The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 518 522 Super God! 2 more

Chapter 518 522 Super God! 2 more

Can't shake it again!
Dong Xiezhi didn't dare to take it seriously. He is a human being, not a god. He couldn't do it. He was unscathed in the face of many forbidden weapon attacks. Besides, the forbidden weapon this time was obviously more powerful than the one just now. Much bigger.

Is Hua Xia crazy?On one's own territory, one would rather injure oneself one thousand, but also injure the enemy eight hundred. Such a powerful taboo weapon can cause devastating blows to many nearby cities.

Dong Xiezhi changed his stubborn mind and prepared to avoid the blow of the forbidden weapon this time.


Dong Xiezhi's body moved extremely fast, but as he moved, the forbidden weapon also turned in the same direction.


Dong Xiezhi's expression froze, this forbidden weapon could actually track his rapid movement.

You know, his current speed is already very fast, and he will not leave a shadow in the air. Even so, the flying taboo weapons can still come according to his position.

If this continues, doesn't it mean that he can't escape at all.

Dong Xiezhi was a little anxious in his heart. All the Dongying warriors who came with Dongxiezhi showed worried eyes. At this moment, many big figures in Dongying were also paying attention to this place. Seeing the situation at this time, they were also pinching for Dongxiezhi. sweating.

If Dong Xiezhi died in Huaxia, Dongpu would have no strong man, and that would be a huge blow.

In the air, Dong Xiezhi kept changing his figure, and he changed his direction every time, but the sense of locked-in crisis still couldn't dissipate, like a pair of eyes, staring at him firmly.

Seeing that the second forbidden weapon was getting closer and closer, Dong Xiezhi really began to worry in his heart. If he couldn't hide, he would have to face the forbidden weapon again. It would be great if he could do it like before, at most Embarrassed, but this time it is very likely to die because of it.

As a last resort, he really didn't want to face this second forbidden weapon.

"It can't be avoided." Among the crowd, the old man looked like he was holding a wisdom pearl. As one of the five old men in Huaxia, he possessed the highest power.

The appearance of the three sects in the fairy world threatened the safety of Huaxi, to the point where he had to use forbidden weapons.

This is the first time that China has shown its power to the world. The first forbidden weapon can only be regarded as an appetizer, and the second forbidden weapon is the most terrifying. It contains the highest technology in China, so it will bring Dong Xiezhi couldn't escape the feeling, because hundreds of millions of radar detection devices were installed on forbidden weapons. It can be said that with the eyes of the sky and the earth, how could Dong Xiezhi avoid it.

The precise strike is not far off, unless Dong Xiezhi leaves the earth, otherwise, he has nowhere to hide.

"I, Huaxia, have kept a low profile for so many years, and have always adhered to the principle that no one offends me, and I will not offend others. Now, it is time to let the world know that my Huaxia is no longer the country that everyone can bully, and my Huaxia has already risen. "

"The future era belongs to China, and the world in the future also belongs to China."

The old man's rhetoric shocked everyone around him. Yes, think about how many people have been given a stereotyped impression that Huaxia has been working hard for development over the years.

But today, the lion Huaxia woke up, at this most critical moment.

"The samurai from Dongying came here to intervene. This time, you will never return." Feiying was also happy for this moment.

Dong Xiezhi just wanted to humiliate Su Zi, and Feiying had seen it for a long time and gritted his teeth. At this time, the second forbidden weapon was about to bloom on Dong Xiezhi, and Dong Xiezhi would definitely die.

This is just the second forbidden weapon attack. After Dong Xiezhi is killed, the third forbidden weapon attack will fall on Zhuge Yang, and then all the other three sects will be killed one by one.

Since you have used a forbidden weapon, let's use it to the end, and don't think about anything else.

Otherwise, Huaxia will really be trampled underfoot.

Dong Xiezhi stopped hiding, because he knew he couldn't dodge. Huaxia's forbidden weapon was even more terrifying than Dongying's. He really wanted to know if Ding Ning could avoid this second forbidden weapon. I'm afraid there is no other way.


Dong Xiezhi could only resist, he had no choice.

Gritting his teeth, Dong Xiezhi was not sure, the only thing he could do was to survive this second forbidden weapon attack.

The taboo weapon is breathing, making it unreal, because its speed is so fast, people can only feel a gust of wind blowing from afar.

The members of the Yiren Group had already retreated far away, and there was no one around Dong Xiezhi. Even the Dongying warriors who came with him did not have the courage to stay aside.

That is a taboo weapon, anyone who dares to approach it may die on the spot.

The forbidden weapon was magnified in Dong Xiezhi's eyes, and then bloomed into a beautiful flower.

It's dazzling, it's bright, it's so beautiful it's unreal.

It's also really palpitating to the point of stopping the heartbeat.

Seeing this beautiful flower, Dong Xiezhi thought, it's over!

He can't stop this powerful forbidden weapon!
Even if he is innate.

Dong Xiezhi was in despair, watching the flower swallow him up and turn him into nourishment for flowers.

There comes destruction.

There are no bones left.

The last thought flashed through Dong Xiezhi's heart.

No pain, no trace of discomfort.

what happened?
Don't you even feel death?

Dong Xiezhi found that he seemed to have lost all his senses, because he did not feel the pain of destruction that swept his physical body after the forbidden weapon exploded.

It's as if nothing happened.

Maybe it was an illusion, he was already dead, so he couldn't feel the pain.

If you think so.

Now that he is dead and still conscious, where did he come from? Is it the legendary hell?
Dong Xiezhi opened his eyes, and he saw a figure in front of his eyes, huh?Why is the surrounding environment somewhat familiar?

"This is not hell!" Dong Xiezhi saw that this was the battlefield.

So now I...

He was still alive, Dong Xiezhi touched himself, there was no wound on his body, what's the matter?
Suddenly, Dong Xiezhi looked at the figure in front of him, and he knew it.

It was this man who saved him.

Zhuge Yang left his back to Dong Xiezhi. Dong Xiezhi was stunned when he saw it, and then he was pleasantly surprised. He knew that he was saved by Zhuge Yang.

"grown ups……"

At this time, Zhuge Yang was carrying his back with one hand, but stretched out one hand. In front of his palm, there was a golden circle of light waves, forming a barrier, separating all the explosive power of taboo weapons, forming a layer strong protection.

This scene made the world lose its voice.

Everyone, all speechless.

One-handed anti-forbidden weapon!
(End of this chapter)

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