The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 480 482 Dragon Nine Sons! 9 more

Chapter 480 482 Dragon Nine Sons! 3 more

One mouthful of a real dragon, and it entered the belly very easily.

Ding Ning's ferocity after turning into a human dragon stunned the crowd.

"Everyone go all out to kill this person and avenge the elders!" Zhuge Yang's voice reached the ears of all the disciples of the sect who maintained the Nine Dragons Yaotian Formation.

Hearing the revenge, no matter whether they are the disciples of Tiandaozong or not, they are all united at this time, resolutely pouring their power into the Nine Dragons Yaotian formation.

Immediately, the light flowed in the big formation, and more and more real dragons appeared, and above the entire mountain gate of Tiandaozong, there were almost all real dragons wandering around.

Among them are nine dragons of different shapes. These nine dragons have strange looks, are bigger than other dragons, and have terrifying breaths, just like living creatures.

"Nine sons of the dragon!" Sect Master Xuhua looked at this scene and revealed the identity of the nine dragons.

"The nine sons of the real dragon are different. I have heard of such rumors for a long time, but I have never seen it. This is the first time I have seen the appearance of the nine sons of the real dragon." Sect Master Tianhen said.

The two suzerains all expressed different comments on the appearance of the Nine Sons of the Dragon, but it was no surprise that they were a little shocked by the Nine Sons of the Dragon.

The words of the two did not hide their words, and at this time it also reached the ears of the disciples of the three sects. Those disciples who maintained the big formation of Jiulong Yaotian were also very surprised when they heard this sentence. Unexpectedly, the large formation they maintained, The nine sons of the dragon can appear.

In fact, hearing the name of the Nine Dragons Yaotian Formation, it is not difficult to guess the matter of the Nine Sons of the Dragon.

"This is the true power of the Great Formation of Nine Dragons Yaotian. When all nine dragons appear together, you will never be able to pass through this formation and enter the gate of my Heavenly Dao Sect." Zhuge Yang avoided any trace of complacency, "Before you can eat it in one bite Those dragons, the nine sons of the dragon appear, let me see how you can continue to eat them."

As the sect with the most dragon skills, Zhuge Yang has the qualifications to be proud, because of this, even the Wanzhang Sect and the Shenjue Sect cannot compare. Even if Ding Ning can turn into a human dragon, so what? After filling the power, there will be a picture of nine dragons appearing together, this is the real dragon.

Prisoner Niu, Yazi, Xiaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Bixie, Juan, Xiangxie, and Qiwei are all the sons of the real dragon. At this time, they all look down on Ding Ning and show their murderous intent towards Ding Ning.

The nine sons of the dragon soared into the sky, and the great array of nine dragons shining in the sky finally appeared in the world again after an unknown number of years.


Zhuge Yang was in charge of the Nine Dragons Yaotian formation, and as he made a killing intent, the Dragon Nine Sons rushed up in an instant.

Ding Ning maintained his human-dragon body, facing the Dragon Nine Sons, he did not flinch at all, he stepped down, rushed to the sky, and fought fiercely with the Dragon Nine Sons above the mountain gate of Tiandaozong.

Boom boom boom.

Intense light flashed out, and the nine sons of Long each used their unique skills to kill Ding Ning with shocking power.

And Ding Ning, who had turned into a human-dragon body, didn't dodge at all, and shook Long Jiuzi hard. It can be said that every punch hit Long Jiuzi's attack. For a moment, a terrifying power burst out from the mountain gate of Tiandaozong.

The entire earth trembled following this confrontation.

Every time Long Jiuzi attacks, he will absorb a lot of power from the disciples of the three major sects, but right now, everyone is supporting him in order to kill Ding Ning.


The collision between Ding Ning and Long Jiuzi became more and more intense. He was not only Zhanlong Jiuzi, but also other real dragons who were weaker.

The entire sky has become a battlefield.

The people of the three sects were always watching the situation of the confrontation in the sky. They had to admit that Ding Ning was terrifying, especially after entering the Golden Core Realm, Ding Ning was now like a god of war. There was no weakness.

Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen's three suzerains' eyes showed a trace of uneasiness.

It stands to reason that with the Nine Dragons Yaotian formation, it should be able to stop Ding Ning's footsteps, but seeing Ding Ning's attack at this time, for some reason, they couldn't help feeling a little worried in their hearts.

In the sky, Ding Ning, with the body of a dragon, grabbed the prisoner cow, one of the nine sons of the dragon, and then blew his head off with a punch.

And it was not enough to finish all these, Ding Ning's hands that turned into dragon's claws firmly inserted into the prisoner's body, and soon the prisoner disappeared.

Among the nine sons of the dragon, only eight sons are left.

not good!

Zhuge Yang's expression flickered, and he sent a voice transmission to all the disciples of the three sects who maintained the formation, asking them to increase their strength again, and as everyone poured in energy again, the prisoner bull was conceived and born from the formation.

Although it was swallowed and absorbed by Ding Ning with the Dragon Devouring Technique before, the current Dragon Nine Sons is not the real Dragon Nine Sons after all, but transformed from energy, so after death, they can continue to be revived by relying on the Nine Dragons Yaotian Formation. As long as the energy is maintained, the resurrection will continue.

The prisoner cow was resurrected, and Ding Ning looked normal. It was not the first time he faced the attack of the formation. In his last life, he had experienced such a terrifying formation, not to mention the formation of the fairy world.

Since the prisoner cow was revived once, he continued to blow it up, and then absorbed it.

He wants to see how long the people in the fairy world can maintain the formation.

Ding Ning, who is in the body of a human and a dragon, started to attack frantically, no matter which one of the nine sons of the dragon you are, he will blow up with one punch, and then absorb his own power to supplement consumption.

And through this kind of shooting while replenishing strength, Ding Ning's strength has been maintained at the peak, and it has not consumed too much.

But on the other hand, on the side of the Three Sects, because Ding Ning continuously absorbed the power of the Nine Dragons, the three disciples who maintained the Nine Dragons Yaotian Formation could only continuously inject strength, making the Nine Dragons who disappeared reappear.

Once, twice, three times, four times...

It was okay at first, but as the battle continued, the children of the three sects were a bit overwhelmed. Sweat dripped from everyone's faces. Their strength had been consumed a lot in order to maintain the formation. The resurrection of the Dragon Nine Sons has become a support for pain for everyone.

Seeing that Ding Ning was still alive and kicking, and even fought more and more fiercely, while on his side, the breath of the disciples who maintained the big formation was getting weaker and weaker.

Zhuge Yang said to Xuhua and Tianhen, the two suzerains: "You two, it's time for us to go all out. My Tiandaozong has used the sect-protecting formation left by our ancestors, and the two of you have to contribute a bit of yourself. Otherwise, if the formation is broken, none of us will be his opponent."

The two suzerains Xuhua and Tianhen knew what Zhuge Yang meant, they just thought for a moment before making a decision.

"Okay, I don't care to keep the foundation of my Wanzhang Sect at this time, so let's use it to maintain this big formation." Sect Master Xuhua said, and with a wave of his hand, a large number of spirit crystal ores appeared.

Sect Master Tianhen was also unambiguous, and also took out the spirit crystal ore to help the three disciples relieve pressure and maintain the consumption of the Nine Dragons Yaotian formation.

With the spirit crystal ore, all the disciples of the three sects couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, while Ding Ning continued to fight fiercely with the Long Jiuzi.

(End of this chapter)

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