The strongest warrior in the city

第519章 524长袍人!4更 5字大章2合1

Chapter 519 524 Robe Man! 4 More [-]-character chapters in one
Ding Ning is dead?

This news was like a bolt from the blue to the Inhuman Group and many people who were familiar with Ding Ning.

Li Wei and Zhou Quan, who were in Shangjing, were the first to express their disbelief when they heard Zhuge Yang's words.

"The Great God won't die, he's lying!" Li Wei said firmly.

"That's right, the Great God has never defeated anyone, and no one can kill him!" Zhou Quan said immediately.

Among the many families in the upper capital, shocks were also caused by Zhuge Yang's explosive news.

Ding Ning is no longer an unknown person. His life and death have a great impact.

Therefore, many people who are familiar with Ding Ning are unwilling to believe it.

Even Feiying, the top leader of the alien group, didn't believe the news, thinking that Zhuge Yang was nothing.

However, if what Zhuge Yang said was false, why hasn't Ding Ning appeared until now.

At this time, someone remembered that Ding Ning said that he wanted to kill all the people in the fairy world, and then Ding Ning disappeared. Now that the people from the fairy world have come to the earth, Ding Ning has disappeared. What does this mean?
Was Ding Ning killed by these people in front of him?
Otherwise, why would Zhuge Yang be so sure, is it necessary for him to lie to the whole world?

Just when many people thought that what Zhuge Yang said might be true, a voice suddenly entered everyone's ears, and many people who were familiar with Ding Ning couldn't help but show extraordinary splendor in their expressions.

Such a familiar voice.

If this is not Ding Ning, who is it?

He is not dead at all!
Zhuge Yang was stunned. In the sky, the people from the three major sects, including Xuhua Sect Master and Tianhen Sect Master, were all stunned. Their eyes were full of inconceivable expressions.

How could Ding Ning still be alive? Wasn't he destroyed along with the Fairy World and the Connected Lands?
How could he return to earth again.

People raised their heads and looked at the sky above their heads. There, there was a colorful ship emerging from the clouds. The whole body of the ship was covered with colorful rays of light, just like a divine ship.

But the most eye-catching thing is the figure standing on the bow.

A gray and white gown, like a scholar from ancient times, with a handsome, not handsome face, but with a special temperament.

"It's the leader!"

"The team leader is here, and I, Huaxia, are saved."

The members of the Inhuman Group couldn't restrain their excitement. Su Zi, Yak, Tiequan, Yanzi and others were all overwhelmed by this. You must know that their mood just now was already desperate. The forbidden weapon failed, and the Inhuman Group The strong ones are all seriously injured, no one can stop Zhuge Yang, and Zhuge Yang also said that Ding Ning is dead, the situation in China is extremely bad.

Who would have thought that Zhuge Yang would be slapped in the face as soon as he finished speaking, and Ding Ning miraculously appeared.

"Haha, I just said that the Great God will not die. In this world, there is no one who can kill the Great God." Li Wei smiled, and Zhou Quan couldn't help but jumped up, shouting that Ding Ning is mighty.

In the northeast, in a large bright house with two floors.

Ding Shengyuan, Yang Xueyi, Ding Qinghe, and Ding Ning's family were all staying in the room. On the TV, there was a scene that was happening. Although Ding Ning's face was not clear in the picture, the family was very familiar with Ding Ning's voice. Yes, I know this is Ding Ning.

Before, because Zhuge Yang and others asked about Ding Ning's family, relatives, and friends, the family was still worried. Later, when they saw Zhuge Yang and Dong Xiezhi questioning people from the Yiren Group, they killed some more. Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi both I can't wait to show up and stand up, I don't want to hurt others because of their relationship.

Fortunately, they were stopped by Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong, otherwise they must have taken the initiative to run to Zhuge Yang.

Just now, Zhuge Yang announced the news of Ding Ning's death, which was a greater blow to Ding Ning's family. The room was quiet, but now Ding Ning's appearance seemed to be frozen, and the peaceful atmosphere was immediately overjoyed. break through.

