The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 486 Exposure of 488! 1 more

Chapter 486 Exposure of 488! 1 more

The disciples of the three sects, including the suzerain, were in a mess for a while, and they really couldn't figure out why the thunder tribulation reappeared.

Even if Ding Ning is against the sky, it is impossible to break the golden core just after stepping into the golden core stage and enter the Nascent Soul!
There is no such continuous breakthrough in the world.

Before Ge Hong appeared, he had heard from Zhuge Yang that Ding Ning used the foundation-building realm to leapfrog against them. Afterwards, Ding Ning crossed the calamity and stepped into the Golden Core. After becoming the Golden Core, he was even more invincible. Get him out.

"This thunder calamity..." Ge Hong's frowning brows suddenly tightened, and a piercing sharpness shot out of his eyes, and then he could see the incredible color emanating from his expression.

He guessed something, that's why Ge Hong showed such an expression.

Ding Ning was suspended in the sky, and the dark clouds gathered above his head again. To everyone, this scene didn't take long, and now it happened again.

The appearance of the Thunder Tribulation Yunduo right now is naturally not the Nascent Soul Tribulation, and Ding Ning is not yet ready to cross the Yuan Ying Tribulation, but this does not mean that he cannot cause the Thunder Tribulation.

Because this time, what he wants to overcome is the golden core of the magic way!
In front of everyone in the fairy world before, Ding Ning crossed the golden elixir of the righteous way, so the methods used by Ding Ning were all righteous ways, but don't forget that Ding Ning is now a double rest of the righteous and the devil.

Just breaking through the realm of the righteous way, how could the realm of the demonic way fall.

And he was not in a hurry to cross the Golden Core and Thunder Tribulation of the Demon Dao before, just to deal with the current situation, because he had expected before that if there was an existence above the Golden Core in the fairy world, how to deal with it, then the two ways of righteousness and magic entered at the same time. Jin Dan, combined with black and white profound arts, his strength will definitely be able to leapfrog battles again.

Rolling thunderclouds accumulated rapidly, and the thick cloud layer made the viewer very depressed, as if it would roll down at any time.

Thunder and lightning flickered in the sky.


A thunderbolt struck, smashing a tree of Tiandaozong into pieces.

"Black lightning!" Zhuge Yang noticed that the color of the lightning just now was completely opposite to that of ordinary thunder and lightning. Normally, the color of lightning is white.

"How is this possible..." Zhuge Yang thought of a certain possibility, and stared at the figure in the sky, feeling more and more incredible.

Zhuge Yang could tell that Sect Master Xuhua and Sect Master Tianhen had also discovered this detail, and their expressions soon revealed expressions of horror.

"This is the Demon Dao Thunder Tribulation, how could he cause the Demon Dao Thunder Tribulation!" Sect Master Xuhua murmured.

"He is a double cultivator of evil and righteousness... How can such a thing exist in time, how can there be people who practice the two methods at the same time, the heavens will not allow this kind of existence." Sect Master Tianhen was stunned.

The disciples of the three sects around couldn't understand the reason for the reappearance of the thunder calamity just now, but now they heard the two suzerains say that it was the thunder calamity of the demon path and the dual cultivation of righteousness and demons. Demon Dao Thunder Tribulation.

He can be the same as the correction demon.

For a moment, many people's faces were filled with horrified expressions, which was unbelievable. In such a situation, let alone never seen or heard of it.

Because in the consciousness of everyone in the fairy world, monks can only correct one of the two ways of magic, either the right way or the way of magic, and the practice of the way of magic is evil and is not tolerated by the world, so the vast majority of people will choose the right way , the method of cultivation is also the method of righteous way.

I have never seen that someone can practice two ways at the same time.

It is not that there are no people who want to do this in history, but those who want to rectify the demons and fellow practitioners will end up in the end of personal death. This makes everyone know that the two methods of fellow practitioners are taboos and are courting death. .

Don't blame the people in the fairy world for being so surprised. If this matter was placed in the cultivation world, it would also cause an uproar. Even in the cultivation world, no one can live well with the two methods.

Therefore, it is understandable that everyone in the fairy world was shocked when they saw this situation.

It is really rare for Ding Ning to be able to rectify two practitioners.

"Demon Dao Thunder Tribulation, so to speak, he has already reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm in the Demon Dao Realm. If he is really allowed to cross this hurdle, and the two methods of righteousness and magic are both in the Golden Core Realm, what will his strength be like?" Someone asked. Said in a daze.

"No wonder he is so fierce. Even the suzerain is no match for him. He broke the taboo with fellow practitioners of righteousness and evil. I'm afraid it's not because of the new changes under the cultivation of the two realms that make him so powerful."

People already know that the reason why Ding Ning is so difficult to deal with must be due to the fellow practitioners of the righteous and demonic paths. Only in this way can it be explained that he can continue to fight higher and higher.

Although people don't know what kind of changes will happen to fellow practitioners, it is absolutely extraordinary.

More and more black lightning began to flash in the sky, accompanied by black flames, sometimes jumping out of thin air, causing the eyelids of those watching to twitch.

At this moment, it was a day that Ding Ning couldn't wait to break through the Golden Core Realm of the Devil Dao. In this way, his strength could be improved to a higher level.

His background was long enough to break through, but Ding Ning has been suppressing it and did not break through as soon as possible. First, he has not met anyone who can allow him to break through and face the enemy. Second, he does not want to waste the thunder. Although Jie is to temper one's body, it is also a great killing weapon, which can be used to kill the enemy at critical moments.

Opening his arms, Ding Ning urged the magic door, black air billowed all over his body for a while, and the characteristics of a monk of the magic way were undoubtedly revealed.

It's really a magic monk!
This scene finally confirmed the speculation in the minds of everyone in the fairy world that Ding Ning was indeed a fellow practitioner of the two ways of righteousness and evil.

Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen's three suzerains looked ugly. They didn't expect Ding Ning to hide this trick. They didn't show it at all before. They completely regarded Ding Ning as a cultivator of Taoism, but they never expected that Ding Ning was a monk of righteous path At the same time, he is also a mage monk.

"Correcting, cultivating demons... how did you do it?" Ge Hong stared at Ding Ning. At this time, Ding Ning crossed the demon path and thunder calamity, which really surprised him. successful people.

Ding Ning is definitely the first, and now both of them are about to enter the golden core stage.


No, it was a miracle!

"No one has ever succeeded before. The fellow cultivators of righteousness and demons are not tolerated by Dao, but this person succeeded. Is it the negligence of Dao?"

"Still, he was favored by the Dao, so he was able to rectify the evil two practitioners."

"No, there must be some kind of secret in him. It must not be simple to be a fellow practitioner of the righteous and the devil."

Ge Hong muttered to himself, he firmly believed that Ding Ning was able to practice the two ways together, and there must be some ulterior secret.

Thinking of this, Ge Hong's eyes became brighter and brighter, like a bright star.

Does that mean that if I understand the secrets of Ding Ning, I can also rectify the demons of fellow practitioners, and even use this to break the Nascent Soul and enter a higher realm?

Ge Hong's gaze towards Ding Ning suddenly became more and more fiery.

He must obtain the secrets from this person, even at all costs!
(End of this chapter)

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