The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 485: Thunder Tribulation Comes Again! 487 more

Chapter 485: Thunder Tribulation Comes Again! 487 more

Li Xuanfeng died in the courtyard, and was killed by Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong.

The legend of Qingcheng Mountain has since come to an end.

"Actually, we can keep him alive until Mr. Ding comes back to deal with him." Mo Tianxiong said.

Jiang Gudao shook his head: "In terms of talent, you and I are not as good as him. If it weren't for Mr. Ding to teach us the method, even if you and I work together, we can't kill him. On the contrary, we will definitely die. "

"Mr. Ding doesn't know when he will return. Leaving this person alive is equivalent to giving him time. If he takes advantage of this time to make breakthroughs in the realm, can you and I still be his opponents?"

Hearing this sentence, Mo Tianxiong fell silent. He knew that Jiang Gudao's consideration was reasonable. Li Xuanfeng, the master of Qingcheng Mountain, whose name was heard like thunder in the world of martial arts practitioners, everyone said that Li Xuanfeng was a peerless figure. He really couldn't guarantee it. Well, during Ding Ning's return, this person can still be honest.

Rather than just in case, it is better to avoid future troubles forever, and it will not be too late to tell about Li Xuanfeng after Ding Ning returns.

"Brother Jiang was thoughtful, but I was negligent." Mo Tianxiong clasped his fist and understood Jiang Gudao's thoughts.

"We have to change our hiding place. Since Li Xuanfeng can find this place, maybe others can too. Let's leave here as soon as possible." Jiang Gudao murmured.



The three major groups of people all raised their heads and stared at the sky, because a terrifying confrontation was taking place above the heads of everyone.

One is Ding Ning, a perverted character from the earth, and the other is Ge Hong, a legendary figure in the fairy world, a senior of Tiandaozong and a great monk in the Nascent Soul Stage!
The two figures had been fighting in the sky for quite a while, and the situation was naturally as expected by the three suzerains. Ding Ning was not Ge Hong's opponent.

As a great monk in the Nascent Soul stage, Ge Hong could not be countered by the Jindan stage. Even though Ding Ning was talented and possessed powerful magic powers, the difference in realms was a gap, and even with other assistance, it was impossible to cross Just cross the chasm.

In front of Ge Hong, Ding Ning's many attacks did not achieve much effect, and Ge Hong raised his hand to suppress them all.

The three suzerains Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen who were watching all had smiles on their faces.

The situation is now tilting towards their fairy world. Even if Ding Ning is brilliant, he can't change the fact that he is bound to fall today.

"This son is too arrogant, and dare to say that the senior is not qualified. This is an insult to the great monk of the Nascent Soul Stage. How can the senior let him go? Now in front of the senior, many moves have been resolved. Let's see how arrogant he is." Xu Xu Sect Master Hua said.

"He thinks that he can ignore the strong men in my fairy world by stepping into the Golden Core Realm. He doesn't know that he doesn't know the horror of the great monks in the Nascent Soul Stage. Today, he will not only learn a lesson, but also lose his life because of it." Sect Master Tianhen continued.

Zhuge Yang didn't say much, Ge Hong is the senior of his Heavenly Dao Sect, and he can also be said to be the strongest in the fairy world. Now that Ge Hong is invited out by him, there will be no problem in getting rid of Ding Ning, even in the future. , Wanzhangzong and Shenjuezong all have to look up to his Tiandaozong. As long as Ge Hong is alive, his Tiandaozong will definitely be the head of the three schools.

Ge Hong knocked Ding Ning into the air several times, and the disciples of Tiandao Sect shouted loudly, they were surprised that their sect had such a strong man who could turn the tide and knock down Ding Ning's arrogance.

Although the disciples of Wanzhang Sect and Shenjue Sect were also happy, Ge Hong was not a strong man in his own sect after all, and now he also had a lot of envy towards Tiandao Sect.

Dazzling light broke out in the sky again, Ge Hong's attack collided head-on with Ding Ning's attack, and then saw Ding Ning flying backwards, sliding a hundred meters before stopping, not as ferocious as it was at the beginning.

"Didn't you say that I'm not qualified? Now that you know how powerful I am, do you feel a little regretful about saying what I said before, but unfortunately I won't give you another chance." Ge Hong stared at Ding Ning and said lightly.

Ding Ning stared at Ge Hong, and had to admit that with his current strength, it was really difficult to defeat Ge Hong across the border. easy.

The realm of a cultivator, with the higher the strength, the higher the realm, the greater the gap, the higher it goes, it seems that the difference is only one realm, but the difference in strength is heaven and earth, there is a world of difference.

What's more, Ge Hong's realm is not the one who has just stepped into the Nascent Soul Stage, but has existed in the Nascent Soul Stage for many years, and has been in it for many years, so he is naturally not a simple person.

It is not easy for Ding Ning to face Ge Hong in the early stage of Golden Core Stage.

If it was another Golden Core stage monk, let alone fighting Ge Hong, he might not have the guts to let them fight.

"You are a very good seedling, but it is a pity that you do not know how to be interesting. I, Ge Hong, have entered the Nascent Soul Stage for 300 years. You actually said that I am not qualified. Your heart is too high, but today I will let you know, If you think too high, the fall will hurt more, and you may even die from the fall." Ge Hong said.

Ge Hong had to admit in his heart that the young man from the earth in front of him really impressed him. With the strength that had just stepped into the golden core stage, he was able to face his attack without dying, and even the injury was only a slight injury. No one in the fairy world can do it, not even the suzerains of the three sects.

Whether it is Ding Ning's combat experience, methods, or various methods, Ge Hong appreciates them very much.

But no matter how much he appreciates him, he has to kill Ding Ning. Such a genius cannot be used for himself. If he doesn't kill him, it will be a catastrophe in the future.

"That's why you're so sure that you can kill me?" Ding Ning was as calm as ever, even though the opponent was a Nascent Soul cultivator, he still didn't change his face.

Ge Hong smiled: "Could it be that you think there will be other results? The gap between you and me is like an ant and an elephant. It is very easy for me to kill you, but it is as difficult as it is for you to kill me. "

After listening to the other party's words, Ding Ning nodded: "With my current strength, it is naturally not easy to kill you, but... this does not mean that I really cannot kill you!"

Ge Hong's expression flickered, he didn't know what Ding Ning was up to.

Only to hear Ding Ning say at this moment: "In order to deal with you, the Nascent Soul cultivator, I specially reserved my strength for you."

Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen, the three suzerains, couldn't help being stunned when they heard this sentence at the first time. Could it be that Ding Ning hasn't used all his strength?

"He must be pretending to be a ghost, and said that on purpose. I guess, he must have retreated now and wants to escape." Sect Master Xuhua was the first to not believe it.

"That's right, he has just stepped into the golden core stage, what strength can he hide." Tianhenzong said.

Zhuge Yang also didn't believe it, wondering whether Ding Ning's words were just a trick to fool people.

But when Ding Ning spit out the three words 'Thunder Jielai', he was stunned.

Suddenly, above Tiandaozong, dark clouds quickly gathered.

Ding Ning himself had a smile on his face.

Ge Hong frowned.

The three suzerains, as well as a few elders and a group of disciples of the three sects all looked dumbfounded.

In other words, didn't Ding Ning just cross the catastrophe and become a golden core monk not long ago?

What does the word "Thunder Tribulation Come" mean? Could it be that he still has to break through, and crossing Yuanying's catastrophe is impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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