The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 517 521 Dongshi imitates! 1 more

Chapter 517 521 Dongshi imitates! 1 more

As an innate realm martial artist, although he didn't have Ding Ning's terrifying premonition of unknown foresight, he could still feel it when danger struck.

At this time, Dong Xiezhi suddenly felt trembling all over his body, and immediately looked around, trying to find the source of this danger.

in the sky.

The people of the three sects have been watching this Dong Xiezhi who voluntarily surrendered. He did not expect Zhuge Yang to really give him this opportunity. However, it has to be said that Dong Xiezhi is really a material for doing bad things. Thinking of Dong Xiezhi's methods are so shameless.

Even so, they feel fine.

As long as the goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter if the process is shameless. Besides, it doesn't matter if the means are shameless to deal with these earth humans.

Just when the members of the three sects wanted to see if Dong Xiezhi would really humiliate Su Zi like that in front of the whole of China and the whole world, suddenly, Sect Master Xuhua and Sect Master Tianhen looked into the distance at the same time.

They also felt a sense of danger coming.

Zhuge Yang, who was standing not far away, had a flash of surprise in his expression, he naturally noticed it at the first time, his eyes were piercing, and he shot to a very far place, trying to see through the source of that danger.

In his field of vision, something flying at a very high speed appeared, "Is this a technological weapon?"

Seeing this forbidden weapon approaching at a very fast speed, Zhuge Yang was amazed that this dead thing like iron skin could make his heart tremble.


Dong Xiezhi originally just felt that the danger of life and death was enveloping him, but when he scanned around, he found that no attack was launched against him, what's going on?
Suddenly, Dong Xiezhi suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.

He got it!

"Huaxia actually used a forbidden weapon so early!"

It can bring such a sense of danger to a martial artist in the innate realm, and it is not caused by other martial artists, so there is only one explanation, and it must be technological weapons.

And the only technological weapon that could threaten a martial artist of his level was a taboo weapon.

Huaxia began to use forbidden weapons, which shows that Huaxia is also at the end of its rope, but the more it is at this time, the less careless it is, because Dong Xiezhi knows that forbidden weapons are also graded. If the forbidden weapons carry a lot of explosive substances , the power is even greater. I don't know how much Huaxia will use for this first forbidden weapon attack.

"I don't believe that you, Huaxia, are really on your own territory. You would rather kill me with the heart of perishing together." Dong Xiezhi guessed that although this first-strike forbidden weapon is dangerous, it should not be the scariest kind.

He still has a way to survive. After all, once the most explosive materials are used, not only China's enemies will be killed, but they themselves will also be killed.

When it explodes, the power does not distinguish between you and me, and everyone is treated equally.

Huaxia should not use such a terrible taboo weapon on its own territory.

Thinking of this, Dong Xiezhi didn't feel so afraid, as long as he was on the land of Huaxia, Huaxia couldn't be so crazy.

"Come on, I want to see how powerful this forbidden weapon is." Dong Xiezhi had the intention to shake the forbidden weapon, and immediately activated the power of his predecessor to strengthen the skin on the surface of his body and increase his defense.

All the countries in the world knew the moment Huaxia launched the forbidden weapon. They were surprised that Huaxia had reached the point of launching the forbidden weapon. It seemed that Huaxia was going to put all its eggs in one basket.

However, all countries in the world also understand that if they put themselves in their shoes, if the three main targets were their countries, they might have already finished the game.

Only a big country like China, with the capital, can compete until this time.

It's just that the opponent is too strong, and they are not at the same level at all. This is not to blame for Huaxia's weakness. If it is any country in the world, it may not be as good as Huaxia.

The strong man from the fairy world forced Huaxia to come to this point. All countries in the world know that Huaxia has no other means, and only this forbidden weapon is the last hope.

However, can forbidden weapons really help Huaxia turn the tide?
Everyone is very curious.


A storm, from far to near, suddenly appeared in front of him from thousands of miles away in an instant, and flew towards him at a terrifying speed.

Dong Xiezhi didn't stay still, he stepped down, and his whole body turned into a shooting star, and he took the initiative to meet the forbidden weapon.

He is also in the Xiantian realm now. From Dong Xiezhi's point of view, his strength should be about the same as Ding Ning's. Back then, when Ding Ning set foot on his Dongpu, he had once fought against forbidden weapons. Today, he also wants to try Try it, just to test the gap between yourself and Ding Ning.

come on!

Dong Xiezhi greeted the forbidden weapon, and in the midst of everyone's attention, he had an intimate meeting with the forbidden weapon.

A particularly dazzling light and deafening sound erupted in the eyes of the world. Such terrifying power instantly spread around the explosion point as the center.

All I could see were the surrounding ruins, which were all turned into powder under the wave of light and sound, a deep pit, spreading around at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Let's go!" Qingshi grabbed Su Zi as quickly as possible, and led Su Zi away from the battlefield. The other members of the Inhuman Group can also help each other, stay away from the battlefield, and avoid being affected by the power of forbidden weapons .

The only person standing on the ground without moving at all was Zhuge Yang, and everyone else dared not remain indifferent.


When the light gradually lost its luster, a figure was swept out, it was Dong Xiezhi who was full of fighting spirit just now, but Dong Xiezhi's appearance at this time was really a bit embarrassed.

The clothes on his body were all tattered, and in many places, the clothes did not cover his body.


Dong Xiezhi hit the ground, and it took him a long time to stand up again. In his eyes, there was some unwillingness, because he found that compared with Ding Ning's strength, there seemed to be some gap between himself and Ding Ning.

Facing forbidden weapons with his strength, he was not as relaxed as Ding Ning was at that time.

Ding Ning didn't make him so embarrassed.


Dong Xiezhi spat out the dregs in his mouth, and murmured: "If there were more explosive substances in this forbidden weapon, I would have no bones left at this moment."

It is inevitable that I feel a little scared in my heart. Some of my high-tech people are daring. It is really too risky to test my own strength with forbidden weapons.

Fortunately, this time it was his fate, otherwise he would really have to confess directly.

Dong Xiezhi was in fear, but this kind of reflection didn't last long, his expression changed again, and his eyes looked into the distance again.

"Come again!"

This time, Dong Xiezhi frowned, and Huaxia fired a forbidden weapon again.

Moreover, this time the taboo weapon gave him a sense of danger, far exceeding the power of the taboo weapon just now.

(End of this chapter)

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