The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 468 470 Li Xuanfeng! 3 more

Chapter 468 470 Li Xuanfeng! 3 more


Qingcheng Mountain.

The Taoist temple on Qingcheng Mountain is no longer as glorious as it was before. The huge Taoist temple now looks very deserted, and no two figures can be seen.

Back then, there were dozens of disciples here, and all of them were excellent disciples, but now these people have all turned into wooden tablets and placed on wooden tables.

In front of the wooden table, a man in a green shirt wiped the tablets with his hands. Every time he wiped a name on it, a face of the man would appear in front of his eyes.

It took a full hour to wipe all the thirty or so memorial tablets.

Because of the whole process, the man wiped very slowly, very carefully, for fear of missing any corner.

After wiping everything down, the man in green shirt looked at all the memorial tablets and said softly: "As a teacher, I will avenge you, and I will kill him, so that you can rest in peace under the Nine Springs."

After finishing speaking, the man in green shirt turned around, closed the door gently, and walked down the Taoist temple.


It has been three days since the words of killing human beings were sent from the sky on that day. Although nothing happened recently, panic still cannot be avoided.

Some people want to take advantage of this to disturb the society. Fortunately, there is the Inhuman Group, and now the members of the Inhuman Group, after practicing Ding Ning's cultivation method, have all changed drastically, and they are not one and a half points stronger than before.

Even those aliens who ate the fruit, the members of the alien group can handle it, and they can solve it without the help of powerful people like Yak and Su Zi.

And after what happened that day, after the members of the Inhuman Group went back, some of them broke through again in just a few days, and there were as many as ten masters who reached the level of Martial Saints.

This is definitely the best news for Feiying, the chief executive of the Inhuman Group.

As for the Inhuman Group's ability to grow so quickly, Feiying knew that Ding Ning was the most responsible for it. If it weren't for the cultivation method taught by Ding Ning, the Inhuman Group would not have grown so fast.

It's just that Ding Ning seems to have gone to the fairy world now, and his life and death are unknown, which worries Feiying the most.

Without geniuses in the fairy world like Hua Tianjing and Xu Chengdao, who were unscrupulous in China, China was much quieter, and there were some turmoil in time, but it was only a small turmoil, which would soon be suppressed and resolved by the alien group.

Seems like everything is back to how it was before.

But everyone knows that today's era is fundamentally different from before.

Especially the appearance of aliens, fruits, aliens, etc., has already subverted people's cognition.

This era is the era of the strong.

All the people began to cultivate consciously and strengthen themselves.

Ordinary people began to seek ways to become stronger, and some martial arts schools began to have many more students, and many parents sent their children to martial arts schools to study.

In this regard, Huaxia opened a martial arts school to recruit young people with cultivation talents, and the Inhuman Group participated in it.

This move made people realize that even the country has begun to pay attention to cultivation.

The arrival of the cultivation era began to manifest itself.

However, not everyone's attention is focused on this. Some people are still paying attention to Ding Ning's whereabouts. Whether it is the world of martial arts practitioners or those related to Ding Ning, they are all looking for news about Ding Ning at this time. .

Because since Ding Ning appeared that day, he disappeared again without a trace.

Qian Wolong asked Zhao Long to keep looking for information about Ding Ning, and Tong Wantong was also mobilizing his classmates, hoping to get news about Ding Ning.

Furthermore, people like Tang Qing and Liu Ruyi were also looking for information about Ding Ning, but unfortunately, they couldn't find Ding Ning.

The martial arts practitioners also did not find Ding Ning's shadow, so they began to speculate where Ding Ning went.

Some people think that Ding Ning may be hiding. After all, he killed people from the fairy world, and the fairy world must hate him to death. He is the first target to kill, and the people from the fairy world also said that they will come Earth, at that time, will definitely do everything possible to kill Ding Ning.

There are not a few people who hold this view, but there are also people who hold opposing opinions, thinking that Ding Ning is not the kind of cowardly person, and based on Ding Ning's previous words back to the fairy world, they think that Ding Ning may go to the fairy world up.

"Where is the fairy world? Can he find it? I'm more inclined. He hid, and the reason why he fought back so much was nothing more than thunder and rain."

"Mr. Ding never acted with fear. If he was afraid, why did he show up at that time? From his many deeds, it can be proved that he was never afraid of anyone or anything, even the existence outside the earth. I have reason to believe that Ding Mister still won't be afraid."

People with two views are arguing with reason, and they have been arguing endlessly.

On the street, a man in a blue shirt was walking among the pedestrians. His clothes would naturally attract attention in the past, but now many people like to wear them like this, so everyone is not surprised.

Don't you know that this man in green shirt doesn't want some people who deliberately pretend to be strong, he is really strong.

Because all the disciples were beheaded and killed, they were unable to take revenge, so they practiced in seclusion until the spiritual energy of the earth recovered, and broke through one after another, their strength increased greatly, and now they have entered the innate realm.

He is the master of the Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng, Li Xuanfeng!
Anyone who knew Li Xuanfeng would be surprised by Li Xuanfeng's appearance at this time, because at Li Xuanfeng's age, he should be in his twilight years, but Li Xuanfeng now has a young face, and he does not look old at all.

Because of his strength, Li Xuanfeng is like an old tree in spring. After his strength soared, his body also changed, showing a picture of rejuvenation.

However, all these changes, to Li Xuanfeng, could not make him too excited and happy.

Because he has hatred in his heart, and unfinished fruit in his heart.

Therefore, he will not be happy, sad, and unwilling to be happy, angry, sad, and happy.

It was as if he had given up all his emotions and only focused on cultivation, reaching the pinnacle of martial arts.

After entering the Innate Realm, Li Xuanfeng felt that he was now sure that he could kill that monstrous young man and avenge his 36 Tiangang disciples, so he went down the mountain and came to the city.

But when he wanted to find the person who wanted to kill him, he found that this person had disappeared, and he couldn't find him no matter what.

He has searched for anyone and everything related to Ding Ning on the land of Jiangling, but he did not find Ding Ning's figure.

Even going to the capital, he walked around and didn't find anything. When he heard Ding Ning's words in reply to the fairy world, Li Xuanfeng felt that it was more likely that Ding Ning would enter the fairy world.

Doesn't this mean that if he wanted to seek revenge from Ding Ning, wouldn't he also enter the fairy world?
But the question is where is the fairy world?

This made him unable to start, and he searched for a long time, but he didn't have the slightest clue.

In the end, Li Xuanfeng returned to Jiangling. He didn't want to look for the fairy world anymore. He thought that the method used by the arrogances in the fairy world to force Ding Ning to show up was a good one. Maybe he could follow suit. Although this method is a bit despicable, but So what, Ding Ning killed so many people in Qingcheng Mountain, he doesn't mind being mean.

"Where is your family hiding?" Li Xuanfeng stood beside the river, on top of the villa in Jianghe Happy City, looking at the river, muttering in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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