The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 470 Sword Slash! 4721 more

Chapter 470 472 Slash with a sword! 2 more

A series of metal collision sounds spread in the air, like ripples, rippling away in all directions.

Ding Ning's figure was hanging in the air, and the three magic weapons were all blown away by his fist at the moment just now. This kind of result shocked the three disciples below, and also shocked the three suzerains.

"How could he have such a powerful body!" Zhuge Yang whispered, and wiped his fingers lightly at the corner of his mouth, wiping away a trace of blood.

That's right, just now he used the Heavenly Dao Sword and collided with Ding Ning, but he was wounded instead.

Ding Ning's fist hit the blade of the sword, and the blade trembled so badly that it almost broke. As Zhuge Yang's personal magic weapon, his master was also injured because the Tiandao Sword was almost cracked.

This is how Zhuge Yang commented on Ding Ning's terrifying body.

Zhuge Yang was injured by the shock, and it was not easy for the other two suzerains who shot together with him.

Just now, Ding Ning punched the Heavenly Dao Sword and kicked Qianqiuzhong. The Xuhua Sect Master and the Tianhen Sect Master were also shaken by Ding Ning's magic weapon and suffered internal injuries.

However, the two abruptly suppressed their fresh blood.

At this time, the three of them seemed to be calm and calm, but in fact, facing Ding Ning, they were all at a slight disadvantage.

It's just that the three disciples below are not aware of this. Of course, this does not prevent them from being surprised by Ding Ning's bravery.

Ordinary disciples can't see this, but the elders here know it well, because they are closer to the battlefield, and they have a more accurate and clear grasp of the battlefield. The elders were also shocked by Ding Ning's powerful body, but , They didn't show this shock on their faces, but hid it more in their hearts.

Those who faced Ding Ning were not at peace at this moment.

Without words, after the three suzerains sacrificed their magic tools, the elders also used their own magic tools one after another, some even more than one.

all of a sudden.

The sky is covered by many magic tools, as if it is a grand gathering among magic tools.

The three disciples were shocked by the scene in front of them. The scenery in the sky was like fireworks, colorful and gorgeous.

No one has ever seen so many magic tools appearing together, because there has never been a scene in the fairy world where people in the fairy world used so many people and magic tools at the same time to deal with one person.

This is definitely the first time ever.

It can definitely be included in the history books of the fairy world.

The three suzerains didn't say anything about the many elders using the magic weapon. They all knew that when dealing with a perverted figure like Ding Ning, the elders would only help by using the magic weapon.

Although there are so many people dealing with one, he is still a young man, but the other party is so monstrous, his face can be ignored.


No one spoke, but at this moment, no matter if it was the suzerain or the elders, everyone's actions were very consistent, and they all sacrificed their magic weapons again and blasted at Ding Ning.

The killing intent has already taken shape, forming a killing word in the air, surrounding Ding Ning, and it is bound to kill Ding Ning.

swoosh swish...

There are about a hundred pieces of magic artifacts, forming a river of magic artifacts, flowing to Ding Ning.

Among them, headed by the magical artifacts of the three major suzerains, each magical artifact casts light, forming a galaxy-like scenery, hanging across the sky.

The scene right now is beautiful, but also full of terrifying murderous intent.

Watching this scene, the three disciples all swallowed their saliva, thinking in their hearts, even if Ding Ning has an indestructible body, facing so many magical attacks, the curtain should be over.

call out!
Ding Ning moved, and under the attention of all the people, he took the initiative to rush towards the magic weapon river, like a shooting star, he instantly rushed into the magic weapon.

The Qianqiu bell rang, and as the owner of the Qianqiu bell, Suzerain Xuhua, at this moment, he said in a low voice: "The Qianqiu bell is ringing, and everything does not move!"

He tried to lock Ding Ning with a thousand autumn bells, so that Ding Ning would not move.

A curtain of light spewed out from the Qianqiu Bell and enveloped Ding Ning, and Ding Ning was enveloped in it.

"Try to trap me!"

There was a sneer on Ding Ning's face. He was physically invincible, and he activated both positive and evil spells at the same time. Facing the light curtain, he just punched randomly.

Boom boom boom!
dang dang...

The roar was accompanied by the sound of the bell, and the two intertwined, mixed and sounded, and spread throughout the connected land.

Weak people or spirit beasts feel harsh when they hear this sound, and they can't help but cover their ears.

Sweat dripped from Sect Master Xuhua's forehead quickly, every punch of Ding Ning seemed to hit his chest, only Sect Master Xuhua said loudly: "Attack quickly."

Immediately, the attacks of Zhuge Yang, Tianhen and all the elders enveloped Qianqiu Zhong, and Xuhua immediately dispersed the light curtain and withdrew from the battlefield, allowing Ding Ning to bear the attacks of all magic weapons.


The sky was full of light, and this continuous land became full of light for a while, and it was no longer a dark place.

The light was so dazzling that no one could clearly see the battle in the sky.

Only a few people were staring at him, whether Ding Ning would die under the attack of all these magic weapons.

The rays of light dissipated, the world was silent, not even a whiff of wind blew.

Now, the scene in the sky can be clearly seen by everyone. The three disciples stared at the sky, their mouths could be filled with a whole egg.

Because Ding Ning is still alive and well, there is a layer of energy shield all over his body, blocking out all magic tools, and he himself is in it, arms folded, staring at the eyes.

At this time, Ding Ning is like a heavenly emperor, even if there are thousands of attacks, he will not be hurt in the slightest.

The three suzerains and all the elders in the sky frowned. They had never seen such a difficult figure, covering almost all the magic weapons in the fairy world, and they couldn't kill a foundation-building monk.

This is impossible!

Definitely not real.

Even the calm and calm dignitaries changed their faces at this moment.

"Kill him at all costs!" Zhuge Yang said.

"How?" Sect Master Xu Hua asked.

"Collect everyone's strength!" Zhuge Yang said.

Xuhua and Tianhen nodded, and the elders behind them all understood. At the next moment, the children of the three sects all made the same movements when they saw their suzerain and elders, as if they were playing the same method.

The movements are uniform, just like one person.

Soon, a huge sword formed around these masters of the fairy world!
"Sword Art!"

The moment they saw the formation of the giant sword, the disciples of the three sects all recognized this method. They didn't expect that at this moment, their suzerain and elders used the most common sword formula.

Sword formula is a method that every sect in the fairy world knows, even monks with low strength can practice it.

"The suzerain and the elders are working together to deliver the strongest blow."

"The simplest is also the strongest!"

"This is the gathering of the power of all the strong in my fairy world. Even the simplest method can exert the most terrifying power. It is simple and unpretentious, and it has the most dazzling color just now."

In the words of the three disciples, the big sword that gathered all the power was aimed at Ding Ning!
(End of this chapter)

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