The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 467 469 Abnormal level! 2 more

Chapter 467 469 Abnormal level! 2 more

"who are you?"

The three suzerains asked at the same time.

"I said that you want all human beings on Earth to be buried with you, so I will kill all of you from the fairy world. Now that I am here, don't you know who I am?"

Ding Ning spoke slowly, his words startled the three major sects in front of him.

The eyes of the three suzerains flickered. Although they already had guesses in their minds, they couldn't help being shocked when they heard Ding Ning admit it.

Because it is really hard for them to believe that Ding Ning has the strength to kill the three Jindan period spirit beasts. In their view, how could Ding Ning, who came from a barren place like the earth, do this, even if Ding Ning killed The three Tianjiao didn't know what method they used.

However, the corpses of giant elephants, giant lions, and giant eagles were all there before, and Ding Ning appeared in front of them again, so they couldn't help but not believe it.

"It's really you!" Zhuge Yang sullenly said, Hua Tianjing, the genius of their sect, was his most valued disciple, but died at the hands of Ding Ning. He must avenge this revenge.

"You killed Cheng Dao, and you still dare to find this place, boy, I will cut you to pieces today!" Sect Master Xu Hua said coldly.

"I'll kill you first to pay homage to Invincibility, and then I'll kill everyone you care about." Tianhen, the lord of the Shenjue Sect, said.

After the three suzerains knew that the person in front of them was the murderer who killed their genius in the fairy world, the air suddenly became cold, and the murderous intent had already spread silently, covering the surrounding area.

The disciples of the three sects standing behind the three suzerains were also shocked by the news that Ding Ning had appeared in front of them. They all knew that the main purpose of coming to Earth this time was to avenge Hua Tianjing and others and kill the murderer. However, who would have thought that the human beings on this earth would kill here, only one step away from reaching their fairy world.

Such an encounter has to be shocking and unbelievable.

"Is he that guy?"

"Looking so young, it's unimaginable that a human being in a barren land can do this."

"The three terrifying spirit beasts just now were probably killed by his hands too."

"No way, so, isn't he as terrifying as the Suzerain?"

For a while, the disciples of the three sects began to discuss Ding Ning. They felt that Ding Ning's level of enchantment had far surpassed that of geniuses in the fairy world, which was unimaginable.

Ding Ning was also a little surprised that the three major crowds appeared here. He was sitting cross-legged there, just recovering his strength, and fighting with three powerful Jindanqi spirit guns was not a small consumption for him. The opponents are three golden core stage spirit beasts, which are already stronger than human monks in the same realm, let alone three golden core stage spirit beasts. For Ding Ning, the pressure is not small.

Fighting against the three great spirit beasts consumed half of their strength, which was more effort than killing Hua Tianjing, Xu Chengdao, and Guan Bubai.

The giant elephant, giant lion, and giant eagle didn't expect that Ding Ning was so strong that they could fight against the three of them at the same time. In fact, at the last moment, the three spirit beasts begged Ding Ning for mercy. They hoped that Ding Ning could keep them, and they were willing to serve Ding Ning .

But Ding Ning confiscated it. There are half dragons and foxes, which are enough for him. He is not a zoo here, and needs all kinds of spirit beasts.

In the end, all three spirit beasts were wiped out one by one by Ding Ning.

When he killed the last giant eagle spirit beast, he probed its soul memory and found a way to enter the fairy world, so he went straight to the fairy world after recovering his strength.

Unexpectedly, people from the fairy world would take the initiative to appear in the continuous land.

His strength has only recovered to the ninth level, and has not fully recovered. However, the appearance of the three major sects in the fairy world still made Ding Ning stop his cultivation and recovery, because he knew that he and these forces in the fairy world would inevitably have to fight together. field.

The Three Great Sects will not just sit and watch him continue to recover, that's unrealistic, the other party hates him so much now, it's too late to kill him, how can they give him time.

Ding Ning and the three suzerains looked at each other for a long while, and at a certain moment, the four moved together.

The three suzerains attacked at the same time, besieging and killing Ding Ning.

Ding Ning killed the three of them without flinching.

Immediately, around the four of them, a dangerous area was formed that no one dared to approach easily.

The juniors of the three major sects kept retreating. They couldn't get in this kind of confrontation, but the elders followed suit, trying to get rid of Ding Ning as soon as possible.

With the addition of the elders, Ding Ning faced more people. For a moment, the attack force completely drowned out the battlefield.

There was no fair fight, and the three suzerains did not stop the elders from helping each other, because in their hearts, Ding Ning was able to obliterate the three golden core stage spirit beasts, and this strength was enough for them to go all out.

If he was relaxed and careless, he might follow in the footsteps of those three spirit beasts.

At this point, the three major suzerains don't feel ashamed of joining forces to target Ding Ning alone. As long as Ding Ning is killed, it's okay to join forces.

Ding Ning didn't yell shamelessly. Ding Ning has seen things that are several times more shameless than this kind of siege, let alone this kind of thing.

There is no absolute fairness in the world. Only when you are strong can you strive for fairness, or have the capital to disdain the fairness given by others.

The attacks all over the sky surrounded Ding Ning, which can be said to be full of murderous intent.

Fortunately, Ding Ning's body is strong enough. He can ignore some attacks and resist them directly.

The three suzerains and the elders were all shocked that Ding Ning was able to persevere under the siege of dozens of people, and he was not seriously injured. In the eyes of those children, this scene was horrifying.

You know, Ding Ning has only one person, and on this side, besides the three suzerains, there are also many elders from three sects. This is not the elders of one sect, but the elders of three sects. To deal with a Ding Ning, even against the existence of a half-step Nascent Soul, I'm afraid it will be fine.

Of course, the most surprising thing is Ding Ning's aura, because the aura emanating from Ding Ning's body is at the Foundation Establishment Realm, not at the Golden Core Stage. a realm.

This kind of situation where the difference is huge, but they can fight on the same level is simply frightening to think about. For everyone in the fairy world, Ding Ning is even more evil than evildoers.

"Kill him, you must kill him! This person must not stay!" Zhuge Yang, the suzerain of Tiandaozong, said firmly. It is absolutely unheard of that the Foundation Establishment Realm can compete against all of them. There has never been such a terrifying monster in the history of the fairy world.

To be more precise, this cannot be described as a monster, but a pervert is more appropriate.

Ding Ning, a young relative from the earth, is a pervert in the eyes of all the powerhouses in the fairy world. Even if Ding Ning has no enmity with them, he can't keep Ding Ning, because this talent is too terrible. People with this talent must be killed.

Immediately, the three major suzerains and dozens of elders all exerted their strength, and they were bound to kill Ding Ning, so as not to give him a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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