them. With their strength, a large number of them would die in front of such a tyrannical spirit beast.

"Quickly tell the three suzerains!"

For a moment, the disciples of the three sects who were at the front all became panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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