The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 483: Nascent Soul Appears! 485 more

Chapter 483: Nascent Soul Appears! 485 more

With the reappearance of Zhuge Yang and an old man beside him, it is not difficult to imagine that he is going to rescue soldiers.

Seeing Zhuge Yang's respect for the old man, Ding Ning had already guessed who this person was. It must be the last Nascent Soul Stage monk who appeared in the legend of the fairy world.

Otherwise, Zhuge Yang wouldn't dare to stand here again.

With this old man around, Xu Hua and Tianhen will suddenly gain confidence, because they know the horror of this old man.

The old man stood at the front, Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen all took a step back automatically, vaguely dominated by the old man, after all, the old man is now their biggest reliance.

The old man was looking at Ding Ning, and Ding Ning was also watching the old man.

He didn't make a big fight in the first place.

After the old man withdrew his scrutinizing gaze, he said calmly, "You are very talented. It's really incredible that you can reach the Golden Core stage in that barren land."

"Your compliment won't stop me from attacking them." Ding Ning replied.

The old man laughed: "With me here, do you think you can still hurt others?"

Before Ding Ning could speak, the old man didn't stop talking, and continued: "Your talent is good, it's not easy to cultivate to the Golden Core stage, but if you want to go further, talent alone is not enough. If you are on the road of cultivation, someone can guide you , you will go further sooner.”

"Why, you still want to teach me?" Ding Ning smiled.

"If I were you, I would immediately kneel down and worship my teacher. Pursuing longevity is your only goal. Anything else is illusory." The old man said slowly, the meaning in his words was also easy to understand, so that Ding Ning should not miss the opportunity , Protecting the earth is too vain. Furthermore, this is not what a cultivator should pursue. There is no need to miss a good opportunity to protect all human beings on the earth.

What the old man said didn't surprise Ding Ning, but instead stunned Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen. In their opinion, the old man should kill Ding Ning instead of talking nonsense with him, or even accepting Ding Ning as his apprentice.

But even if they were suzerains, they didn't dare to say such words, because they were offending this great monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

"This guy, is it possible that he still wants to become a member of our fairy world?" Sect Master Xu Hua said angrily.Although he had said reconciliation words before, those were all fake and used to delay time, but the Nascent Soul stage monk in front of him seemed to be serious.

"Senior..." Zhuge Yang, as the suzerain of Tiandao Sect and the old man's junior, didn't want to be silent anymore, so he wanted to remind the old man, but the old man waved his hand and interrupted whatever he wanted to say.

"This is something I decided, you don't need to say more." The old man's voice sounded from the bottom of Zhuge Yang's heart. Zhuge Yang raised his head, but finally held back without saying a word.

"Have you thought about it?" the old man asked.

"Don't think about it, I don't kneel down to heaven and earth, I don't respect ghosts and gods, I want me to kneel down to worship my master..." Ding Ning paused for a moment, and then in front of everyone, he said something that made everyone's eyes widen : "You are not qualified to be my teacher!"


Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tian Hen all blinked their eyes and showed surprise on their faces. Even though they thought that Ding Ning would refuse, they never thought that Ding Ning would say that the old man was not qualified.

As for the disciples of the three major sects around them, they were even more horrified and didn't know what to say.

Although they don't know the identity of the old man, but seeing how respectful their suzerain is to the old man, they can also think that the old man must not be a mortal, and if he appears at such a critical moment, he must be a generation with supernatural powers.

They were still envious and surprised when they heard this senior man say that he intends to accept Ding Ning as his apprentice. They didn't expect such a great opportunity, but Ding Ning turned it down and said that the other party was not qualified!

This is definitely more embarrassing than saying no.

The old man didn't fly into a rage, nor did he lose his temper. His face was very calm, just like the water in an ancient well, it was difficult to make ripples.

And the more calm it is, the more it feels tight in the chest.

"It's been so many years, no one has dared to disobey me and say such things to me." The old man smiled, but his smile made all the people in the fairy world shudder.

"I admire you very much. I thought I would take you as a disciple and guide you to enter the road of longevity. Since you are so ignorant of current affairs, I can only kill you, a genius!" The old man said with a smile, but his murderous intent was like a wave. Generally covering the entire Tiandaozong, everyone can feel the murderous aura flowing in the air.

"I said before that you are not qualified to give advice to me. Of course, you can't kill me either!" Ding Ning ignored the murderous intention and responded with a smile.

"Hehe, a Jindan stage monk said that a Nascent Soul stage monk couldn't kill him, boy, don't you think you can cross the border and fight my Yuanying stage at the Jindan stage!" The old man laughed loudly.

"That's so difficult!" Ding Ning responded directly without retreating.

Between the two, both of them were smiling, but no one could stop their killing spirit.

"Okay, I really want to see Jindan stage monks who can leapfrog and fight Nascent Soul." After the old man finished speaking, he flew directly into the sky, and at the same time a wave of sound came down to the ground, "The battlefield here is not big enough. A battle in the sky."

Ding Ning didn't say a word, and disappeared in place. The next second when people saw him, he was already on a high place.

In the sky, there is a newly promoted Jindan, and the other is the legendary Nascent Soul monk.

The two stared at each other, becoming the focus of everyone's eyes.

This battle is related to the future of the fairy world. If Ding Ning loses, the fairy world will definitely dominate the earth and become the new ruler of the earth, but if the old man loses, then there will be no one in the fairy world who can match Ding Ning , everyone may be beheaded by Ding Ning, and the fairy world will disappear completely.

So will the old man lose?

Neither Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, nor Tianhen felt that there would be any big changes in this battle. Ding Ning was able to fight Jindan from Foundation Establishment, but he wanted to fight Yuanying from Jindan. It is a fundamentally impossible thing, even in the fairy world, it is unheard of.

Ding Ning will definitely die!

Everyone felt that some miracle would happen to Ding Ning. No matter how talented you are, but the other party is already a Nascent Soul stage monk, an existence that is almost beyond life and death, how could you be defeated by someone leapfrogging.

Suddenly, the two figures in the sky moved at the same time, and they immediately started fighting.



Li Xuanfeng was in the courtyard, and his eyes fell on the four strong men Jiang Gudao, Mo Tianxiong, Banjiao, and Fox.

I really didn't expect that Ding Ning would have such a backup. For the safety of his family, he even arranged four strong men.

And every strong person is an existence that does not lose to him.

(End of this chapter)

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