The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 484 Tragedy! 486 more

Chapter 484 Tragedy! 486 more

Li Xuanfeng also guessed that Ding Ning would leave behind some means to protect his family for the sake of his family's safety, but he never thought that the means left behind would be such handy.

The existence of the four auras that he was quite afraid of, suddenly appeared, making Li Xuanfeng's plan to control Ding Ning's family in his hands come to naught.

Moreover, his current situation is still very embarrassing, surrounded by two people and two spirit beasts, making it very difficult for him to leave.

"If you make up your mind here, no matter who you are, you will never get out of here today." Mo Tianxiong said.

"Since you're here, we can't let you go." Jiang Gudao remained expressionless.

The two did not hide their murderous intentions at all at this moment. Ding Ning entrusted the safety of his family to the two of them early on. There was a time before that the two of them did not protect well and almost caused a catastrophe. Ding Ning blamed him once.

If there was a second time of poor protection, the two of them would have no face to see Ding Ning, and just wipe their necks.

Ding Ning will not let the two of them go if he finds out.

Therefore, after being taught a lesson, the two never dared to relax in the slightest in the protection of Ding Shengyuan, Yang Xueyi, and Ding Qinghe.

Since that day, Ding Ning has not appeared again, but the two of them know that Ding Ning must still be alive, and the two of them cannot relax their vigilance because of this.

Coupled with the recovery of the earth's aura now, the earth is no longer the earth it was before. There are many more people on the earth who can practice, and even some people, with the help of the aura recovery, their strength has greatly increased.

The two were afraid of any accidents, so they found this place and arranged Ding Ning's family members here.

Unexpectedly, they were still found here. Fortunately, the two of them appeared in time to prevent Ding Ning's parents from being taken away.

If Ding Ning's parents were taken away, they could be sure that Ding Ning would never let them go lightly.

So seeing Li Xuanfeng appearing, the two of them stared at Li Xuanfeng as if they had seen their father and enemy killed.

Banjiao and fox are both spirit beasts, and their strengths are also changing every day. When Li Xuanfeng appeared in the courtyard, they appeared immediately to protect Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi.

At this time, Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi were guarded behind them. They were no strangers to Jiang Gudao, Mo Tianxiong, Banjiao and Fox, and knew that their son Ding Ning stayed by their side to protect them.

"This Ding Ning is really good. Besides you two masters, he has two powerful monsters!" Li Xuanfeng was wary of the two spirit beasts, Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong. He had inquired about them before. He was not surprised by the existence of the two, the only thing that surprised him was the two spirit beasts, because the existence of these two spirit beasts reduced the possibility of taking away Ding Ning's family to zero, which was unexpected outside.

"Jiang Gudao, as a Martial Saint in the northeast region, you are now acting as a family bodyguard for others. It is really eye-opening." Li Xuanfeng sarcastically said.

"You know me?" Jiang Gudao didn't know Li Xuanfeng, so when he heard his name called out, Jiang Gudao frowned. In his opinion, Li Xuanfeng probably worked hard to find Ding Ning's family.

"Before the earth changed, how many martial saints there were in the martial arts world? Although no one can be sure, you, Jiang Gudao, are still very prestigious. I don't know you." Li Xuanfeng said.

"Who are you?" Mo Tianxiong asked.

"Martial Saint, Mo Tianxiong, the newly promoted Martial Saint in the Northeast region, I have known you for a long time." Li Xuanfeng looked at the two of them.

"You know the two of us. It seems that you are also from the martial arts world, and in the martial arts world, there are not many people who have enmity with Mr. Ding, because anyone who provokes Mr. Ding has already gone to hell. , and you are still alive, and your strength is so strong, could it be that you are..."

Jiang Gudao stared at Li Xuanfeng, analyzing Li Xuanfeng's identity in his mind. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed by the alarm clock, and he thought of someone.

"You are the temple master of Mount Qingcheng, Li Xuanfeng!"

Jiang Gudao revealed Li Xuanfeng's identity, not in a questioning tone, but in an affirmative tone.

Come to think of it, he can be sure.

Hearing that the person in front of him was Li Xuanfeng, Mo Tianxiong was also taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that this was Li Xuanfeng, the master of Qingcheng Mountain. He was only famous, but he had never met.

Before the spiritual energy recovered, Mount Qingcheng was quite a famous place, and it was an existence that people dare not underestimate in the world of martial arts practitioners. , but very few, because the head of Qingcheng Mountain doesn't like to show himself in front of others.

"Hehe, you guessed it." Li Xuanfeng showed a bit of surprise.

"Mr. Ding's criminals are either very weak and do not pose any threat, or they are all dead, but you Qingcheng Mountain is an exception, because after Mr. Ding killed the 36-day sword fairy on Qingcheng Mountain, you, the temple master, did not You didn't take revenge, but you never made a sound, so your identity is not difficult to guess." Jiang Gudao analyzed.

"Since you know that he killed my people in Qingcheng Mountain, you must also know the purpose of my coming here. To pay for my life, I came to collect debts for my 36 apprentices." Li Xuanfeng said, his eyes glowed red.

"If you want to touch Mr. Ding's family, you have to step over my dead body." Jiang Gudao said seriously.

"And me." Although Mo Tianxiong had heard of the famous Qingcheng Mountain Pavilion Master for a long time, but now, he is not a weak person, and he is not necessarily weaker than the other party by practicing the method taught by Ding Ning.

"Do you two have to intervene in this matter?" Li Xuanfeng said seriously: "If the two of you stand by and watch, I, Li Xuanfeng, promise to owe you a huge favor."

Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong were unmoved, and said one after another: "This is our responsibility, we dare not disappoint Mr. Ding."

"It seems that there is only one battle left."


In an instant, the three figures killed together, Banjiao and Fox guarding in front of Ding Shengyuan, Yang Xueyi, and Ding Qinghe to prevent accidents.

3 minute later.

Li Xuanfeng looked at Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong, and asked, "Your strength must also come from him."

"Mr. Ding is a peerless genius who is destined to shine in the starry sky in the future. If I were you, I would never come to avenge this." Jiang Gudao answered the wrong question.

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on Li Xuanfeng's face: "Thinking that I, Li Xuanfeng, have been cultivating hard for 50 years, and my disciples were beheaded to death. You asked me to give up my hatred. If it were you, how could you let it go?"

Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong were silent. If this happened to them, it would be difficult to pretend that nothing happened.

"I can only say that I, Li Xuanfeng, are not as good as others. Even if I came here for revenge, I would still be able to hurt him in the slightest. It is really a great irony..."

"If that day, I ignored the omen that the statue of the patriarch was broken, maybe, even if I couldn't kill him that day, I could still hurt him, instead of today, where I died here without anyone seeing it..."

(End of this chapter)

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