It's good for Ding Ning to live, it's good to be alive.

Of course, this kind of happiness didn't last long. As Ding Ning's parents, Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi began to worry about Ding Ning's safety. Zhuge Yang could easily block even forbidden weapons. Their son Ding Ning could be his opponent ?
Thinking of this, the whole family's face was full of worries about Ding Ning.

At this moment, because of Ding Ning's appearance, everyone who was familiar with Ding Ning showed smiling faces, such as Qian Wolong, Jiang Menshen, Tong Wantong, Tang Qing from Jiangling; Ding Ning's classmates are all happy for Ding Ning's appearance.

Because they knew that Ding Ning, a guy full of miracles and legends, would definitely turn the tide and resolve all crises in China.

People all over the world were dumbfounded. When they heard that Ding Ning had died a second ago, many countries secretly rejoiced. They felt that without the strong Ding Ning, China would be even worse. The thought had just been happy for a long time, and Ding Ning suddenly appeared.

The big boat descended slowly from the sky, sailing towards the disciples of the three sects.

Seeing this scene, Sect Master Xuhua and Sect Master Tianhen couldn't help but their hearts skipped a beat. They continued to stay in the sky, and immediately brought the three major disciples to the ground to join Zhuge Yang .

Ding Ning's unexpected appearance was beyond their expectation, and the situation in front of them would also change because of Ding Ning's appearance.

Those who descended from the fairy world would have a hard time gaining a firm foothold on the earth.

The members of the three sects all knew that Ding Ning was a tough nut to crack. They fought with Ding Ning a lot before, and in the end, they even moved out the strong ones in the Nascent Soul Realm, and the result was that.

Ding Ning appeared in front of everyone alive and gave them a big shock.

"It's running pretty fast." The big boat landed on the spot where the three major sects were just now, and missed, but Ding Ning didn't show any anger on his face, and ordered: "Let's land on the ground."

Behind Ding Ning, there was a man wearing a long robe. His entire body was buried in the robe, and his face could not be seen clearly. Hearing this, he pulled the oars with both hands, and the big boat immediately turned around and slowly fell to the ground.

Sect Master Xuhua and Sect Master Tianhen came behind Zhuge Yang, and the disciples of the three major sects stood behind, each exuding an aura that should not be underestimated.

Since the appearance of Ding Ning, the people of the three major sects have unconsciously changed their mentality. Before, they played in the world, with a high attitude, as if they were watching a play, looking down on China and all the human beings on the earth, but now they Then they all became people in the play, no longer the audience, let alone the protagonist, but a supporting role who may be passed at any time, and must look at the earth.

Because of that young man, who was from Earth, and they couldn't ignore him in his presence.

The big ship slowly landed on the ground, and the colorful lights on it gradually faded away, making the hull look ordinary.

The people of the three sects can tell at a glance that this boat must be a magic weapon that can carry people through the void. None of the three sects have such a treasure.

People on Earth were even more curious about this, and were surprised by Ding Ning's methods.

Ding Ning stood on the boat and did not get off. He watched the people of the three sects with calm eyes. For Ding Ning's gaze, the ordinary children of the three sects did not dare to look at him, so the three masters of Zhuge Yang dared to meet Ding Ning's eyes. escape.

For the three sects, they have no retreat now. The fairy world has entered destruction ahead of time, causing the successive lands to disappear together. They finally landed on the earth. They can't be Ding Ning, a powerful enemy, who is still alive, so they retreat After leaving, they had nowhere to go, only to bite the bullet and fight Ding Ning.

"How did you escape?" Zhuge Yang couldn't imagine how Ding Ning escaped alive when the fairy world entered the Great Destruction.

That kind of destruction, even if the Nascent Soul Realm is in it, there is nothing to do, and everything will inevitably be destroyed.

"How you left is how I left, and I should thank you." Ding Ning said lightly.

