The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 482 484 Boy, you are dead! 2 more

Chapter 482 484 Boy, you are dead! 2 more

As soon as the formation was broken, all the people including Sect Master Xuhua and Sect Master Tianhen couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Without the Nine Dragons Yaotian formation, they had to face Ding Ning directly.

This perverted evildoer from the earth, even the Great Formation of the Mountain Gate handed down from the Tiandaozong since ancient times, could not stop his footsteps. No matter whether it was the virtualization or the sky mark, he didn't want to face Ding Ning at this time.

"I'm coming!" Ding Ning returned to the ground, stepped lightly with both feet, and stepped into the mountain gate of Tiandaozong. At this time, there was still a little bit of strength, and the standing disciples of the three sects saw Ding Ning approaching. , all retreated one after another, with a look of horror in their eyes.

"Young man, are you really planning to kill my people in the fairy world?" Sect Master Xuhua stood at the front, after all, he was also the master of a sect, so it was impossible for him to hide behind his disciples.

"I'm just here to fulfill my promise and get rid of the existence that can threaten the earth." Ding Ning said lightly.

Hearing this sentence, Xu Hua and Tianhen were stunned. They thought of the oath they had made to the humans in the barren land before, to let the earth humans be buried with them, but they did not expect the result to be reversed.

Ding Ning fought back at them. He would let people from the fairy world be buried with him. It was absolutely tit for tat. At that time, the three suzerains were so angry that they all wanted to kill Ding Ning.

But who would have thought that this Ding Ning really did it, entered the fairy world from the earth, and now even the Nine Dragons Yaotian formation can't stop his footsteps.

"There is no great enmity between us. In fact, we can shake hands and make peace. The reason why we want to come to the earth is only because this world is not suitable for cultivation, so we have no choice but to do so. You killed the children of our three sects, We don't have to worry about it, we people in the fairy world can live in peace with the humans in your place, what do you think?" Sect Master Xu Hua said.

"I killed the genius of your three sects, you don't want to seek revenge from me?" Ding Ning asked with a smile.

"We don't have to take revenge, as long as you don't prevent us from coming to the barren land and living in the barren land, it doesn't matter if a few people die." Sect Master Tianhen said.

"Aren't those dead elders going to take revenge on me?" Ding Ning continued to ask unmoved.

"We can put aside our hatred and live in peace with you. If you don't believe me, we can swear." Sect Master Xu Hua continued, his words sounded very sincere.

"Fighting and killing is not what we want. After all, we are also forced to be helpless. You can also feel what is going on in this world. We are indeed forced to be helpless. You are the strongest in the barren land. Now As long as you agree, I think our fairy world and your barren land will be able to live in peace."

"I hope you will seriously consider it, because we really have no hostility."

No matter Xuhua or Tianhen, they all looked extremely sincere, and the disciples of the three sects were stunned when they heard it, but they were disciples after all, so they didn't dare to interrupt.

Ding Ning stood there with no expression on his face, Xu Hua and Tian Hen were not in a hurry, waiting for Ding Ning's reply.

Seeing that Ding Ning remained silent for a while, Sect Master Xu Hua said again: "As long as you nod your head, I can take out a part of my Wanzhang Sect's method and let you watch it unconditionally. I believe that even if you are in the Golden Core Realm, it will be of great help to you s help."

After finishing speaking, Sect Master Xuhua blinked at Tianhen without a trace, and Sect Master Tianhen understood, and then said: "I am the suzerain of Shenjuezong, and I can also show you the method of my Shenjuezong. It is our sincerity, I believe you can also see it."

After the two of them finished talking, Ding Ning finally opened his mouth after a while, looked at the two of them and said, "Do you think that I will definitely agree to these conditions if you offer them?"

Ding Ning's words made the two of them frown.

"Do you think I can appreciate your so-called method? You take your method too seriously."

"A barren land with one mouthful, are you high and high?"

"I want to come to the earth and say that I live in peace with the human beings on the earth. Do you think I will believe it?"

"I won't do things that lead wolves into the house."

Ding Ning said a few words in one breath, Xu Hua and Tian Hen frowned tightly, and finally Xu Hua said: "What kind of conditions do you want before you agree?"

Hearing this, Ding Ning smiled: "It's very simple if you want me to long as you all..."

"Go and die here, I promise!"


The faces of the two suzerains became even more ugly. Ding Ning didn't want to live in peace with them at all, even if he had to pay a certain price.

"It's not good for any of us, you have to think clearly." Xu Hua warned.

Ding Ning has experienced too many things, and has seen many scenes where the strong enter the territory of the weak. Without strength, they will eventually be destroyed. This principle applies no matter where they are placed.

He would not listen to a few words from the other party, and then believe that the other party can really live in harmony with the human beings on earth.

These people in the fairy world look down on the earth in their bones, saying that the earth is a barren land, how can they really live in harmony with the earth and humans, even if it is true, it is just an illusion.

In the end, these people will eventually reveal their true colors, occupy the earth, and enslave mankind.

"The fish is dead and the net is broken?" Ding Ning muttered, suddenly smiled, and said slowly: "But I think you are the fish and the net, and I am the one who catches the fish with the net."

"Hehe, what a fisherman with a net, he is really an insolent kid who went to become a fisherman in my Heavenly Dao Sect's realm!"

Suddenly, a voice, like thunder rolling, came from all directions, making you confused as to whose mouth it came from.

But Xuhua and Tianhen who suddenly heard this sentence looked at each other, with great joy on their faces, it was done, really invited that existence.

The false promises and conditions the two of them just gave were not really why they shook hands with Ding Ning to make peace, but were just to delay time, waiting for Zhuge Yang to invite the Nascent Soul stage monk who was suspected to be still alive in Tiandaozong come out.

The facts did not disappoint, at this most critical moment, this mighty man appeared!
"Brother Xuhua, Brother Tianhen, I kept you waiting for a long time." Zhuge Yang's voice came one after another. Immediately afterwards, people turned their eyes and saw Zhuge Yang walking slowly, accompanied by an old man.



When the disciples of Tiandaozong saw Zhuge Yang reappearing, they all had a backbone in an instant, but at this time, they were even more curious about who the old man beside the suzerain was, because no one had ever seen this old man.

The moment Xuhua and Tianhen saw the old man beside Zhuge Yang, their hearts were finally let go. They nodded to Zhuge Yang and saluted the old man again.

"I have seen seniors."

"I have seen seniors."

After the two saluted, they glanced back at Ding Ning and said with a sneer, "Boy, you are dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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