The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 507 511 Everyone is responsible! 1 more

Chapter 507 511 Everyone is responsible! 1 more

Su Zi, Qingshi, Mantis, Iron Fist and others all came.

From the moment they received the order, they were on their way quickly. When they came here, their expressions changed when they saw the scene in front of them. They never thought of coming. A city was turned into ruins and a huge battlefield. , was terribly devastated.

And all of this was attributed to the terrifying spirit beast in front of him.

The scene of more than a dozen spirit beasts appearing together is really surprising, even they have never seen so many spirit beasts dispatched at the same time, and each one is so powerful.

Since the recovery of the earth's aura, although the strength of the spirit beasts on the earth has also improved greatly, there is still a big gap compared with the dozen or so spirit beasts in front of us.

The appearance of Su Zi and others attracted the attention of the whole world, and immediately foreign experts recognized them.

People from all regions of China also focused their attention on them, and they must not be ordinary people who appeared at this time.

"The deputy team leaders are here!"

Those members of the Inhuman Group who retreated to the side showed joy when they saw Su Zi and others. They had just fought with Ling Gun and suffered a lot of losses, and many people died, but now all the deputy team leaders have come. Good news for the remaining Inhumans.

"Let's go, let's fight side by side with the deputy team leaders and defend Huaxia!"

"Fight side by side, defend China!"

The members of the Inhuman Group who had retired before showed up one after another, and all rushed forward.

Although these spirit beasts are very terrifying, as a member of the Inhuman Group, they are not afraid of death. It is an honor to die to defend China.

Beside Su Zi, Tiequan, Qingshi, Shengnan and others, many members of the Inhuman Group appeared, making the battlefield from a few people to hundreds of people in an instant.

Su Zi and the others did not stop them. As members of the Inhuman Group, they had to die in battle, and there was no reason to back down or hide behind. They knew the thoughts of these members who came to fight side by side with them.

Because of this, even if these people are not as powerful as them, Su Zi and others respect them very much.

In order to defend China, abandoning personal life and death, this kind of fearlessness has no distinction between high and low status.

In the sky, the three major sects of the fairy world had a panoramic view of the situation below.

Among them, Sect Master Tianhen said: "There are a few guys with some strength, but it seems a bit too whimsical to kill all the spirit beasts with these people."

"Let them experience the spirit beast riot." Sect Master Xuhua said.

"That's right, Brother Zhuge, how about letting them fully experience the power of our land-connected spirit beasts?"

The three of them looked at each other and commanded more than ten spirit beasts with their spiritual thoughts. Immediately, more than ten spirit beasts raised their heads to the sky and screamed. In an instant, the ear-shattering sound spread instantly, and many members of the Inhuman Group vomited blood. .

Puff puff……

"Do it!" Seeing this, Su Zi and others didn't want to delay any longer, and wanted to get rid of these spirit beasts as soon as possible. Several deputy team leaders spit out two words at the same time, and all rushed towards the spirit beasts.


The members of the Inhuman Group who vomited blood swallowed back the blood in their throats. After Su Zi and others made a move, they also shouted loudly, strengthening their momentum and courage, and all rushed out.

The spirit beast and the members of the Inhuman Group fought again.

However, this time the fighting was not like at the beginning, when the Yiren group was in a one-sided situation. The strength of Su Zi and others was not what it used to be. Under the method, he successfully changed from a martial artist to a comprehensionist.

More than a dozen spirit beasts flapped their limbs, or spit out various energy attacks, while Su Zi and others used their true energy to block them, and the two sides refused to give in to each other.

Seeing this time, the members of the Inhuman Group withstood the attack of the spirit beast, the picture excited everyone, and finally it was no longer a one-sided situation.

Even the most powerful ancient ape spirit beast failed to show its power again, and was restrained by Su Zi and Yak, while Qingshi and Mantis fought against a spirit beast. Although they could not suppress the spirit beast, they could only It's just a little downwind.

This is good news for Huaxia, at least it won't lose so quickly.

Countries all over the world were shocked by the strength of the Inhuman Group. They discovered that after the recovery of the aura, the powerhouses in their own country were surpassed by the Inhuman Group by so much. This can't help but make many people feel very jealous. Some people hope that It is best for all members of the Inhuman Group to be killed by spirit beasts. In that case, Huaxia's sharp knife will no longer be sharp.


A spirit beast fell down.

It turned out that Katsunan, Mantis, and Mu Mu jointly killed a spirit beast. Although this spirit beast was the weakest among the dozen or so spirit beasts, it must be said that killing one was absolutely exciting and made everyone feel excited. People were shocked.

This is like, in the extremely dark space, there is a ray of light, which makes people see hope.

People from all over China clapped their hands and applauded for this scene. In the highest-standard office, Feiying couldn't help but excitedly patted the table and shouted hello.

Finally, one of the spirit beasts was lost. This is the best news since the fight.

"As expected of my Chinese sharp knife, it really won't disappoint, Feiying, the subordinates you have trained are all very good." The old man praised Feiying.

Huaxia, now needs to change the decadent trend and inspire people's hearts, so as to arouse fighting spirit.

The members of the Alien Group, with one mind, besieged more than a dozen spirit beasts. Everyone hoped that they could kill the second spirit beast again.

Just when this battle was in full swing, many figures came rushing from a distance.

swoosh swish...

Moreover, there were not many of these figures, and they were constantly gathering from all directions, rushing towards this battlefield.

Soon, the approach of these figures attracted the attention of the members of the Inhuman Group, and they were also noticed by people from all over China.

what's the situation?
Is there any accident going to happen?
Just after these figures came to the center of the battlefield, some members of the Inhuman Group were full of vigilance and did not know the purpose of the opponent.

But when these people took the initiative to kill the dozen or so spirit beasts, the faces of all the members of the Inhuman Group turned from vigilance to smiles, and they turned out to be helpers.

Feiying and the elders present were also taken aback.

They recognized that these people who joined the battlefield later were Chinese martial artists.

Many of these martial arts practitioners are masters that the Yiren Group could not invite, but they really did not expect that they would appear at this time and actively help the Yiren Group to target the powerful spirit beasts.

"it is good."

A smile appeared on the old man's face. This is the best news. The whole of China is united, what an invincible enemy.

Similarly, this scene also made people in various regions of China applaud.

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. If China is over, then there will be no place for martial arts practitioners in this land. A large number of martial arts practitioners will not fail to understand this truth, so they all choose to stand up and fight with The aliens fight against the enemy together.

Suddenly, the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Huaxia.

(End of this chapter)

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