"But even so, the destruction of the world will shatter along with the magic circle. You can't find this place so quickly." This is what Zhuge Yang is most puzzled about. It's understandable to use the magic circle to leave, but the magic circle It will definitely be shattered. Once the magic circle is broken, it is naturally impossible to continue to send Ding Ning. In the vast universe, how can Ding Ning find the earth so accurately.

Ding Ning smiled lightly, didn't say anything, and explained to his opponent that he really didn't have this habit, it's better for the opponent to die in peace.

How could he confide in others that he was a reborn big boss in the cultivation world? This is Ding Ning's biggest secret, and he only needs to know it himself.

The cosmic coordinates of the earth are nothing to him at all, because he memorized it in his last life, so there is no situation where he can't find it, at most it just takes some time.

However, due to the accidental acquisition of the magic weapon ship, the time was greatly shortened immediately, so Ding Ning returned to the earth so quickly, otherwise, it is really uncertain.

All of this can only be said to be a coincidence, or it can also be said to be destined in the dark. If I hadn't met that skinny old man, it would really take a lot of time to rush to the earth, and it would never be as fast as it is now. back to Earth.

Shuttle magic vessel, helped a lot.

As for the skinny old man, Ding Ning was naturally fulfilled, and his soul power became Ding Ning's supply, which was absorbed by Ding Ning's reverse devouring and refining with the method of magic.

As a result, the skinny old man didn't get a glimpse of Ding Ning's secret, but his own soul memory entered Ding Ning's mind instead.

Ding Ning completely ignored Zhuge Yang's words, he glanced around, there were ruins everywhere, the city had long since lost its appearance, and there were many eyes in the distance, watching here, he saw a few familiar Faces, such as yaks, such as Katsuo, such as Qingshi, such as Iron Fist and others.

The members of the Inhuman Group also looked at Ding Ning, and they all smiled. There was no bitterness in the smiles, it was a smile from the heart.

Although Ding Ning has not been the leader of the Inhuman Group for a long time, he has already won the respect of all the members of the Inhuman Group, and everyone admires Ding Ning as the leader.

Ding Ning has long been regarded as the backbone, and now, the return of Ding Ning, the backbone, naturally makes all the members of the Inhuman Group very happy.

"I will take back all your injuries for you. You don't need to help them. All you have to do is watch those who hurt you die one by one."

Ding Ning's words reached the ears of every member of the Inhuman Group. No one would question Ding Ning's words. They knew that since Ding Ning said so, he would be able to do it.

"Take care of your injuries and leave the rest to me."

After finishing the two sentences, Ding Ning withdrew his gaze and landed on the three major sects again.

Ding Ning knew that the situation of the people in the Inhuman Group and the changes in the city in front of him was all due to his relationship. Although it couldn't say all of them, it definitely accounted for most of the factors.

People in the fairy world would specifically target China because of Ding Ning, which led to many things happening.

Cities were destroyed and innocent people died.

In order to counter the masters of the fairy world, Huaxia did not hesitate to use many technological countermeasures, and some traces of wreckage can still be seen on the ground.

These accounts, if they had to settle, they could all be settled on Ding Ning's head.

To be honest, Ding Ning does not think that he is a selfless person who can shed his blood for a country, but because of his relationship, other people will be implicated and innocent people will be hurt. This is something Ding Ning cannot bear.

People in the fairy world are unscrupulous on the earth, and they must pay the price for it. He would rather let the people in the fairy world know that if they do something, they will bear certain consequences.

Now it's time for him, Ding Ning, to settle this account on behalf of China.

call out.

A murderous intent flashed across Ding Ning's eyes.

"Yak, who do you most want me to kill?" Ding Ning asked without turning his head. His voice echoed in the air so that everyone could hear it clearly.

"He!" Yak pointed in the direction where Dong Xiezhi was, and said, "The person I most want to kill is him. He just wanted to humiliate Su Zi in front of the whole world."

Ding Ning frowned immediately, and his eyes suddenly focused on Dong Xiezhi.

