The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 543 548 The death of the steward! 2 more

Chapter 543 548 The death of the steward! 2 more

Ding Ning is not a good-tempered person, not in his last life, nor in this life.

Li Guanshi brought many golden core monks to kill him, how could he let Li Guanshi go, right now, if these people want to stop him, Ding Ning will naturally not stop.

Seeing Ding Ning attacking, the hearts of those who stood in front of Li Guanshi jumped. Ding Ning's previous power still lingered in their hearts, even though they thought that Ding Ning had spent a lot of effort just now to kill ten Jindan monks. , it shouldn't be that scary anymore, but when he faced Ding Ning, he still couldn't help being a little scared.

"Let's go together, don't be afraid of him." One of them shouted, reminding everyone, yes, as long as we work together, we may not lose to Ding Ning.

If they mention Guanshi Li and clean up Ding Ning, then they will get a great favor from Guanshi Li, and they may become members of the Canglan Sect in the future.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, even if Ding Ning is terrible, there are still some people who are willing to take the risk.

After Ding Ning made a move, several strong players with the local strength of Tianwu star also started to make a move.

Both Zhang qingyang and Zhang Susu recognized these people. They were originally from the Tianwu star. How could they not understand the masters of the Tianwu star.

Now that these people are helping Guanshi Li to deal with Ding Ning, they are targeting his Zhang family. Naturally, Zhang qingyang's father and daughter will not look good.

"Do you want to take the opportunity to add insult to injury? Damn it!" Zhang qingyang said through gritted teeth.

"These people are really despicable. They have nothing to do with them, but they want to get involved." Xiao Chan also complained.

"It's a pity that my strength is too low. I can't even resist one of them. I can't help Mr. Ding." Zhang Susu felt guilty. Ding Ning wanted to help her, but she couldn't help him at all.

At this time, Ding Ning had already fought against several masters.

Ding Ning took the initiative to attack, so the attack would naturally not be weak. These people were preparing to join forces at first, but when their attack collided with Ding Ning's attack, everyone's expressions changed.

You can tell if you are skilled or not.

Ding Ning faced them and counted them alone, and instead of falling down immediately, he knocked them all out with his own strength.

Several masters were shocked, Ding Ning was the most terrifying Golden Core Realm cultivator they had ever seen.

"Everyone, don't give up." The Golden Core cultivator who had been inciting others to attack from the very beginning spoke again. Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, all the people who had been blown away rushed forward again after stabilizing their bodies.

Ding Ning's eyes instantly fell on this person.

Are you the only one who talks too much?

There was a sneer on Ding Ning's face, and the heart beat faster. This was not the feeling of heartbeat when he saw a beautiful woman, but the involuntary feeling of being stared at by danger, which was very unsteady.


When Ding Ning came, the man moved his feet and ran towards the other people. He didn't want to face Ding Ning alone.

"help me!"

The man shouted, hoping that someone not far away could help him and stop Ding Ning's footsteps.

"No one can save you!"

Seeing that the other party was not slow, Ding Ning's eyes flickered, and he opened his mouth suddenly, and a ray of light shot out from his mouth.

call out!
A flash of lightning flashed.

Immediately afterwards, a scream was heard, and then the Jindan cultivator who was about to approach the other people fell from the sky, with blood dripping from the center of his brow, his eyes widened, and he was dying.

The talkative Golden Core Realm cultivator died.

The few closest monks all showed horror, and they looked at Ding Ning who was not far away.

They saw with their own eyes just now that the person in front of them was killed by Ding Ning, that was a ray of light.

In a flash, it disappeared.

Ding Ning was looking at them with a smile. This smile sent chills down the spine of several people. At the same time, he was constantly vigilant about his surroundings, for fear that he would also be killed by that ray of light.

"Aren't you trying to stop me? Go on."

Ding Ning's voice rang in the ears of several people. Now they regretted intervening. They knew that Ding Ning was terrible, but they still wanted to take action. Isn't this courting death?

"We won't stop you. We were bewitched by this person just now, so how about we just leave? Let's not disturb each other." One person said tentatively, hoping to withdraw from the fight that had nothing to do with them.

"Regret?" Ding Ning snorted, if he wanted to attack him, he would attack Ding Ning, and if he wanted to quit, he would quit. Is it true that Ding Ning can be bullied?

A look of coldness appeared on Ding Ning's face, and Ding Ning said slowly: "I want to quit now, I want to regret it, but's too late."

"You..." Several people's expressions changed.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Ning's cold words were heard, and the terrifying murderous intent suddenly descended.

"Go to hell, all of you."


The lightning reappeared and flashed across the air, even the Golden Core Realm couldn't avoid it, all of them were pierced through the eyebrows, strangling the soul directly.

Bang bang bang.

Several masters of the Golden Core Realm were killed instantly.

After killing the enemy, the True Essence Sword returned to Ding Ning's side, suspended in mid-air, emitting a dazzling light, making it hard to see that it was a sword.

The power of the True Essence Sword, which is cultivated with the power of Ding Ning's two realms of righteousness and magic, is naturally not what it used to be. Killing Jindan realm is as easy as cutting vegetables.

Ding Ning once again killed several Jindan realms with the force of thunder, and once again shocked the people present.

This creates an illusion, as if the Jindan realm seems to be very weak, and it doesn't look strong at all.

In fact, it is not the case, but because it is too strong and the methods are too fierce, the other Jindan realms seem to be weak in comparison. If it is another person, they will know the real situation.

The masters present knew the reason, especially those who didn't make a move. They were very glad that they didn't make a move just now, otherwise, one more corpse lying on the ground would be their own.

Li Guanshi was dumbfounded again, he didn't expect these people to be so useless, even Ding Ning couldn't stop him for a moment, and was killed almost instantly.

He didn't even have the time to escape.

Suddenly, a huge force came over him, causing Li Guanshi's expression to change. He saw Ding Ning stretching out his arms towards him, spreading his five fingers, as if he was trying to grab him.

But his feet kept walking towards Ding Ning uncontrollably.

He wanted to stop, but found it was impossible.


In an instant, Guanshi Li's neck was grabbed by Ding Ning.

"You can't kill me. The Canglan Sect is behind me. If you kill me, the Canglan Sect will definitely avenge me." Zong, I hope Ding Ning can be deterred.

"Do you think the Canglan Sect can save your life?" Ding Ning smiled lightly.

"This star field is dominated by the Canglan Sect. If you kill me, it will not do you any good." Li Guanshi hoped that Ding Ning could recognize the facts.

This star field is the world of Canglan Sect, if he is killed, Ding Ning will not be able to leave alive.

However, he still underestimated Ding Ning, and only heard Ding Ning say: "I don't like others to threaten me the most, even if it is the Canglan Sect, I can kill its people."

As he said that, Ding Ning didn't give Li Guanshi a chance to say the next sentence, and directly cut his neck.

Manager Li is dead!
All the people present widened their eyes because of this.

Ding Ning really killed Guanshi Li.

At this moment, even Zhang qingyang and Zhang Susu's pupils also doubled in size, because they knew that once Guanshi Li died, the nature of this matter would change.

What they will bear is the anger of Canglan Sect.

The death of a steward has never happened in the thousands of years that the Canglan Sect has ruled this star field.

Faintly, people seemed to see a big storm that was about to sweep Tianwu Star.

(End of this chapter)

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