The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 508 512 So Scary! 2 more

Chapter 508 512 So Scary! 2 more

The alien group plus many martial arts practitioners from China, so many strong men, besieged more than ten spirit beasts together, and the spirit beasts began to lose.

One after another, the spirit beasts were killed by everyone.

Moreover, the speed at which spirit beasts are killed is getting faster and faster, because every time a spirit beast dies, the idle martial practitioners will continue to kill other spirit beasts, causing every living spirit beast to face There will only be more and more martial artists.

In the end, only the strongest ancient ape spirit beast remained.

I have to say that the ancient ape spirit beast is indeed difficult to deal with. First of all, it is very flexible and extremely powerful. In addition, it has rough skin and thick flesh, and its frighteningly strong body makes Su Zi and other deputy leaders of the alien group Even though they teamed up, they couldn't kill him in a short period of time, and it was only after several martial practitioners from the innate realm joined in that they killed him.

So far, more than ten spirit beasts have all died.

The Yiren team won, Huaxia won!

People all over China are excited about this event, the terrifying spirit beast is finally dead.

Countries around the world are also shocking the number and strength of the Chinese powerhouses. The current number of Chinese powerhouses has already left behind the number of masters in any country.

The spirit beasts were all wiped out, and there were not many expressions on the faces of Su Zi, Tiequan, Shengnan and others, because they knew that killing all the spirit beasts was just the beginning, and the real difficulty was yet to come. shot it.

In the sky, the face of the Sanwei Sovereign was not very good. More than a dozen spirit beasts were killed by many Huaxia's joint efforts, which was really unexpected.

Although these spirit beasts were killed right under their noses, none of the three of them took action to save them, because they didn't care about the lives of the spirit beasts at all. They were just tools for killing people, and they died when they died. up.

It's just that the death of the spirit beast has broken some of their face, which is why the three suzerains looked ugly.

They want to give the impression to humans on Earth that they are invincible and unbreakable. Even if they do it themselves, they have to make humans feel invincible.

"Looks like it's time for us to do it ourselves." Sect Master Xu Hua said.

"Brother Zhuge, brother Xuhua, or me?" Sect Master Tianhen looked at the two of them.

The spirit beast was besieged and killed, so they naturally couldn't send their disciples down. One or two down, they might not be the opponents of the Alien Group. , no worse than their disciples.

Therefore, in order to show their strength, the shot must be a master, and a strong person who can sweep everyone away with a single shot.

Then, this task can only fall on the three suzerains, because only the three of them have the highest realm, standing above the foundation establishment realm, and are the strongest among the golden elixir.

"Let me do it!"

Zhuge Yang said slowly, "My Nascent Soul Realm expert of Tiandaozong died because of that guy. I can't take revenge on that guy, but I can pay it back with the lives of the people in his country."

Hearing this, the two suzerain masters Xuhua and Tianhen thought it was very good, and said one after another: "Then let's sit and watch Brother Zhuge show off his might, and let them, these ants, know how powerful we are."

Zhuge Yang slowly descended from the sky, the disciples of the three surrounding sects all looked sideways, many of them sneered.

"Sect Master Zhuge made a move, these people will suffer."

"Sect Master Zhuge will show his supernatural power, and he will definitely trample all these people under his feet."

"The suzerain is invincible, avenge Hua Tianjing, avenge the dead predecessors."

Many disciples of Tiandaozong are shouting for Zhuge Yang.

The moment they saw Zhuge Yang slowly descending from the air, Su Zi, Iron Fist, Sheng Nan, and the masters of the martial arts world on the ground all had eyes twinkling and their hearts jumped.

Although Zhuge Yang didn't show a trace of aura or strength, everyone felt that the air had begun to become quiet, and a feeling of oppression pervaded their hearts, making people feel stuffy.

Those who are kind don't come, and those who come are not kind, you can think with your toes, Zhuge Yang must be difficult to deal with, otherwise, how could the other party come down with only one person.

No one dares to be careless and can't help but be ready.

"Quickly analyze this person's strength." Feiying was issuing orders to the base of the Yiren Group, asking the base to immediately investigate Zhuge Yang's strength.

When Zhuge Yang came down, Feiying felt an extremely dangerous feeling. Although it was their Huaxia victory at the moment, this victory was only based on the fact that those people from the fairy world did not take action in person.

Now, people are ready to do something, and Huaxia must make all preparations.

The Yiren Group base activated the technology detector, and projected Zhuge Yang's influence on the monitor for power detection and analysis.

It's a pity that Zhuge Yang's strength cannot be displayed on the machine at all.

"Sir, we must prepare for the worst." Feiying suggested to the old man.

The old man nodded, and immediately ordered to go down, ready to carry out military strikes at all times, and cooperate with the alien team to kill the opponent.

With both feet on the ground, Zhuge Yang faced the Yiren group and many strong men in the Chinese martial arts world alone. The corpses of the spirit beasts lay on the side. At this time, everyone's attention was on the other party, and no one cared about the surroundings. Case.

"Let's shoot together." Zhuge Yang said to the alien group and a large number of martial arts practitioners in front of him, his eyes were full of contempt and indifference.


Su Zi and the others didn't dare to trust Zhuge Yang. They didn't know Zhuge Yang's strength, but they could feel the dangerous aura on Zhuge Yang's body. They shot one by one. Naturally we go together.

In an instant, the deputy leaders of the alien group present all rushed towards Zhuge Yang, and many martial arts masters also attacked at the same time.

Facing the attacks of many people, in an instant, all kinds of attacks surged in front of Zhuge Yang, and the overwhelming energy was like a flood. This can be said to be the combined blow of the strongest combat power in China. A strong man in the world of martial arts, many attacks, instantly merged into one place, this kind of attack is too terrifying.

Zhuge Yang was very calm, seeing that he was about to be overwhelmed by the attacks all over the sky, his eyes flashed suddenly, and a shocking aura suddenly rose from the ground.

Around Zhuge Yang formed a soaring aura.

The golden core breath blooms!

Su Zi and others' hearts beat faster, but the power has already been sent out, and it is all in one go, and it is impossible to withdraw halfway.

"A group of ants under the golden core, no matter how many attacks, it will not help!"

Faint words came out from Zhuge Yang's mouth, and immediately after, Zhuge Yang saw Zhuge Yang with a hand behind his back, only one hand outstretched, and opened it forward, a beam of light suddenly shot out from the palm of his hand, and then swept across from left to right. In a circle, I saw all the people who rushed up, all flew out in an instant like a kite with a broken string.

bang bang bang...

A large number of figures fell from the sky and hit the ground.

With one hand and one blow, everyone was instantly knocked into the air.

For all those who saw this scene, there was only one word that came to mind, terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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