The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 481 The 483 array is broken! 1 more

Chapter 481 The 483 array is broken! 1 more

The spirit crystal ore contains pure spiritual energy, even the size of a fingernail, it contains a lot of energy, not to mention that the two suzerains have produced so many spirit crystal ores.

With the maintenance of spirit crystal ore in the Nine Dragons Yaotian formation, everyone was able to temporarily breathe a sigh of relief.

The scenes of Ding Ning and Long Jiuzi's frantic fight have been staged all the time, and as Ding Ning absorbed the power of Long Jiuzi one after another, Ding Ning did not see him becoming weak at all. The heads of the three sects also saw that Ding Ning was absorbing the power of Long Jiuzi The power of the nine sons is also the power of the big formation.

This is not a good thing for everyone. If Ding Ning can maintain his strength, then in the end, Ding Ning may break the big formation. After all, the spirit crystal ore to maintain the big formation is limited.

"You can't just sit and wait for death like this. If you two have any ideas, please speak out. Now is not the time to hide your secrets." Zhuge Yang said.

Hearing this, the master of Xuhua said: "Brother Zhuge, in terms of background, my Wanzhang Sect and Shenjue Sect are not as good as your Tiandao Sect. Now, this son's skill has greatly increased. I believe it will not take long before the formation will be broken. I think, Brother Zhuge, it's time for you to bring out the biggest killer of Tiandaozong!"

Zhuge Yang's eyes flickered.

"Brother Zhuge, everyone in the world knows that there is a Nascent Soul stage monk in your Tiandaozong. If you don't invite him out now, when will you invite him? The current situation is no longer optimistic."

Nascent Soul Stage monk!
There is indeed such an existence in Tiandaozong, but Zhuge Yang doesn't know whether this existence is still alive. Even in Tiandaozong, the monk at the Nascent Soul stage is a legend, even Zhuge Yang has never seen it.

"The great cultivator of my sect has been in seclusion for many years and has never shown himself. If he has become transformed, wouldn't it mean that the last glimmer of hope has also been shattered." Zhuge Yang said.He was also not sure whether the Nascent Soul cultivator was still alive. The cave in the back mountain had always been a forbidden area, and no one was allowed to enter it.

"But Brother Zhuge, if this kid really breaks the mountain gate, we'll all have to finish playing. Now even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we can only give it a try." Sect Master Xu Hua said.

Xuhua and Tianhen also had no choice. They had fought against Ding Ning before. When Ding Ning established the foundation, they couldn't do anything to get Ding Ning. What's more, now that Ding Ning has entered the golden core stage, it is even more impossible.

Secondly, this is the mountain gate of Tiandaozong, not the mountain gate of the two of them, so some methods cannot be used.

Otherwise, they can also use the mountain gate's large formation to control the enemy.

Zhuge Yang was thinking about whether to automatically break the rules handed down by the sect and go to the forbidden place in the cave.

As time passed, Ding Ning punched Long Jiuzi, and continuously absorbed it, turning it into his own energy, causing the spirit crystal ore brought out by the two suzerains, Xuhua and Tianhen, to be consumed rapidly. The two saw this scene , distressed and helpless.

Seeing the large consumption of spirit crystal ore, the three disciples also showed signs of worry. They know how much strength is needed to maintain a large formation. Now that they can rest, they are working hard to recover their strength. But it is not easy.

"Brother Zhuge, hurry up and make a decision. If you don't make a decision, it will be too late!" Sect Master Xu Hua urged.

Because the spirit crystal ore has been consumed, only one-third of the previous one is left. According to this speed, it will be completely exhausted in about 10 minutes.

"The sect has long established rules. The cave in the back mountain is a closed place for the ancestors. Even the suzerain is not allowed to enter or leave." Zhuge Yang expressed his difficulties.

