The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 495 497 Take the Body! 2 more

Chapter 495 497 Take the Body! 2 more

Being able to suppress the existence of these spirit beasts whose legs are weak and dare not move half a step, all of their spirit beasts together are no match, let alone facing someone who is more terrifying than this existence, it is not seeking death.

"I recognize him!" A black bear spirit beast stared at Ding Ning who was chasing after Ge Hong.

"It's that person!" Another spirit beast recognized Ding Ning's identity.

However, among the spirit beasts present, there were also some puzzled ones, and most of them were weak.

Many spirit beasts asked who Ding Ning was chasing after Ge Hong, eager to know who such a tyrannical existence was.

"The three great beast kings died at the hands of this man."

A spirit beast gave the answer.

The three beast kings were killed by this person?

The three beast kings in their mouths are the giant elephant, giant lion, and giant eagle.

Hearing this news, for a moment, many spirit beasts who were already shocked looked at Ding Ning and became even more fearful.

The three kings of beasts are the kings of spirit beasts in the continuous land. The strength of the three kings of beasts is extraordinary. The most important thing is that the three kings of beasts are always together and inseparable, so that any spirit beasts that want to replace them want to deal with them. It was extremely difficult, but was obliterated by the three big beast kings. Since then, there have been very few spirit beasts who dared to provoke them, so since the three big beast kings became kings, the position of the beast king has never been easy for the master. Big beast king.

With the appearance of Ding Ning, he killed the three major beast kings with one person, leaving the land without a leader for a while, and without the king of beasts, it can be said that the situation in the land of succession has been changed for many years.

As for the battle between Ding Ning and the three great beast kings, many spirit beasts naturally noticed it, so many of them were deeply impressed by it and knew that they must not provoke this person.

Many spirit beasts were already breathless under the pressure of Ge Hong's breath. At this time, there was Ding Ning behind Ge Hong, so they dared not be presumptuous, let alone actively attack Ding Ning, even if they looked at Ding Ning, they dared not Looking directly, you can only secretly look at it.

When a group of spirit beasts felt the breath of Ge Hong's Yuanying, Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, Tianhen and other three major sects also discovered Ge Hong's breath.

"It's senior."

Zhuge Yang was the first to say in surprise, his eyes glowed with joy at the beginning, thinking that Ge Hong had killed Ding Ning and came to join them.

Xu Hua and Tian Hen also beamed with joy, and said one after another: "Great, it just so happens that the last step of the Great Arrival Formation has been completed, we can welcome seniors and enter the land of continuity together."

"I think the guy from the barren land must have been wiped out by the senior at this time." Tianhen said, but he was concerned about whether Ding Ning was still alive.

Zhuge Yang and Xu Hua both laughed lightly at the same time, Zhuge Yang said: "Senior is a great monk in the Nascent Soul Realm, so there is no doubt about killing a Jindan stage monk."

Of course, even though he said so in his heart, for some reason, the uneasiness that had been lingering in his heart before did not completely dissipate because of the appearance of Ge Hong's breath.

"Brother Zhuge is right. Senior is the most powerful person in the fairy world, the only Nascent Soul cultivator. It is not surprising that he killed a Golden Core cultivator. Even if that guy is special, he is still a Golden Core. Death is inevitable for him." Sect Master Xu Hua echoed.

The three of them were going to welcome Ge Hong's arrival together, and then descended to the earth together, and with Ge Hong here, there was no need to worry about those spirit beasts.

And just when the three of them were in a good mood and turned to meet Ge Hong, they suddenly found that the disciples of the three major sects around them were all standing there dumbfounded, with their eyes fixed on the front, motionless.

What's the matter?
This idea just flashed through the minds of the three of them, and their expressions froze for a second.

How is he not dead?

Ding Ning is still alive!

This shouldn't be!
He should be killed by Ge Hong, how could he and Ge Hong appear in this continuous land at the same time.

Then, the only explanation is that Ge Hong lost to Ding Ning and was hunted down by Ding Ning.

Seeing Ge Hong in the form of a Nascent Soul without a physical body, this explanation was confirmed. They guessed right, Ge Hong really lost to Ding Ning.

A Jindan Realm really defeated the Nascent Soul Great Cultivator by leaps and bounds.

This news was a great shock to the three sect masters, and the disciples of the three sects around them were all stunned because of this.

Ding Ning subverted the truth that Jindan could not fight the Holy Yuanying, and became a miracle worker.

"The reason for my uneasiness is this." Zhuge Yang watched Ge Hong and Ding Ning getting closer and closer, and finally understood the source of the uneasiness.

"No, we must descend to the Barrens now."

Knowing the reason for the uneasiness in his heart, Zhuge Yang reacted immediately, awakening Xu Hua and Tian Hen, who also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Even great monks like Ge Hong in the Nascent Soul Stage were killed by Ding Ning and fled to this continuous place to survive. Wouldn't they be even more miserable, if they don't come to the earth at this time, they will be killed by Ding Ning.

They didn't think that Ding Ning would kindly let them go.

Immediately, the three turned around immediately, opened the magic circle, and forcibly descended.

Ge Hong rushed over in the form of a Nascent Soul, and Ge Hong ignored the body of the spirit beast. He didn't want to become a spirit beast, so his gaze was always on the three sects.

Originally, he thought that Zhuge Yang and the others would all come to welcome him when he revealed the aura of the Nascent Soul. At that time, he could kill a person and take his body.

Unexpectedly, these three people appeared, but they turned around and left in an instant.

"It doesn't matter, just find one, it doesn't matter even if it's at the foundation-building stage." Ge Hong saw that the disciples of the three sects were all in chaos because of his relationship with Ding Ning, and it was not easy to screen for a while. Ding Ning would not give him time to choose the ideal body, he could only choose one for the time being, and then find a way to change to a tyrannical body later.

Thinking of this, Ge Hong rushed towards a young man. When he saw Ge Hong's Nascent Soul running towards him, the young man was stunned. He didn't understand why this senior ran after him.

"Boy, you can't run away. Leave your body as a safe haven, and I won't treat you badly." Ge Hong laughed. At this time, he was more like a magician monk, ready to take the body directly.

The young man didn't expect that Ge Hong's goal was his body, and he wanted to occupy his body, how could this work!
"Senior, I'm not suitable..." The young man looked back.

Ge Hong sneered, Nascent Soul waved his hand, directly causing the young man's body to stagnate, and the next second, his Nascent Soul slipped in along the young man's celestial cap, and in an instant, Ge Hong's voice came from the young man's mouth. Voice: "Whether it fits or not is up to me, not you."


Turning his gaze, Ge Hong looked at the magic circle lit up not far away. He knew that Zhuge Yang and others were going to descend on the earth.

Looking back at Ding Ning, who had been chasing him all this time, he also turned his attention to the magic circle.

He knew that he had to be ahead of Ding Ning, enter the magic circle, and descend, even if his realm was weakened, it was much better than being chased and killed by Ding Ning and killing Nascent Soul!
(End of this chapter)

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