The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 471 473 Let me go through a catastrophe first! 3 more

Chapter 471 473 Let me go through a catastrophe first! 3 more

Gather the power of all the strong, and cut out a shocking sword.

Even though Ding Ning was physically invincible with this sword, he dared to touch its edge at this moment.

This sword is really too sharp.

Although the sword art is the simplest method in the fairy world, when it is used by the strong, it is completely turned into a magic, especially now that there are so many strong people, the most important thing is the mid-term strength of the Foundation Establishment Realm, so many With the combined efforts of several people, can the attack be weakened?
Even Ding Ning, who is a fellow practitioner of righteous and demonic arts, doesn't dare to collide head-on right now.

It is not easy for him to compete against the three suzerains and elders with the power of the peak of the foundation building stage. After all, there is still a big gap between them. If Ding Ning has the strength of the golden core stage, he will not mind taking this trick.

But at this moment, his choice is to retreat.

call out.

With a slash of the sword, the air in front of him was cut, and even the sky in the continuous land was cut off by the slash.

Before it approached, Ding Ning felt the terrifying sword energy, and he felt the threat of death.

The hairs all over his body stood up, and Ding Ning quickly backed away.

He wanted to avoid it, but as he retreated, he found that the sword energy of this giant sword locked him completely, as if no matter where he hid, it would fall on him.

Ding Ning frowned, this is not good news.

"Is there no way to retreat?" Ding Ning whispered.

Many scenes were moving away from behind him constantly, he had already reached the fastest speed, but he did not shorten the distance from the giant sword at all.

Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen's three suzerains had smiles on their faces, because they knew that even if Ding Ning wanted to hide, he couldn't dodge, and had to take the blow head-on.

Wouldn't it be a waste if Ding Ning dodged the concentrated attack of all of them.

Although the sword art is simple, only those who have understood the essence will know that this seemingly common and powerful method is actually not weaker than those famous methods, only the user's is weaker. Strength is not enough.

In the hands of the strong, even flowers and plants can be turned into weapons that cut the sky and the earth.

"You have to pick it up, or you have to pick it up, it's up to you now!" Zhuge Yang laughed.

"This sword will not kill you completely in an instant, we will search all your methods and all your memories before you die completely," Xu Hua said.

Whether it is the suzerain or the elders, they all know that Ding Ning has to accept this move, and the consequence of accepting it is that he will die.

This incomparably tyrannical perverted genius was finally about to perish in front of them.

The revenge of the three Tianjiao was also avenged.

There will also be no obstacles to descending to the earth.

Only this young man was killed by them here.

A ray of light splits the world into two, it is a giant sword formed by sword tactics, and divides the world into two.

Under the giant sword, Ding Ning's figure became smaller and smaller. People saw that Ding Ning's hands were grasping the giant sword, fighting with his body, but this situation only lasted for a short second. Afterwards, Ding Ning's The body began to bend down.

Little by little, it was overwhelmed by the giant sword, until finally it disappeared.


There was a dull sound, and then people heard the sound of the earth tearing apart. In front of everyone, they saw a huge crack on the ground not far away. This crack is so long that you can't see the end of it. The crack is also very deep, and the bottom is dark, and the bottom cannot be seen.

A moment ago, this crack was not there yet, but at this moment, it was propped across the ground in front of him.

The disciples of the three sects were the most shocked, and afterward, there were cheers.

They knew that Ding Ning must have been defeated and might be beheaded at this time, but the result was good after all, and they won the victory in the fairy world.

If Ding Ning single-handedly defeated them in the fairy world, that would be everyone's sorrow, and it would be the end of the fairy world.

Fortunately, such a situation will never happen.

The fairy world is the most powerful. Ding Ning, an alien in the barren land, will eventually fall at the feet of the army of the fairy world.

"we won!"

"as predicted."

"Whoever is an enemy of our fairy world will definitely not end well. Now, Hua Tianjing, Xu Chengdao, and Guan Bubai have their revenge for the three Tianjiao."

The faces of the three disciples were all filled with smiles, excited for defeating Ding Ning.

The three suzerains and elders descended from the sky, and returning to the three disciples, Zhuge Yang said: "His breath of life has not completely died out, so if you search his soul, you can kill him completely!"

The two suzerain masters Xuhua and Tianhen nodded, and then the three came to the crack and watched it. The three could see a figure lying in the crack.

This figure had shocked them several times before, especially the strength of this figure's physical body, which was so strong that it was outrageous.

Fortunately, in the end, they stood on the balance of victory, looking down on this person.

"Who will search for the soul?"

The three suzerains looked at each other and defeated Ding Ning. In the current situation of dividing the loot, how to divide it became a problem.

Because everyone wants the most, but in the same soul search, everyone wants to be the first.

"To prevent some people from playing tricks, it's the most fair for the three of us to be together." Zhuge Yang suggested, based on their cultivation level, searching souls together, although it is dangerous for the soul-searchers, but the three of them Regardless of strength, it is still possible to guarantee Ding Ning's immortality first, and then kill Ding Ning after a thorough soul search.

"Okay, I have no problem."

"Then do it."

The two suzerains, Xuhua and Tianhen, all accepted this suggestion, and the three of them prepared to search for the soul together.

Therefore, the three of them each explored a part of their spiritual thoughts, trying to enter Ding Ning's mind and search for his soul.

And just when the spiritual thoughts of the three approached Ding Ning, a piercing voice suddenly came out of Ding Ning's mouth, which immediately damaged the spiritual thoughts of the three suzerains, and quickly withdrew their spiritual thoughts.

After a voice similar to the lion's roar was uttered, the three suzerains did not dare to explore their spiritual sense easily, because they found that Ding Ning was more tenacious than they imagined.

It was even possible to give them a surprise attack.

Fortunately, the strength of the three suzerains is not weak, but the spiritual sense has only suffered a little damage.

"You want to search my soul, have you asked me?" Ding Ning lay behind the gap, looking at the three people above.

The three suzerains Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen frowned, Zhuge Yang said: "You are seriously injured, the end is a foregone conclusion, don't struggle anymore, unless you want to bear the attack just now again."

These words were both a warning and a threat to Ding Ning.

Ding Ning was silent for a long while without replying. From the perspective of the three of them, they must have accepted the reality without daring to resist. At this moment, Ding Ning suddenly said, "I don't mind taking another attack like that just now."

The three of them froze for a moment, then sneered, and were about to taunt, only to hear Ding Ning's words continue.

"But before that, let me... go through a catastrophe first!"


The three of them were stunned for a moment, and in the next second, their expressions all changed drastically!

(End of this chapter)

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