"What time is it now? Now it is not only related to the life and death of Tiandaozong, but even the life and death of the entire fairy world. I don't care about so much. Brother Zhuge, please go and invite that big monk to come out of the mountain, otherwise everyone will die." I have to be beheaded by this person." Sect Master Tianhen said.

Zhuge Yang looked at the two of them, then at the remaining elders and many disciples of the three sects, and finally made a decision: "Okay, the Nine Dragons Yaotian formation will be presided over by the two of you for the time being, and I will go to the back mountain .”

Zhuge Yang handed over the task of presiding over the formation to the two, while he himself went straight to the forbidden cave in the back mountain.

Sect Master Xuhua and Sect Master Tianhen began to preside over the big formation, and made all the three sects prepare for it. When the spirit crystal ore was completely exhausted, they immediately connected and continued to maintain the big formation until Zhuge Yang appeared.

The Nine Dragons appeared several times in front of Ding Ning. To be honest, some of these Nine Dragons had never been seen by Ding Ning in his last life. He never thought that the small fairy world could have such a formation that could shape dragons. Nine sons.

But fortunately, this is not the real Dragon Nine Sons, but only has a little bit of the Dragon Nine Sons' strength.

If they were all real Nine Dragon creatures, let alone nine, one would be enough to destroy the present Ding Ning.

Even Ding Ning, who is in the Jindan period, will not be a real opponent of the descendants of the dragon.

Facing the Nine Dragons, Ding Ning was not in a hurry, and now he had the right to use these Nine Dragons to consolidate his realm and strength.

It just so happened that he had just been promoted to the Golden Core Stage, and fighting against these Dragon Nine Sons would have a considerable effect on consolidating his realm.

He didn't believe that Tiandaozong could maintain a large formation to stop him.

Relying on his continuous absorption of Long Jiuzi's energy, this formation will be broken sooner or later.

The spirit crystal ore is getting less and less. The three disciples know that they will soon stop recovering and continue to maintain the formation. Everyone can't help swallowing, and the most critical moment is coming soon. They don't know that they can How long does the support last.

If it can't support it, the big formation will be broken automatically.

"Everyone get ready!" The Void Sect Master reminded everyone that the spirit crystal ore will soon be exhausted. Ding Ning has killed Long Jiuzi countless times, and he can also feel that the spirit crystal ore has become less , Long Jiuzi's recovery time began to slow down.

He started to speed up, and suddenly, the attack became fierce, knocking out and absorbing Long Jiuzi continuously.

Seeing that the last Nine Dragons was about to be absorbed, the disciples of the three sects joined the camp to maintain the formation, making the Nine Dragons reappear instantly, restoring the previous situation.

Ding Ning was still at the same pace as before. The confrontation with Long Jiuzi was very simple and rough. With the terrifying defense of the human-dragon body, he and Long Jiuzi had been in close combat all the time.

Long Jiuzi was not his real body, so naturally he couldn't resist Ding Ning's attacks, and was constantly defeated.

Time flies, the disciples of the three sects maintaining the formation have been pouring in strength for a while, and they are all gritting their teeth to support.

"I can't hold it anymore!" Someone was exhausted and fell down.

As for the maintenance of the formation, right now it is at the stage where perseverance is needed. If one person falls, it will immediately affect other people, and one after another, people will withdraw from the maintenance formation one after another.

The disciples of the three sects fell down powerlessly, and the two sect masters, Xu Hua and Tian Hen, kept reminding everyone to continue to persevere.

However, the army was defeated like a mountain, and it was difficult to maintain the formation. As more and more people withdrew, it was even more difficult for the remaining people to maintain the formation. Finally, after Ding Ning absorbed the last nine sons of the dragon, there was no dragon. The nine sons came back to life again.

At this moment, the Great Formation of Nine Dragons Yaotian suddenly stopped functioning.


The light receded, and in front of the Tiandaozong mountain gate, a piece of clarity was restored, and Ding Ning could see everything inside the mountain gate clearly.

"The formation is broken!" Ding Ning said with a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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