Ding Ning had never seen Dong Xiezhi before, and he didn't have any impression of him. What he didn't expect was that this Dong Ying man had already reached the innate realm at a young age. No wonder he saw some Dong Ying warriors, and he had feelings for Dong Ying. The new strong man ran out again, feeling uneasy.

"It seems that my education in Dongying is not deep enough."

Yak described Dong Xiezhi's surrender to Zhuge Yang and his arrogant behavior just now in the simplest language, which made Ding Ning's brows sink a little again.

he is very angry.

I thought that the last time, Dongying had been beaten enough, but it turned out that not long after he disappeared, a strong man appeared in Dongying, and he couldn't help jumping out immediately, and ran to Huaxia's territory to act wildly. A lot of power to deal with Huaxia.

Such a country really needs repairs, no, there should be no need for it to exist anymore,

Ding Ning couldn't bear it, and wanted to completely erase the country of Japan from the earth.

Make it disappear forever.

Only in this way can future troubles be avoided forever.

"How do you want to die?"

Ding Ning said lightly to Dong Xiezhi, as if giving an ultimatum.

Dong Xiezhi's expression was a little unnatural. He had imagined countless times the scene when he actually faced Ding Ning, for example, what should he do when facing Ding Ning, what kind of posture he should use, what expression and eyes he would show, etc. , but when he really saw Ding Ning, he realized that everything he had thought before was useless.

Because he couldn't be that natural in front of Ding Ning, on the contrary, he was more nervous than ever.

Even if Ding Ning didn't release any terrible breath.

It stands to reason that with his strength as an innate martial artist, he doesn't need to be so afraid of Ding Ning. Anyway, this kind of strength is considered top-notch on Earth.

But only when you really face Ding Ning and feel Ding Ning's gaze, you will understand the difference between fantasy and reality.

Dong Xiezhi found that he couldn't see through Ding Ning at all. Although the age difference between the two seemed not too big, Ding Ning gave him a feeling that the mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, and he couldn't see the whole picture of the mountain. However, Ding Ning saw through it as well.

This feeling is very bad, and Dong Xiezhi himself understands it, but there is nothing he can do about it.

"The gap between me and him has not narrowed, on the contrary, is it getting bigger?" Dong Xiezhi thought to himself, only the difference in strength can cause this kind of situation. Dong Xiezhi couldn't imagine that Ding Ning would go on again It has become stronger, so strong that he can't know it.

Facing Ding Ning's question, Dong Xiezhi didn't answer, after all, no one wanted to die.

He wanted to ask Zhuge Yang for help, he felt that only a master like Zhuge Yang could resist Ding Ning.

But when Dong Xiezhi looked at Zhuge Yang, he saw that Zhuge Yang's face was very ugly, not a bit like before, which showed that even a strong man like Zhuge Yang couldn't underestimate the appearance of Ding Ning.

Dong Xiezhi had a premonition that something was wrong, and immediately used his power to strike Ding Ning with one blow. At the same time, he immediately backed away and called to the Japanese warrior he had brought to leave here with him.

Ding Ning looked at Dong Xiezhi's attack, but he didn't move, and he didn't say anything about chasing him. Instead, he turned around and said in the direction of the boat: "Catch him, other people, you can kill him, but this person , I must live, you hear me?"

"I obey." The robed man on the boat flashed suddenly, and his figure disappeared on the boat. The next second, people heard screams in the distance.

There were not a few screams, and then there was dead silence. The three major sects didn't stop them, let alone make a move to save Dong Xiezhi.

Not long after, the figure of the robed man reappeared.

All the people who saw the man in the robe showed surprised eyes, and there was a person in the hand of the man in the robe, which was Dong Xiezhi who possessed the Innate Realm.

At this time, only one pair of eyes of Dong Xiezhi could move, and any other parts seemed to be sealed, without any ability to resist.

"My lord, I brought him back." The robed man threw Dong Xiezhi to the ground. Under the gaze of everyone, Ding's robed man saluted Ding Ning with great respect.

(End of this chapter)

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