The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 472 The 474 calamity is coming! 1 more

Chapter 472 The 474 calamity is coming! 1 more


When these two words came out of Ding Ning's mouth, the expressions of the three suzerains changed drastically.

Because one of the reasons they wanted to kill Ding Ning before was because they were afraid that Ding Ning would enter the Golden Core Stage from the Foundation Establishment Realm. You must know that Ding Ning was so powerful in the Foundation Establishment Stage that he could compete with them. If Ding Ning became a monk in the Golden Core Stage, wouldn't he It's even more difficult to deal with. Will their joint attack and destructive sword still work?This point, everyone can't figure it out.

"Rob it!"

Ding Ning uttered these two words lightly, his voice was very soft, and it fell into the ears of the three suzerains like thunder.

The last thing they expected to happen happened.

Suddenly, the sky in the successive places was full of storms.

The dark clouds quickly gathered and turned into rolling clouds, and the thunder and lightning began to flicker and brew, and there was a feeling that the wind and rain were about to overwhelm the building.

The whole sky was pulled down.

what happened?
The disciples of the three sects behind them all looked puzzled. They found that the sky above their heads was changing a bit strangely. Why did they suddenly feel like it was going to rain.

What is the situation.

Many disciples were still in the fog, but the elders pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of a certain possibility, and their faces changed accordingly, revealing a very surprised and serious expression.

They have already guessed that the changes in the world may be that the person from the barren land is going to survive the catastrophe.


In the palm of the Void Sect Master, a light cluster was condensed, with terrifying energy condensed on it, it was definitely a one-hit killing move.

Seeing the appearance of Xuhua Sect Master, he wanted to attack Ding Ning at this moment.

However, before he could make this attack, he was stopped by the two suzerains Zhuge Yang and Tianhen.


"He has already attracted the thunder calamity, if you attack him, you will be targeted by the thunder calamity, and all of us will be targeted by the thunder calamity," Zhuge Yang said.

Crossing the catastrophe is survival from death, so there is a rule in the way of heaven, it is impossible to disturb others to cross the catastrophe, otherwise the thunder catastrophe will be added to the body, so when others are crossing the catastrophe, no one can disturb them, they can only watch, only the thunder After the robbery, the shot will not be targeted.

The Dao is ruthless, but the Dao will also give a little life.

"If this son enters the Golden Core, can we still restrain him?" Xu Hua's master wants to do this, of course he has his reasons. He is afraid that after Ding Ning enters the Golden Core, no one will be his opponent, mainly the current Ding Ning It is enough to defy the sky. No one can say how far one will reach the Golden Core Realm.

"Brother Xuhua, I know your concerns. This kid is indeed talented, but the more he is against the sky, the more difficult it is to enter the Golden Core Realm. What's more, his current condition has been injured by us. With such a physical condition, he wants to forcibly cross the calamity, he is looking for death by himself, even if you don’t attack him, brother Xu Hua, he will die under the thunder calamity.” Zhuge Yang analyzed.

Sect Master Tianhen clasped his fists, and then said: "Yes, why attract the attention of Heaven, let's see how he died under the thunder disaster, even if he survived the thunder disaster, there is still the weakest period, At this time, it is not too late for us to make a move.”

Sect Master Xuhua dissipated the attack and accepted the suggestion of the two, and then the three retreated together, away from Ding Ning's surroundings, lest Ding Ning cross the tribulation and be accidentally injured by Lei Jie.

The three suzerains returned to the army of the fairy world, and everyone stayed away from the crack in the ground.

At the same time, people's eyes were also fixed on the crack, and after a while, Ding Ning's figure came out from inside.

When Ding Ning stood up, people could clearly see that the wounds on Ding Ning's body were very large and deep, especially on Ding Ning's chest, from his shoulders to his abdomen, there was a bleeding gash that almost split his body. All clothes will be damp.

At this time, thunderclouds surged in the sky, Ding Ning looked at the sky, and many disciples of the three sects who were puzzled before finally understood the reason, it turned out that Ding Ning was going to cross the catastrophe.

"He is so strong at the Foundation Establishment Realm, wouldn't he be invincible if he enters the Golden Core Realm?" The disciples of the three sects naturally also thought of this, and at this moment they couldn't help showing a look of worry. What he was worried about was not whether Ding Ning could survive Lei Jie is afraid that if Ding Ning really succeeds, they will face a more powerful Ding Ning in the fairy world.

"Facing the joint attack of our three suzerains and the elders, this guy knew that he would be defeated, so he forcibly crossed the tribulation. I think he is looking for death on his own. Perhaps, we don't have to worry about it." Someone said.

Some people also gave different opinions, "Since our suzerains didn't take any action, I think the suzerains must also take into account what we think. With this guy's state, to survive the most terrifying Jindan period thunder disaster, he must If it is impossible to succeed, it will definitely die under the thunder calamity."

Ding Ning wanted to cross the catastrophe, which caused a shock in the fairy world. At this time, Ding Ning's mind naturally shifted from the strong man in the fairy world to the sky, and he wanted to prepare for the next thunder catastrophe.

In fact, he has been preparing for a long time to overcome the catastrophe, otherwise, with his background, he would have been able to overcome the catastrophe long ago, but Ding Ning has been suppressing it all the time.

But in the face of the joint attack of the three suzerains and many elders in the fairy world, Ding Ning's current state is indeed unable to compete. Even if he is a student of the two methods of righteousness and magic, after all, the difference in realm is too large, and the number of opponents is large. He wants to defeat the opponent. , it is really difficult.

Therefore, it is still subtle to enter the golden core stage, at that time, he will be able to contend against all opponents.

Glancing at the dark clouds in the sky, Ding Ning felt a long-lost feeling in his heart, and then he glanced at Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, Tianhen and others, and smiled slightly at them.

"Perhaps you all think that I will not be able to survive the golden elixir stage thunder disaster." Ding Ning whispered in his heart.

"Don't you know, I haven't crossed the tribulation for a long time, and I stepped into the Golden Core Realm, just wanting to leave this thunder tribulation to you."

Ding Ning opened his arms, and the wounds on his body began to heal. Those torn flesh and blood kept surging. In an instant, except for some bloodstains, the flesh and blood were intact.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Ning raised his arm, pointed to the sky above his head, and said calmly: "Lei Jie, you can come now."


Facing Ding Ning's provocation against Lei Jie, Lei Jie, who had been brewing in the air for a long time, was enraged at this moment, and in an instant, the surroundings of the sky and the earth shone brightly, because from the thick dark clouds, a galaxy-like sky descended. The thunder calamity, the density of the thunder calamity, is like a river, rolling down.

The thunder calamity descended from the sky like a water curtain, and this scene made all the people in the fairy world open their mouths.

Whether it was the elite disciples of the three sects, the elders, or the three sect masters, they were all shocked by the large-scale and mighty thunder calamity at this moment.

What kind of accumulation must it be to attract such a terrifying thunder calamity!

Are you the devil?
How can this be achieved?
For a moment, the monks in the fairy world were all shocked, because they had never seen such a large-scale thunder disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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