The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 521 Identity 526! 2 more

Chapter 521 Identity 526! 2 more

The man in robes stood opposite the three sects, Ding Ning still did not choose to do it himself, but let the man in robes deal with the three sects.

Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen didn't see through the strength of the man in robes either. It was because this man shot too fast and didn't leak a trace of breath.

They also don't know where Ding Ning found this expert.

You know, when Ding Ning appeared in the fairy world before, he was alone, without this robed man beside him.

Could it be the people on earth?

If this is the case, this person should have appeared long ago, instead of appearing with Ding Ning.

The identity and strength of the robed man has become a mystery in the hearts of the three sects. Now Ding Ning does not do it himself, but let this man deal with them. Whether it is Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, Tianhen, he dare not underestimate them.

Ding Ning had fought against them, so he knew their strength. After all, the three suzerains alone were at the Golden Core Realm. Now that Ding Ning chose to let the robed man take action, he either had confidence in the robed man, or deliberately let the robed man die.

Do you want to die as the majority, or do you have confidence in the people in robes?
See you soon.

"Kill him first, and then join forces to kill that guy." Zhuge Yang said to Xu Hua and Tianhen, the two suzerains. It is only right that the earth has a firm foothold.

The earth is no better than the fairy world, and here is not the sect of the three sects. There is no formation for them to use. In order to avoid the death of the children of the three sects, the three sect masters took the lead and jointly deal with the robed man.

The three golden elixirs took the initiative to attack, like three meteorites, falling from the sky, and in an instant, a cloud of smoke and dust was directly set off.

Wherever the three of them passed by, everything they passed by was turned into ashes.

"So fast!"

At this scene, the powerful people from all over the world were amazed. Even the deputy leaders of the Yiren Group had to admit that the speed of these three people had reached an astonishing level.

Moreover, the three of them shot at the same time, showing a similar aura. It is known that there are two strong men like Zhuge Yang. Before, Zhuge Yang alone was enough to sweep the Yiren group. Now there are three as strong as Zhuge Yang. A person who can deal with one person at the same time, can this person really do it?

Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong were also watching this scene. Ever since the robed man dealt with Dong Xiezhi under Ding Ning's order, the two had paid attention to the robed man. Seeing the robed man's respectful attitude towards Ding Ning, they had He vaguely guessed that this might be Ding Ning's new servant, just like the two of them.

Mo Tianxiong also said that even if Ding Ning took in a new servant, there is no need to worry about the status of the two of them. After all, the two of them followed Ding Ning the first time, and Jiang Gudao was promoted to the Golden Core Realm.

Ding Ning's new servant is definitely not as good as the two of them.

"Three golden pills!"

Jiang Gudao told the strength of the three suzerains Zhuge Yang, Tianhen, and Xuhua, and Mo Tianxiong was surprised when he heard it.

"Mr. Ding asked this person to deal with the three golden elixir together? Didn't Mr. Ding have a grudge against him?"

Jiang Gudao felt that this possibility was unlikely, he frowned and whispered: "Could it be that this person is a master?"

Hearing this, Mo Tianxiong laughed: "No matter how tall it is, how high can it be? It's the Golden Core Realm. It's hard to be a Nascent Soul. If that's the case, Mr. Ding is no match for him."

Jiang Gudao nodded, thinking that he was right, but seeing the man in robes facing the three golden cores without making any moves, he felt that there was something wrong.

Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen, the suzerains of the Golden Core Realm, formed a three-person siege situation with their respective ultimate moves, and were about to kill the robed man with one blow.

Facing the cold murderous intent, the man in the robe moved at the moment when the three of them were approaching. Suddenly, two hands came out from under the robe that covered his whole body, and he grabbed it left and right, ignoring Xuhua and Tianhen's Attack, just like that, with the physical body, through the energy of the palm, grabbing the necks of the two.

At this time, Zhuge Yang's attack also arrived, and the robed man suddenly kicked, Zhuge Yang was startled, but he kept moving, colliding with the robed man's foot.


Zhuge Yang flew out.

Xuhua and Tianhen, who were grabbed by the neck by the man in the robe, were still in the hands of the man in the robe. After Zhuge Yang was kicked away with one kick, the man in the robe closed his hands, and immediately, Xuhua and Tianhen were hit hard to one place.

Immediately, both of them sat down on the ground in a messy state.

The fight ended almost instantly.

Three Gold Core Realm, one fly, two sit on the ground, the result is amazingly fast.

The scene in front of them stunned many people, even countries around the world were shocked.

Everyone was shocked by the strength of the robed man.

I've seen Zhuge Yang's horror before. It can be said that he exists like a god-man, but now there are three strong men like Zhuge Yang who attack a person together, but they are knocked back. How strong is this person? .

Is it more terrifying than God?

If this is the case, then to what extent does this robed man, who is more terrifying than a god, respect Ding Ning?


"What kind of strength is he? None of the three Golden Core realms are his opponents. How is this possible?" Mo Tianxiong asked. He found that he had seriously underestimated the strength of the man in robes. How could this guy be weak? He was simply too strong. , if they are facing each other, even if he and Jiang Gudao team up, they are far from their opponents. Didn't you see that the three golden cores like Zhuge Yang were easily knocked away by the opponent.

Jiang Gudao frowned. He could vaguely feel that the man in the robe was not simple, but until now, he didn't know that the man in the robe was so extraordinary.

Even Jiang Gudao is not his single-handed enemy.

Where did Mr. Ding receive such a powerful servant?

If this person is willing to become Ding Ning's servant, then what will be the strength of their Mr. Ding?
For a moment, Jiang Gudao's original sense of superiority in breaking through the Golden Core Realm disappeared suddenly. He originally wanted to come back to Ding Ning and show off, but in this situation, he is still showing off. He didn't see Ding Ning's new collection Servant, dealing with Jindan Realm and dealing with three at the same time is like playing.

"who are you?"

Zhuge Yang became frightened from the ground, staring fixedly at the robed man. He was no stranger to the power this man used just now, and he had even seen that breath before.

This person is not from Earth at all.

It's just that he doesn't want to believe it now, and he's not sure if it's as he guessed.

"Brother Zhuge..."

"This guy is the one who wants our lives, who else could it be?" Xu Hua and Tian Hen didn't know how Zhuge Yang asked each other's identity.

Does it matter who he is?It doesn't matter at all.

However, when Zhuge Yang spoke again, the two of them were instantly puzzled.

Zhuge Yang ignored the doubts of the two, still staring at the robed man, and said loudly: "You are Senior Ge Hongge, right?"

Xuhua, Tianhen, and many disciples of the three major sects all froze on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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