The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 522 527 He is Ge Hong! 3 more

Chapter 522 527 He is Ge Hong! 3 more

The man in the robe is Ge Hong?

Zhuge Yang's words stirred up thousands of waves, especially for the three major sects, because no one could connect the two together.

Xuhua and Tianhen's two suzerains looked incredible, followed by doubts, what's going on?
If the robed man is Ge Hong, then why did Ge Hong listen to Ding Ning and help Ding Ning deal with them?

Ge Hong is a member of Tiandaozong, and even Zhuge Yang's senior, why would he betray?
It doesn't make sense.

In fact, the people of the three sects somewhat ignored Ge Hong's existence. When Ding Ning suddenly appeared, everyone's attention was on Ding Ning, even if there was a person standing behind Ding Ning, they were automatically ignored.

But after the fight just now, as well as Zhuge Yang's observation and guessing, he discovered that this robed man was Ge Hong.

In fact, Zhuge Yang's guess was indeed correct, the robed man was really Ge Hong.

Ge Hong didn't speak, he has now separated from his former self, he is no longer the former him, he is now only Ding Ning's servant.

As Ding Ning's servant, he only needs to obey Ding Ning's orders.

"Brother Zhuge, did you make a mistake?"

Sect Master Xuhua still felt a little unbelievable, but Zhuge Yang looked affirmative. Seeing that Ge Hong didn't answer, he said: "You are Senior Ge Hong, why did you turn against us, he is our enemy."

Ge Hong hid his head in the hat, and could only vaguely understand the mouth and chin just below the nose.

He replied in a hoarse voice, "You misread the wrong person, I am not the person you said."

After finishing speaking, Ge Hong took the initiative to strike, and immediately came to Zhuge Yang's side, and punched Zhuge Yang's body.


Zhuge Yang was knocked into the air, spurting blood wildly from his mouth. At this moment, the dantian in his body was shaking.

As a Nascent Soul Realm Ge Hong, even if he didn't attack with all his strength, Zhuge Yang, who was at the Golden Core Realm, couldn't resist. Under this blow, Zhuge Yang's injuries naturally became more serious.

The disciples of Tiandaozong cried out in worry, but Zhuge Yang himself did not show any pain on his face. On the contrary, he exuded a look of success, because one of his hands was holding onto a piece of paper that had been torn from Ge Hong's body. a piece of black fabric.

Since Ge Hong refused to admit it, Zhuge Yang tore off the disguise from the robed man.

Without the black cloth covering the face, the face of the man in the robe was completely exposed to the air for everyone to see.

he is?

When they saw a strange face appearing, the people of the three sects were all stunned for a moment. This is not Ge Hong, he is obviously an old guy who is more than ten years older than Ge Hong. He is skinny and almost mummified. OK?
"how is this possible!"

Zhuge Yang's expression was full of surprise, this face was indeed not Ge Hong's.


Suddenly, Zhuge Yang remembered that when Ge Hong entered the Continuing Land before, he was in the Nascent Soul state, and his physical body was gone. So, this physical body, of course, does not know the original physical body, which is different from Ge Hong's appearance. Of course.

"Is this your new body?" Zhuge Yang asked.

People from the three sects, Xuhua and Tianhen, suddenly realized when they heard this sentence, yes, monks in the Nascent Soul Realm can forcibly occupy other people's bodies.

The image of Ge Hong appearing in Nascent Soul Realm emerged in the minds of many disciples of the three major sects. At that time, Ge Hong was planning to forcibly occupy a physical body.

"How long are you going to dawdle!"

At this moment, Ding Ning's voice sounded and spread among Ge Hong and the three sects.

Ge Hong knew that Ding Ning was reminding him that he couldn't hold back, otherwise, Ding Ning could kill him with just one thought.

"For some things, it's far better to get to the bottom of it than not to know. Then, even when you die, it won't be so painful." Ge Hong said slowly.

The hearts of the three suzerains Zhuge Yang, Xu Hua, and Tianhen were shocked. From this sentence, they heard that Ge Hong was going to kill him. Of course, this also confirmed Zhuge Yang's previous guess from the side. .

Ge Hong had to follow Ding Ning's words, and he did!
The killing intent roared out from Ge Hong's body, covering all the three major sects in an instant, and the aura of the Nascent Soul Realm undisguisedly bloomed.

an hour ago!

in the universe.

The skinny old man's soul was completely absorbed by Ding Ning, and Ding Ning's soul grew a lot at once. If the soul jumped out of the body, one would find that Ding Ning's soul was like a burning fire, very vigorous, not that kind of small flame, but a real fire , although it is not as magnificent as the sea of ​​fire, it is definitely an eye-catching soul flame.

Opening his eyes, Ding Ning saw Ge Hong occupying Kui Lang's body, really obedient and protecting him.

Ge Hong was also really scared. Ding Ning absorbed the skinny old man. He didn't know how Ding Ning's strength would change, but he knew that in his current state, he was definitely not Ding Ning's opponent.

Especially in this universe, once Kuilang's physical body is hit, his Nascent Soul will have no body to occupy. At that time, Ding Ning does not need to do anything, as long as the cosmic storm comes, he will disappear.

Ding Ning woke up, Ge Hong didn't ask for anything else, he just hoped that Ding Ning wouldn't kill him, that's the best situation.

Ding Ning saw that Ge Hong was so obedient, and Ge Hong was also responsible for the skinny old man's death, so he really didn't do anything to Ge Hong.

But Ding Ning was unwilling to let Ge Hong go. Anyway, Ge Hong is also a Nascent Soul cultivator. Once he is let go, who knows if there will be hidden dangers. , then stay by your side, it's not bad to be a thug for him.

Hearing that Ding Ning would not kill him, Ge Hong was overjoyed and was about to leave, but Ding Ning stopped him.


"Either accept my soul contract, or die, you choose!" Ding Ning said his conditions again.

If you want to die or live, do you even need to think about it?
After a while, Ge Hong became Ding Ning's servant, a super servant of Nascent Soul Realm.

Now that Ge Hong has become his own, Ding Ning has no reason to be stingy, and asked Ge Hong to change his body. Since the body of the skinny old man is in front of him, he can use it, so Ge ​​Hong has become a new skinny old man.

However, this time, Ge Hong lived inside the skinny old man, a servant who obeyed Ding Ning's orders.

The two tidied up, jumped on the wooden boat, and started their journey back to Earth.

But as soon as he returned to the earth, he ran into Zhuge Yang who resolved the taboo weapon crisis and said that Ding Ning was dead.

This led to everything that happened next.

Right now, Ge Hong obeyed Ding Ning's order and started killing the three sects.

The three suzerains were the first to bear the brunt. They were all seriously injured at the first moment when Ge Hong made a killing intent. Immediately afterwards, Xu Hua and Tianhen were the first to die and were beheaded on the spot.

Zhuge Yang wanted to escape, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to the people of the three major sects to arrest the Chinese humans, so as to survive, the children of the three major sects immediately dispersed, and did as Zhuge Yang said.

How could Ge Hong allow such a thing to happen? Ding Ning has already issued an order. If he fails to do well, he will bear Ding Ning's anger.

Therefore, Ge Hong must go all out to kill every one of the three major sects.

In this way, people from the fairy world who successfully descended to the earth died one after another, and the killings were overwhelming.

(End of this chapter)

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