The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 478 4803 cases combined into 1! 1 more

Chapter 478 480 Three Sects In One! 1 more

The smell of blood permeates the land of this contiguous land.

At this time, around Ding Ning, there was not a single elder who could still stand, and all the elders who stayed behind to block him were all bloodily obliterated by Ding Ning.

After killing so many people, Ding Ning's body was filled with a cold aura.

His state of mind didn't fluctuate because he ended so many lives with his own hands. First, because he knew that if people from the fairy world came to the earth, they would treat the humans on the earth with the same indifference, just like Hua Tian before Jing, Xu Chengdao, and Guan Bubai completely regard human life as nothing.Second, Ding Ning's hands were covered with blood in his previous life, but in this life, he seldom kills people.

Unless absolutely necessary.

And dealing with cultivators in the fairy world is Ding Ning's last resort.

Ding Ning glanced into the distance, Zhuge Yang and other three sect masters with the three sect disciples had disappeared before his eyes, Ding Ning set off again to catch up without delay, without stopping for a moment.

And after Ding Ning disappeared, the trembling spirit beasts hiding in the dark around them boldly appeared.

They have all witnessed the great battle here just now. These powerful spirit beasts in the continuous land have all deeply remembered Ding Ning's appearance in their minds. If they see that face again, don't attack, just run away. , is the most correct decision.

Ding Ning didn't know that the strength he showed in the continuous land left a deep imprint on all the spirit beasts in the continuous land. No matter how many years passed, they would never forget that there was one so terrifying Extremely young man, when you meet him, don't make any unnecessary moves, the only thing you have to do is to escape, and you must never fight him.

There was a layer of ripples in the air. Not long after, a scene like a water wave appeared out of thin air. I saw a hand suddenly stretched out in the water wave. The next second, a hole appeared in the water wave. A figure walked out of it.

It was Ding Ning who came chasing after the three sects.


The world in front of me suddenly changed, whether it is the air, light, vision, etc., are very different from the previous connection.

Ding Ning glanced at it, and he already guessed where this place is.

"Fairy World." Ding Ning's eyes flickered. This is definitely the Fairy World. People from the three sects escaped from the connected land and returned to the Fairy World. They should all hide in their respective sects now.

Ding Ning thought of this, with a slight smile on his face, now he has the feeling that the three sects are righteous people, and he, Ding Ning, is a big devil, and now he is about to kill.

"If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple. If you hide back to the mountain gate, it still can't change your ending." Ding Ning's eyes flashed coldly. Before the people in the fairy world said that they wanted all human beings on the earth to be buried with them, he fought back, and he would let the fairy world die. People buried with him, and now he has come to fulfill his promise.

A gust of wind blew by, and Ding Ning's figure had disappeared in place, leaving only a pair of faint footprints, which were gradually blown away by the wind.



At this time, there were many people standing inside the gate of Tiandaozong. In addition to the children of Tiandaozong, there were also disciples of Wanzhangzong and Shenjuezong.

In the past, this kind of situation would never have happened. The Heavenly Dao Sect would not allow so many disciples to enter the Heavenly Dao Sect.

But today no one has time to care about these, because the three of them will all face a powerful enemy, if they return to their respective mountain gates, they will be defeated one by one by the other party.

After a short discussion, when the three suzerains just returned to the fairy world, they sent messages from thousands of miles away, ordering all the disciples of the sect to join the Tiandao sect. This decision shocked many disciples of the Tiandao sect at first, but Zhuge Yang had already After opening their mouths, they naturally couldn't say anything more.

The Tiandao Sect has never been so crowded. At this moment, the three sect masters are discussing how to deal with Ding Ning. They can be sure that Ding Ning will definitely enter the fairy world and kill their three sects in a short time.

"This person has become a monk at the golden core stage. With the strength of the elders, he can only stop him for a while at most. It is impossible to keep him in the continuous place. We must prepare a countermeasure before then." Sect Master Tianhen road.

"I don't know Sect Master Zhuge, but is there any way to kill this person?" Sect Master Xu Hua looked at Zhuge Yang.

Now, they are all in Zhuge Yang's sect, so naturally the first thing to respect is Zhuge Yang's opinion, moreover, among the three of them, Zhuge Yang has the most methods.

Zhuge Yang thought for a long time, and finally looked at the two of them and said: "Maybe we have a way to kill this son."

Sect Master Xuhua and Sect Master Tianhen are all interested.

After hearing Zhuge Yang's method, the eyes of the two suzerains brightened, and they felt that there was a lot to be done.

"Sect Master Zhuge, if it is true what you said, I believe that this son will not be arrogant for long." Sect Master Tianhen affirmed.

"Once this method comes out, who can be against the Tiandao Sect? With it, no one can break the Tiandao Sect. It is indeed the sect with the longest history in my fairy world. My Wanzhang Sect is ashamed to be inferior." Sect Master Xuhua sighed One sound.

"Time is running out, if we want to use this method to deal with this person, we must act quickly." Zhuge Yang said, he didn't have time to listen to these words of praise.

The two suzerains, Xuhua and Tianhen, nodded one after another, agreeing to just start.

So everyone in Tiandaozong started to get busy.

The disciples of the three sects were ordered to stand at the designated positions of the Heavenly Dao Sect's gates. There was no doubt about it. Afterwards, everyone was given a set of formulas, and they were required to play the formulas immediately after listening to the order.

After everything was ready, the three suzerains all breathed a sigh of relief.

Sect Master Zhuge Yang stood in front of the mountain gate, looked ahead, and said calmly: "Now it's all about killing him here."

In Tiandaozong, no matter the disciples of Tiandaozong, Wanzhangzong, or Shenjuezong, there is no distinction between you and me at this time. The disciples of the three sects also realized that at what time it is now, it can be said that what happens next determines the immortality. The future of the spirit world.

If they want to continue to seek longevity and continue to practice, they will inevitably have a battle with the man from the barren land. Everyone knows this.

There is no need for the three suzerains to carry out an emotional education. The children of the three suzerains are aware of the seriousness of the current situation, and they must work together now.

In the silence, the time passed especially long, and the Tiandao Sect seemed very quiet.

Today, the number of people in Tiandaozong has reached the highest in history, but there has never been such a quiet situation like today, like an empty mountain with no one, and everything is quiet.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the horizon in the distance.

That person is here.

After seeing this figure, all the disciples of the three sects who fled back from the consecutive lands all trembled slightly in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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