The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 497 The doomsday that came early! 499 more

Chapter 497 The doomsday that came early! 499 more

Ge Hong's Nascent Soul cast a vicious look.

If he wants to continue to occupy the physical body, he has to surpass Ding Ning right now, but with his current situation, once he confronts Ding Ning head-on, the loss will be even greater, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

In fact, apart from the human body, which can be occupied, he can also occupy the body of a spirit beast, but in Ge Hong's consciousness, he is very repulsed to live as a spirit beast, which is a kind of torture for him.

Neither of these options, either, is a good one.

But Ding Ning's words are correct, he has no choice!

In the end, Ge Hong decided that he would not choose either of these two, because he wanted to fight Ding Ning with his current posture.

"It's time to send you on your way, you will be the first Nascent Soul cultivator I killed in this life." Ding Ning said lightly, he has no time to delay with Ge Hong, Zhuge Yang and others have already entered the magic circle for dozens of breaths It's time, he must get rid of Ge Hong quickly, and then go after Zhuge Yang and others, lest they come to earth and bring more harm.

Ge Hong felt Ding Ning's killing intent, and he knew that he should go all out next, even if he cherished his feathers, he had to go all out in the next fight.

Ding Ning waved his arms, and the condensed arms swept towards Ge Hong's Nascent Soul with a howl. This time, he stopped hiding and confronted him head-on, even though the Nascent Soul without a physical body was extremely fragile.

Ge Hong's Nascent Soul seal formed a huge ax in the air, and chopped down on Ding Ning's arm.

The attacks of the two collided instantly.

Seeing the two fighting, the three disciples who had not yet entered the formation took advantage of this opportunity to jump into the formation one after another.

"Let's go too!"

A group of spirit beasts saw that the people from the three sects were almost gone, and they also rushed to the side of the magic circle quickly, and they would also descend to the earth.

Boom boom boom!
Don't look at Ge Hong's escape before, it was because he was afraid that the Nascent Soul would be damaged, so that he would not be able to step up to a higher level in the future. If Ge Hong really became cruel and cruel to himself, as he is now, his strength is still very terrifying of.

The arms and axes turned into energy were all turned into fragments and dissipated in the air.

But the attacks of the two did not stop because of this, one move after another.

Ge Hong's Nascent Soul is powerful, and every move is overwhelming. Ding Ning activates two moves at the same time, resisting Ge Hong's attack with the posture of a demon body and a glazed body.

Time passed very slowly, within one breath, the two attacked and collided no less than a hundred or a thousand times.

It can be seen how fierce this fight is.

Such continuous moves drained the strength of the two of them quickly. Ge Hong was fine, after all, he had a high level, but Ding Ning was different. He was a level lower than Ge Hong, and he activated the two methods at the same time. , consumes more.

Ding Ning had no choice but to immediately absorb the aura around him to replenish his strength.

Seeing the aura vortex formed around Ding Ning, Ge Hong knew that Ding Ning could not be allowed to absorb the aura. If it was an ordinary Golden Core cultivator who could absorb the aura in the continuous land, Ge Hong didn't have to worry at all, because it would be difficult for people to absorb the aura. , Reiki is poison.

But when this matter was placed on Ding Ning, Ge Hong did not believe that Ding Ning would seek his own death. Since he made the action of absorbing the spiritual energy, it meant that Ding Ning could absorb the spiritual energy in this continuous land.

"If you want to restore your strength in front of me, you can't succeed." How could Ge Hong allow Ding Ning to absorb the spiritual energy smoothly? Immediately, he also absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy and competed with Ding Ning.

For a moment, above the heads of the two, two large whirlpools formed.

This makes the already thin aura in the continuous land even rarer. You must know that Ge Hong is a real Nascent Soul cultivator. The strong Nascent Soul is absorbing the aura here.

It didn't take long for the two of them to absorb all the spiritual energy in a radius of thousands of miles, resulting in the absence of a trace of spiritual energy in the connected land.

Both Ding Ning and Ge Hong's strength has recovered a bit, although they haven't reached the peak, but they are nearly [-]%.

With no spiritual energy to absorb, the two continued their previous confrontation. Right now, of the two of them, only one can leave alive.

Nascent Soul-level collisions continue to unfold in successive places, destroying this already dark place even more unbearably.

Especially when even the aura was absorbed by the two of them, the place became lifeless, like an abandoned place.

The fairy world had indeed used the land of continuation as a place of exile before, and some monks who practiced magic were killed, and they were approached here, and finally died at the hands of spirit beasts.

Where the two of them passed by, huge pits and deep holes appeared in the ground.

In the sky, there are cracks and gaps that are broken all the time, and this kind of powerful attack has been continuing.

The few spirit beasts who were still staying here saw this scene, how could they dare to stay, they all ran away desperately to avoid the aftermath of the battle between the two, but many spirit beasts were still killed by the aftermath.

Gradually, only Ding Ning and Ge Hong remained on the continuous land.

The two of them didn't know that at this time, a crack appeared at the intersection of the connecting land and the fairy world. This crack expanded rapidly, and through the crack, the scenery of the fairy world could be seen.

The cracks appeared silently, and if someone stood in the connection and looked at the situation in the fairy world, they would find that it was a scene of the end of the world outside.

The sky was swallowed by darkness, as if shrouded in eternal night, the original blue sky disappeared, replaced by icy black.

The earth is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it can be seen that a large area of ​​land is falling, shattering, and falling into darkness.

If Zhuge Yang and the others saw such a scene, they would definitely know that the end of the fairy world had come early.

The fairy world is being destroyed, more than half of it has been destroyed at this time, and it is now spreading to the successive lands.

This also means that, before long, the successive lands will also be destroyed together.

Because of the confrontation between Ding Ning and Ge Hong, the sky was pierced and became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel, leading to the fall of the fairy world ahead of time, and the fairy world finally came to an end.

The confrontation between Ding Ning and Ge Hong came to an end. Ge Hong's Nascent Soul posture was finally defeated by Ding Ning.

"It's over!" Ding Ning said lightly.

Ge Hong knew that he could not escape this catastrophe, seeing that Ding Ning could kill him with another move, suddenly, there was a rumbling sound, followed by the ground trembling, it was more terrifying than a magnitude [-] earthquake flutter.

what happened?
The color of the world suddenly changed, and the next moment, the scene of destroying the world appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

The end of the world is sweeping across successive lands, and it is rapidly destroying here.

Seeing this scene, even Ding Ning couldn't help being startled. He didn't care about killing Ge Hong anymore. He had only one thought at the moment, to go straight to the Advent Formation left by Zhuge Yang and others in the shortest possible time, and leave here. Otherwise, no matter how many fellow practitioners Ding Ning is, he will not be able to withstand the destruction of a world.

Go now!
Ding Ning disappeared in place in an instant. Seeing Ding Ning's sudden departure, Ge Hong turned his mind and went straight to the position of the magic circle.

(End of this chapter)

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