The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 479: The Body of a Dragon! 481 more

Chapter 479: The Body of a Dragon! 481 more

Ding Ning is here!

Looking at Tiandaozong in front of him, Ding Ning seemed to have returned to the realm of comprehension, and stood in front of the mountain gate for a while, his expression dazed for a moment.

After a while, his eyes regained his spirit, and he saw the three sects inside the mountain gate, including Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen's three suzerains.

No wonder the mountain gate he ran to before was empty, there was no one there, people from the three major sects of the fairy world, all gathered here.

It seems that it is for everyone to work together to target him.

In the blink of an eye, Ding Ning thought of this. He never expected that people in the fairy world would be so united. At this moment, they would be able to fight against each other in one sect.

Based on what he found from Xu Chengdao's soul before, there was a lot of killing between these three sects, and he never imagined that there would be such a day of cooperation.

Looking at Ding Ning not far away, the three suzerain masters of Zhuge Yang looked very bad. They could expect that Ding Ning would come. Of course, they also hoped that Ding Ning would not come, because once Ding Ning appeared, it would mean that their elders ...

There are more ills than good luck.

Looking at the bright red blood stains on Ding Ning's body, the three suzerains subconsciously thought that those blood stains were probably the blood of the elders.

Thinking of this, the hatred of the three suzerains towards Ding Ning skyrocketed. Before, the three geniuses died at Ding Ning's hands, and now they are the elders.

"You really have the guts to chase after me in the fairy world, and you will pay the price for it." Sect Master Zhuge Yang said.

"Only allow people from the fairy world to come to our earth, why not allow people from my earth to come to you." Ding Ning countered lightly.

"You killed the elders of our three sects, our three sects and you must be immortal." Sect Master Xu Hua said viciously.

"We will avenge the elders, and we will not let them die in vain." Tianhen said.

Regarding the words of the three suzerains, Ding Ning just smiled lightly, and said: "If you care about your elders, you should be the ones to cut off the heirs at that time. Why are you pretending to be in front of us now? It's really disgusting, do you know?"

"You..." Xu Hua and Tian Hen were so annoyed by Ding Ning that they could not speak.

Zhuge Yang interrupted the two and said: "There is no need to talk to him, we just need to kill him and make him shut up, that is to avenge the elders, why bother to argue with him."

After speaking to the two of them, Zhuge Yang looked at Ding Ning and said seriously: "Since you killed me here, you must also want to kill us, we will wait for you here, waiting for you to pass through the gate of my Heavenly Dao Sect. Come and kill me."

Zhuge Yang is declaring war on Ding Ning.

"Okay, I'd like to see what your people from the fairy world can do to stop me." Ding Ning replied unmoved.

"Then you can take a step forward and try!"

After finishing speaking, Zhuge Yang suddenly showed a smiling face, and smiled to see if he dared to take a step forward and stepped into the mountain gate.

Ding Ning watched Zhuge Yang's eyes, and said lightly: "Try it."


Stepping forward with one foot, Ding Ning's foot really stepped into the mountain gate. At this moment, in front of Ding Ning, a roaring dragon suddenly appeared and rushed towards Ding Ning.

Ding Ning frowned, and didn't take back the kick he stepped out, but directly raised his palm to collide with the lunging dragon.


The dragon pounced, opened its big mouth, and blew out a terrifying wind, which instantly messed up Ding Ning's hair. Of course, this was all secondary. Made of rolling water.

Fortunately, Ding Ning reacted quickly enough, and directly slapped the water polo spit out by the dragon.

The sphere was broken up, and the dragon disappeared immediately after.

Immediately after this blow passed, a dragon-shaped creature appeared. Its body was radiant and made of energy, but it gave people a very real feeling. The dragon power it emitted was exactly the same as the real dragon Ding Ning had seen before. It's just that it is much weaker in power, but in this fairy world, it is already very powerful.

Ding Ning moved his hands in rotation, this time he turned his palm into a fist, and with a pounding of both fists, he broke the dragon-shaped energy into several knots.

The dragon-shaped creature shattered and disappeared quickly, leaving nothing behind.

But immediately after, another dragon-shaped creature appeared, and Ding Ning repeatedly punched it, and the dragon-shaped creatures also appeared one after another, like Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten to death.

After repeating it several times, Ding Ning frowned slightly. He knew that in the Heavenly Dao Sect, the most practiced method was dragon art. Now he saw the three lords in front of him smiling at him, waiting for him to break through the mountain gate. Ding Ning knew that the opponent had already prepared this move, waiting for him to enter the game.

"Did you really think you could stop me with such a small skill?" Ding Ning snorted softly. He had even killed a real dragon before, so how could he be stopped by mere dragon skills.

"Then I'll show you my dragon art!"

Ding Ning still maintained the posture of stepping into the mountain gate with half a foot. This time, before the new dragon appeared to attack him, he began to activate a new method.

Immediately, scales began to appear on Ding Ning's body.

Ding Ning's hands turned into dragon claws, and his five fingers became extremely sharp. Around the fingers, there were golden scales exuding a faint luster.

This is only the exposed body parts, such as under the clothes, and there are also large scales protruding from them.

Zhuge Yang, who is most familiar with dragon art, was still waiting to see Ding Ning's jokes at the beginning. After all, the ultimate move they prepared for Ding Ning was the strongest defense of Tiandaozong, which was left by the first head of Tiandaozong. The Nine Dragons Shining Heaven Formation can protect the Taoist sect from being immortal for thousands of years.

If it wasn't for a critical moment, Zhuge Yang would not easily use this large formation.

Of course, it is not easy to use this large formation, and it requires many people to mobilize it at the same time, but fortunately, all the disciples of the three major sects have gathered in Tiandaozong, and it is enough for these disciples to mobilize the Jiulong Yaotian formation together. None of their three suzerains needed to make a move.

At first, Zhuge Yang had a smile on his face when he saw these large formations starting to attack Ding Ning, but when Ding Ning's aura suddenly changed and scales began to appear, Zhuge Yang's expression flashed, he saw A kind of dragon technique that has never been seen before, it turns into a dragon with its body!
The body of a dragon!

That's right, at this moment, Ding Ning's state is that of a human and a dragon, all his limbs have turned into a dragon's posture, and even his head has turned into a half-human half-dragon appearance, which looks very scary.

The disciples of the three major sects inject power into the formation all the time, so that the real dragons transformed from the Nine Dragons Yaotian Formation continuously attack Ding Ning. Ding Ning grabbed it with both hands and stuffed it into his mouth. He ate the real dragon!
With such a scene, everyone in the fairy world didn't know what to say.

By the way, have you ever seen someone who can eat a large array of attacks?

Simply unheard of!

(End of this chapter)

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