The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 466 Meet 468! 1 more

Chapter 466 Meet 468! 1 more

Spirit beast blocking the way?

The news was quickly reported to the three suzerains of the three sects, and the three of them got out of the car one after another and came not far from the spirit beast.

The disciples of the three sects around them all looked vigilant, ready to stand by at any time.

The three suzerains looked at the spirit beast in front of them for a moment, and then looked at each other with surprise and doubt in their eyes.

Because they found that the huge spirit beast in front of them was dead.

This is not a living spirit beast at all.

"Who killed it?"

The three suzerains are no strangers to the giant elephant spirit beast in front of them. They have fought against each other before. When they sent Hua Tianjing and others before, they had all collided with the giant elephant spirit beast and knew the power of the giant elephant spirit beast.

But now, the giant elephant spirit beast died suddenly. This is definitely not a natural death. Someone must have done it. However, there are not many people who can achieve this level in the fairy world. A lot of effort.

"This giant elephant spirit beast and the giant lion and giant eagle spirit beasts are often together. Something must have happened here that we don't know about." A suzerain said.

"Keep going, we will know." Another suzerain said.

After saying this, the suzerain raised his arm, formed a big hand in the air, grabbed the giant elephant spirit beast in front of him, and moved it to the other side.

This is what the three of them saw. There was a blood hole in the belly of the giant elephant, and there was blood there. They didn't know how long they had been dead, but the blood was still flowing.

"The golden core has disappeared," said a suzerain.

Although the corpse of the giant elephant appeared here, they knew it was not an ordinary death, and the disappearance of the golden core now made it even more certain.

"Who killed this guy has nothing to do with us now, since it won't hinder our way, let's go ahead."

The three suzerains returned to the carriage and continued to move forward.

Coming to Earth is the most important thing, and they don't want to cause more trouble.

A group of people continued to move forward, and the disciples of the three sects were all trembling. Although the three masters were present at this time, the powerful giant elephant spirit beast was killed, and the golden core was taken away. Those weak people, can they not be afraid? Well, there is a feeling that I am in the open, being watched by that strong man.

With this kind of uneasy mood, the children of the three sects marched anxiously. Not long after, their original hearts that were about to let go were raised again, because another spirit beast appeared in front of them, lying on the ground, not moving at all.

Could it be another spirit beast that was killed?
The disciples of the three sects reported the news again, and the three suzerains came to the front again and recognized that it was another spirit beast together with the giant elephant spirit beast, the giant lion spirit beast.

Even the giant lion spirit beast died, and the three suzerains frowned. This phenomenon made the three suzerains a little uneasy, and a dark cloud rose in their hearts. They always felt that this was an ominous omen.

Remove the giant lion spirit beast, similarly, the golden core in the body disappeared, it should be taken away by the person who killed the giant lion.

This time, the three suzerains did not go back to the car, but led the team in person and continued onwards. Not long after, the giant eagle spirit beast they had expected also appeared.

All the spirit beasts of the three Golden Core stages died.

At this time, the three sect masters all looked serious. Those who have the strength to kill the three golden core stage spirit beasts must have the strength to threaten their three sects. After all, these three spirit beasts are not weak, and they are completely comparable. The strength of their three suzerains, and in this successive place, such an unknown and terrifying strongman quietly appeared, who can wipe out the three golden core stage spirit beasts one after another. Such terrifying strength, Rao is three Even the suzerain couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart at this moment.

They didn't dare to take it lightly, because they were afraid that the existence of killing the three spirit beasts would suddenly attack them, and that would be a very scary scene.

It was no surprise that the body of the giant eagle spirit beast was removed, and there was also no golden core. At this moment, three disciples suddenly pointed out that there was a figure sitting cross-legged at the end of the road.

The three suzerains turned their gazes over in an instant, and couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment in their hearts, because the figure was so close to them, and they didn't notice it.

Is this person the one who killed the three Golden Core stage spirit beasts?
The three suzerains looked at the cross-legged figure, and they found that the voice of the cross-legged figure was not a dead body, but a living person.

They had a premonition that this person was most likely the one who killed the three spirit beasts.

The three suzerains looked at each other, and did not ask their subordinates to test, but said loudly: "I am Zhuge Yang, the suzerain of Tiandao Sect. Now I am going to pass by here, and I happen to bump into you. I don't know if you Appreciate your face and go forward with me."

Seeing that the figure sitting cross-legged did not answer, Xu Hua, the suzerain of the Wanzhang Sect, said: "Your Excellency should be retreating in this continuous place, and I don't know the situation of the fairy world. Now the fairy world is shrinking day by day, and resources are scarce. Not enough to support everyone's cultivation, but fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, we found a place that can replace the fairy world, as long as we come there, we can create a second fairy world, Your Excellency is extremely powerful, I would like to invite you to go with me."

"I am Tianhen, the suzerain of the Shenjue Sect. Your Excellency may not know that in the fairy world today, there are only three sects: Shenjue, Wanzhang, and Tiandao. As the suzerain, it is definitely the biggest invitation for us to invite you. I am There is no hostility at all, if you are willing, you can go with us, if you don't want to, I will not force you to wait, I just hope that you will give way and let me wait."

The suzerains of the three sects spoke one after another, which was considered to be enough face for the person in front of him.

All eyes fell on the figure who had been sitting cross-legged all the time, waiting for his answer.

In the eyes of the three suzerains, they are already polite enough, and they are also very sincere. After explaining the situation in detail, even if the other party is unhappy, they should save some face.

However, when a sentence came from the mouth of the person sitting cross-legged, the expressions of the three suzerains changed one after another.

"If you think about it, you can save your life."

"You... don't think I'm afraid of you..."

The three suzerains were very dissatisfied with this person's answer, and they did not expect to be so arrogant and let them stay alive.

They have gathered the elites of the three sects here, and there is only one person on the other side. With such words, they don't take the three sects seriously.

The cross-legged figure began to raise his head slowly, revealing a young face, staring at the army of the three sects, and said indifferently: "I am about to go to your fairy world, looking for you, and since you have sent me to your door, I will How can I let you wait to pass by and descend to Earth.”

The expressions of the three suzerains flashed one after another, and a person came to mind at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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