The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 496 498 You Have No Choice! 3 more

Chapter 496 498 You Have No Choice! 3 more

The coming magic circle emits light, making it look like a treasure has been born.

Various characters and symbols floated in the midair, and under the light, they appeared quite mysterious.


This is the gate to the barren land, stepping through it, you can enter the earth.

The three suzerains Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen looked at the magic circle, but they didn't jump into it immediately, because they still had a little concern about each other. Once the realm was cut off because of coming to the earth, it would be extremely difficult It may not be possible to repair it back, and even if it is repaired, it will be difficult to grow again.

The three of them saw their own hesitation, but Xuhua was the first to make up his mind, looked at the two of them and said, "It's better to be alive than to be dead, at least you can still live in the barren land, if you cut off the realm, you'll be cut off." Well, I bet!"

As he said that, Sect Master Xuhua was the first to jump into the magic circle.

"I bet too!" Sect Master Tianhen followed closely behind.

Zhuge Yang saw the two jumping into the magic circle one after another, his last hesitation disappeared, anyway, it was better than staying here and being beheaded by Ding Ning, at least he descended to the earth and had hope of surviving, even if Ding Ning chased him Earth, they can use the humans on Earth to blackmail Ding Ning. With the heart of Ding Ning killing the fairy world for the sake of the humans on Earth, they will definitely kill them easily. hand, Ding Ning will be greatly restricted.

Zhuge Yang took a step and entered the magic circle.


The three figures disappeared, and the disciples of the three sects around them also entered the circle one after another, following in the footsteps of the three sect masters.

At this moment, Ge Hong also rushed over. He snatched the young martial artist's body, and finally had a shelter from the wind. Yuan Ying temporarily lived in the young martial artist's dantian.

Pom Pom!

The disciples of the three sects were all squeezing into the circle. How could Ge Hong allow others to stand in front of him? He grabbed the left and right sides with both hands, and immediately two invisible big hands grabbed all the people in front of him, and these people were about to open their mouths in anger. They just scolded, but when they saw Ge Hong's eyes and felt Ge Hong's terrifying aura, they all quieted down and didn't dare to say a word.

Finally, Ding Ning was one step ahead and stepped into the magic circle. Ge Hong felt relieved and looked back at Ding Ning at the same time.

Ding Ning was not far away from the magic circle, only about a hundred meters away. Ge Hong waved his hand to Ding Ning, as if to say, I'm leaving first, and then stepped into the magic circle.

"Where to go!"

Seeing that Ge Hong was about to disappear in front of his eyes, how could it be possible to leave him so easily.

Ding Ning suddenly stretched out his left hand, forming a big energy hand in the air, which was formed by the fusion of two energies, righteous and demonic, not a single power of righteousness and demonic way, but a new kind of power mixed together.

"You come back to me!"

The big hand penetrated into the magic circle instantly at the speed of lightning, and Ge Hong, who was standing inside the magic circle, was about to disappear just as his feet were on the ground. When he saw Ding Ning condense a monstrous arm, At first he sneered, Ding Ning was doing useless work, he had already entered the magic circle, and Ding Ning couldn't stop him.

However, Ge Hong soon discovered that he was wrong. Ding Ning's condensed arm, like an arm transformed from the brilliance of the Dao, caught his body that was about to disappear in an instant, and forced him out of the magic circle. The inside was pulled out.

When Ge Hong was caught out of the magic circle by Ding Ning and returned to the land of continuity, he was completely stunned.

He was really done by Ding Ning.

"I didn't let you escape, so you can't escape." Ding Ning said coldly.

"You..." Ge Hong was extremely angry, and he was about to make another village, but was blocked by Ding Ning. Ge Hong's mood can be imagined, and his fists were clenched.

"The battle between us is not over yet."

"The fifty-breath time you said before has long passed, you failed to kill me, you are violating your own words, do you know?"

"Did I say fifty breaths? Five hundred breaths, right?"

Ge Hong: "..."

It took a long time before I said viciously that you didn't believe what you said.

Ding Ning said lightly: "I never made a promise, why should I keep my word, and besides, you are my enemy, so there is no need to keep my word!"

Ge Hong knew that saying anything was superfluous, and Ding Ning made it clear that he would not let him leave with the magic circle in the current situation.


Ge Hong cursed from the bottom of his heart, but immediately after, the pain came and he woke up.

Only then did he remember that he was still being held by Ding Ning's condensed big hands. At this moment, the young man's body he occupied was being compressed bit by bit by a powerful force.

This is to destroy his physical body again!

Ge Hong instinctively wanted to resist, to break free from Ding Ning's shackles, and the power of Nascent Soul came out through his body.

But Ding Ning's condensed palms tightly imprisoned him, and his Nascent Soul-level strength failed to be broken immediately, and they became stalemate with each other instead.

Ge Hong didn't feel anything at first, but as the stalemate got longer, he found that his new body began to have cracks, and the longer the confrontation, the more cracks there were, just like cracks on porcelain , although not broken, but covered with traces of cracks.

His new physical body cannot support the use of Yuanying-level energy.

It is true that the realm of this physical body is too low to bear the power of the Nascent Soul.

It was barely enough to use the power of the Nascent Soul for a short period of time, but once he fought with the secondary body for a long time, his shortcomings were immediately exposed. His weak body, under the power of the Nascent Soul, would speed up its perishing, and there was a feeling that the whole body was about to collapse. This frightened Ge Hong hastily withdrew his strength, how could he dare to break free again.

But if he didn't break free, would he let Ding Ning pinch him to death?

Absolutely not.

Ge Hong's heart gradually turned cold, but he was also very calm.

His eyes flickered, and Ge Hong made a decision in an instant: "That's the only way!"

The young body was constantly squeezed, and the sound of bones breaking all over the body came. Just when the body was about to be squeezed into a ball, Ge Hong's Nascent Soul jumped out of the new body on its own initiative.

And the consciousness that belonged to the young physical body was also awakened in an instant, but before he could say a word, his physical body was crushed and exploded, killing him instantly.


Turning his eyes, Ding Ning looked at Ge Hong, who was looking for another body, and was about to seize another body.

The previously condensed arms grabbed again.

As long as Ge Hong occupies a body, he will crush a body.

No mercy!

Ge Hong was furious, but he had no choice but to flee while occupying his physical body. Once he was caught by Ding Ning's big hand, he immediately abandoned it.

This made many of the few remaining disciples of the three sects crushed to death by Ding Ning, scaring all the remaining disciples of the three sects to hide away from Ge Hong.

When Ge Hong jumped out of a physical body again, he suddenly found that there was no one around.

What about people?

Ge Hong scanned around, and he saw that the living disciples of the three sects all ran behind Ding Ning.

It is true that Ding Ning is their enemy, but Ding Ning is too lazy to pay attention to them now, and he has not attacked them. This has allowed some disciples of the three sects to escape unharmed. Right now Ge Hong is constantly occupying the body, and whoever is occupied will die. Dare to let Ge Hong take over, so hiding behind Ding Ning has become the safest place.

Furthermore, they can also take advantage of this to enter the magic circle and leave here.

"You have no choice." Ding Ning looked at Ge Hong Yuanying, who was surrounded by no one, and said condescendingly.

(End of this chapter)

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